Basic Items

Master Roshi's Sunglasses- these are the exact sunglasses that the famed Master Roshi wears, they are fairly cheap but for good reason. These, when worn will prevent the effects of Solar Flare for a few uses, after which they break from the intense light produced during a Solar Flare.
Uses: 5 Solar Flares
Effects: prevents all Effects of Solar Flare
Price: $2,000

Senzu Bean- these are rare beans that when eaten will fully heal you in an instant. All your power and abilities shall return to you, meaning you will regain all power level and stats (kis, evades, etc.). Cannot be eaten in battle.
Uses: 1
Effects: heals the users abilities, power level, and stats
Price: $4,000

Net Grenade- this is a small bomb like device that when thrown will explode in mid air and send a net flying in the direction it was thrown. They are not very strong nets but they do confuse the opponent by tangling him up, however the net only lasts for 2 turns. You may only throw as many as you have hands.
Uses: 1
Effects: traps the opponent (only one opponent) for 2 rounds while trapped the opponent can not evade or parry or zanzoken any attack but may still block. This device can not be evaded.
Price: $10,000

Regeneration Pill- a new device made by a race on a distant planet. This pill has the ability to regenerate any lost limbs of the user by reading their DNA, however this does not grow back a saiyan's tail, the scientists have yet to discover why.
Uses: 1
Effects: grows back all lost limbs except a saiyan tail
Price: $6,000

Scouter- this is a small device the fits to the ear of the user and has a lens that goes across their eye. On the lens is a screen like that of a computer. With the push of a button the user can detect energy sources and how much there is. The Scouter also has a microchip that allows it to communicate with other scouters in the universe.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: has the abilities of Sense Power Level and Telepathy with people who have scouters. Can also detect Planetary Dragonball signatures.
Price: $15,000

Advanced Scouter- this is a small device the fits to the ear of the user and has a lens that goes across their eye. On the lens is a screen like that of a computer. With the push of a button the user can detect energy sources and how much there is. The Scouter also has a microchip that allows it to communicate with other scouters in the universe.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: has the abilities of Sense Power Level and Telepathy with people who have scouters. Can also detect any Dragonball signatures.
Price: $25,000

Shock Grenade- this small bomb like device will explode when it touch something after it is thrown. When the device explodes it sends tiny needles that puncture the opponent and then electrocutes him. You may only throw as many as you have hands.
Uses: 1
Effects: deals the opponent 10,000 of electric damage
Price: $2,000

Dragon Radar- this is a small pocket watch type device but the face of it is a grid screen. This screen can be zoomed by turning the dial at the top of the device. When used this device will locate the energy signature of the nearest dragonball, however it only works for finding a set of dragonballs on one planet.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: can detect the locations of dragonballs that are only on one planet
Price: $8,000

Black Star Radar- this is a device used to find the black star dragonballs; this is the only mechanical device that can track the black star dragonballs. This device is a small arm band with a computer screen on it much like the Dragon Radar. This device cannot detect dragonballs on one planet.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: can detect the locations of dragonballs that are spread throughout the universe.
Price: $15,000

Brute Rays- this is a device made by Capsule Corps. That when used on a saiyan will grow his tail back. This is the only device known to be able to regenerate a saiyan tail and once back the saiyan again will have the ability to turn into the oozaru state.
Uses: 1
Effects: grows back one saiyan's tail
Price: $10,000

Portunga Earrings- this is the strongest form of fusion and will result in the combination of the two fighter in everyway, but with a 300,000 increase in power level and a 50,000 increase in all attacks.
Uses: lasts 1 week then earrings break
Effects: fuses two fighters
Price: $50,000 (price is tripled if not bought from King Kai, the discount rule does not apply)

Henchman Application- this is an application for henchman preferences they you fill out to get a henchman unique to your choices, after the application is baught, the Henchman Agency will find a henchman with your choices within 3 days. Henchmen start with half the power level of a normal character and can only train for one thing per week.
Effects: buys one henchman with your preferences
Price: $30,000 (the discount rule does not apply)

Saibaman Seed- this is a small green seed that when used will produces a small green alien slave. Once this slaves are destoryed they can not be wished back to life. Saibamen start with 50,000 power level and hlaf the stats of a normal character. They receive 3 no star attacks. Though Saibamen can not be wished back they cost nothing and can be healed, however it take a saibaman twice as long to learn and train and they may only train for 1 thing per week.
Effects: fuses two fighters
Price: $10,000 (the discount rule does not apply)


Changeling Armor- this is the armor made and produced by changelings though other races can wear it. When worn this armor reduces the damage of all types of attacks except for mental. This armor is sort of bulky and will reduce the users chances of evade.
Uses: until a total of 150,000 damage is dealt to the armor
Effects: absorbs 20,000 from all attacks, -2 to evades
Price: $9,000

Saiyan Armor- this armor is what the Second class and lower saiyans wear in battle. Is has a white chest plate for its protection. This armor reduces the damage of all attacks except for mental when worn.
Uses: until a total of 90,000 damage is dealt to the armor
Effects: absorbs 10,000 from all attacks
Price: $6,000

Saiyan Elite Armor- this armor is for the higher-class saiyans and is quite strong. Is protects with a white chest plate and shoulder pads and can also include upper leg plating. This armor reduces the damage of all attacks except for mental.
Uses: until 90,000 damage is dealt in one blast to the armor (the blast must target the armor, blocking still hits the armor)
Effects: absorbs 20,000 of all attacks
Price: $20,000

Terra Suit- these are full body white suits that when worn put the user in a frozen environment. This armor actually can absorb heat and even produces cold oxygen for the wearer. This suit can be kind of bulky and will reduce the users chances of evade.
Uses: until a total of 125,000 damage is dealt to the armor
Effects: absorbs 10,000 from all attacks, completely absorbs fire attacks, heals the user if a cold attack is used by one 10,000 of the damage, -1 to evades
Price: $18,000

Pikkon Armor- this is a rare armor only made by the race of the famed fighting Pikkon. It is a full chest plate with a tall helmet and a white cape. This armor is different from Pikkon's weighted clothing in that it is virtually weightless. When worn the armor reduces damage from all attacks but mental, however it is not very durable.
Uses: until 75,000 damage is dealt in one blast to the armor (the blast must target the armor, blocking still hits the armor)
Effects: absorbs 35,000 from all attacks
Price: $25,000

King Kai Reflective Clothing- this is as light as clothing but very durable. This is extremely rare and quite expensive if bought from a common shop. This armor will actually absorb damage and send some of it back at the opponent. It can be any color, fabric, or style.
Uses: until 160,000 damage is dealt in one blast to the armor (the blast must target the armor, blocking still hits the armor)
Effects: absorb 15,000 and deals 10,000 back to the opponent
Price: $60,000 (price is tripled if not bought from King Kai, the discount rule does not apply)

Training Accessories

Piccolo Weighted Clothing- this is the weighted training clothing commonly seen on Piccolo. It is about 1,000 pounds and has a chest plate with shoulder pads and a helmet. This will raise attributes when using it while training.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: adds an extra 5,000 to power level when worn weather the user is training for power level or not
Price: $15,000

Pikkon Weighted Clothing- much heavier then the Piccolo weighted clothing and gives more of a boost in power level while worn. This looks exactly like the Pikkon Armor but weights about 6,000 pounds or 3 tons.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: adds an extra 15,000 to power level when worn weather the user is training for power level or not
Price: $40,000

Wrist Weights- these are small bands of a very heavy metal that you strap on to your wrist. If you train with these on your power level will increase weather you train for power level or not. These bands are 500 pounds each and each one raises your power level by 2,500. You may only wear one of these on each arm.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: raises the users power level by 2,500 per week when worn
Price: $8,000

Ankle Weights- these are small bands of a very heavy metal that you strap on to your ankle. If you train with these on your power level will increase weather you train for power level or not. These bands are 500 pounds each and each one raises your power level by 2,500. You may only wear one of these on each leg.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: raises the users power level by 2,500 per week when worn
Price: $8,000

Weighted Boots- these are completely metal boots that go to your knees. They are extremely heavy and are hard to lift for even the strongest of warriors. When worn these boots will increase your power level and the amount of damage you deal by physical attacks. You may only wear one of these on each foot.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: raises the users power level by 1,500 per week worn and physical damage by 2,500 when training for physical plus the normal
Price: $12,000

Weighted Gauntlet- these are completely metal gloves that go to your elbows. They are extremely heavy and are hard to lift for even the strongest of warriors. When worn these gauntlets will increase your power level and the amount of damage you deal by physical attacks. You may only wear one of these on each hand.
Uses: until destroyed
Effects: raises the users power level by 1,500 per week worn and physical damage by 2,500 when training for physical
Price: $12,000

Ships and Travel Accessories

Saiyan Space Pod- this is a small round ship that can only hold one person, it's very fast and not much to do in it but sleep. It does have auto controls and is rather durable, well it has to be since it has no landing gear.
Uses: until a total of 200,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 4 days less then the normal
Price: $5,000

Capsule Corps. Space Pod- this is a nice comfortable space pod with some space to move around. This ship will get you anywhere you want to go and you can train while you travel, however I wouldn't recommend firing a ki blast inside it.
Uses: until a total of 150,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 2 days less then the normal
Price: $7,000

Capsule Corps. Space Pod with Gravitron-this allowed the traveler to lay back in comfort or train as long as they are in it. It has a small gravitron that can increase the ship's gravity up to 100x Earth's gravity. A ki blast could damage the hull of the ship if used inside.
Uses: until a total of 150,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 2 days less then the normal
Price: $15,000

Capsule Corps. Space Pod with Ki Absorbers- this is another comfortable invention from the people at Capsule Corps. With a new added feature. You can train in this space pod, even for ki blast and raising ki damage. There are little crystals that absorb ki and fuel the ship. The pod even comes with a small gravitron that can get the gravity up to 50x Earth's gravity.
Uses: until a total of 150,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 2 days less then the normal
Price: $20,000

Namekian Cruiser- this is a fast ship able to hold up to 7 people. It has enough room for training and living conditions. It can even withstand the force of ki blasts and has a small gravitron that can get it's gravity to 50x Earth's gravity. This ship has some minor defenses.
Uses: until a total of 350,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 3 days less then the normal and has cannons that deal 25,000 per turn when in combat (someone must man the guns)
Price: $40,000

Changeling Battleship- this is a large ship that is built like a small town. It has a Gravitron (100x Earth's gravity) and a Healing chamber and enough room for a fleet of soldiers to train. You could very well make this your own home instead of a planet. Can hold up to 30 people and still have a few rooms free. Comes with 15 Saiyan pods for escape and is very fast. Even has it's own defensive weapons.
Uses: until a total of 600,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 2 days less then the normal and has cannons that can deal 60,000 per turn when in combat (someone must man the guns)
Price: $90,000

Namekian Escape Pod- an accessory for the Namekccian Cruiser. This is a small pod like the saiyan pod but a bit larger and more comfortable. A Namaccian Cruiser can hold up to 4 of these.
Uses: until a total of 50,000 damage is dealt to the ship
Effects: can get you to any planet in 2 days less then the normal
Price: $3,000

Gravitron Upgrade- this accessory is for the Namaccian Cruiser and Changeling Battleship, when installed this will boost the gravitron of the ship by 50x Earth's gravity.
Uses: until ship is destroyed
Effects: increase ships gravity by 50x
Price: $7,000

Healing Chamber- this accessory is for the Capsule Corps. Space Pod and the Namaccian Cruiser. The Healing chamber is just like the one for the planet.
Uses: until ship is destroyed
Effects: heals you completely in a matter of a few hours
Price: $5,000

Planet Accessories

Gravitron- this is a device that that will intensify the gravity of the planet it is installed on by adding an extra 100x to its current gravity. Anyone on your planet that cannot withstand the gravity will be killed instantly.
Uses: until planet is destroyed
Effects: boosts a planet's gravity by 100x
Price: $40,000

Healing Chamber- this device will heal someone to his or her full potential in a few hours. This is a great way to save a little money or make some by charging for passage into it. 3 trips in the healing chamber equals one day.
Uses: until planet is destroyed
Effects: completely heals the user in a matter of hours
Price: $10,000

Senzu Bean Farm- now harvest your own! New Senzu Bean Farm will have the bean growing like crazy all it needs is tending once a week for one whole day and will produce many beans for all those who wish to eat them. Can only be put on a fertile planet.
Uses: until planet is destroyed or if not tended to for more then a week
Effects: produces 50 beans once a month during harvesting
Price: $30,000

Sentry Gun- the protection of the planet weather against enemy ships or enemy Deathballs, this will be there for you. Fires a powerful blast that could kill a weak fighter in a couple of blows.
Uses: until planet is destroyed or until it takes 200,000 damage in one blow
Effects: fires a 120,000 damage blast at enemy ships and other enemies in orbit around the planet
Price: $55,000

Item Shop- now sell your own, you must have this to sell items to other fighters. Only you can run the shop and must supply your own goods. If you do not have one of these then you must travel back to earth to buy items.
Uses: until planet is destroyed
Effects: allows the owner to sell goods to other fighters
Price: $20,000


Dagger- daggers are the smallest, most basic type of martial weapon. They are short bladed, with edges on both sides of the blade, and has a nice hilt (handle) to hold on to. Easily concealed and a great stabbing weapon. Doesn't do much damage though...
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 7,500 damage with each hit, can attack twice a round
Price: $5,000

Short Sword- this weapon is a larger version of the dagger in just about every way. The blade is about 2 feet long and is fairly quick. A famous short sword would be Frodo's "Sting" from Lord of the Rings.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 12,000 damage with each hit
Price: $7,500

Long Sword- the most common type of sword, the long sword is a blade of many legends. About 3 feet long, the blade is sharp and can be intimidating. Famous long swords are Excalibur and, as sad as it is, Liono's sword from the Thundercats.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 22,000 damage with each hit
Price: $10,000

Bastard Sword- even bigger then the long swords are the bastard swords. No, I don't know where the name came from, but I don't think it has to do with not having a father. Anyway, bastard sword blades are about 4 ½ feet long, and are a bit stronger then a long sword. Famous bastard swords are The Illumina, and The Ragnarok from Final Fantasy.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed or two-handed
Effects: deals 24,000 damage one-handed and 27,000 two-handed
Price: $13,000

Broad Sword- broad swords are about the same size as bastard swords, but have a much wider blade (which provides excellent shielding), that makes great sweeps through the air. Broad swords tend to be very heavy, but very powerful.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed or two-handed
Effects: deals 25,000 damage one-handed and 29,000 two-handed; adds 2 blocks
Price: $17,000

Claymore- one of the "Big-Daddy" blades, with a 5 ½ footer can tear it up on the battlefield. Famous claymores are Connor MacCloud's sword from Highlander or the blade strapped to William Wallace's back in Braveheart, now we're talking swords.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 30,000 damage with each hit
Price: $24,000

Great Sword- It don't get no bigger than this. At an incredible 7 feet long, this is truly a sword that lives up to its name. Massively powerful, you would not want to be hit by "The Real Great One". A Famous great sword would be the one Damidar wields in Dungeons & Dragons.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed (even for Konatsas)
Effects: deals 38,000 damage with each hit
Price: $28,000

Katana- about the same length as a long sword, but much more narrow and is slightly curved. It is an oriental blade with an extremely sharp edge. This is the blade that ninjas and samurais wield. A famous katana is Yajarobe's sword.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 19,000 damage each hit; can cut limbs off at half the amount of normal and cuts through armor except for Pikkon Armor and King Kia's Reflective Clothing
Price: $16,000

No-Dachi- this is another incredibly long sword with a blade that's 7 feet long and a 1 ½ foot hilt. This is a very rare oriental sword and can be quite expensive. Looks like a giant katana. A famous No-Dachi is Sephiroth's "Masamune" from Final Fantasy 7.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 28,000 damage with each hit; can cut limbs off at half the amount of normal and cuts through armor except for King Kia's Reflective Clothing
Price: $32,000

Scimitar- also about the length of a long sword, these delicate, curving blades weave incredibly through the air. This blade is great for parrying. Famous scimitars include Drizzt Do'Urden's "Twinkle" and "Icingdeath" from the Forgotten Realms books by R. A. Salvatore.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 20,000 damage one-handed and 29,000 two-handed; adds 2 blocks to the user
Price: $18,000

Battle-Axe- the battle-axe is a sort of new addition to the RPG. This sturdy weapon can cleave through the toughest target, inflicting nasty wounds.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 25,000 damage with each hit
Price: $12,000

Great-Axe- this is a huge axe and if you get hit with this, it's going to hurt pretty badly. Naturally used by people with brutish fighting styles, the great-axe is just a "chop until you hit something" type of weapon.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 35,000 damage with each hit
Price: $24,000

Short Spear- the short spear is a 4 foot pole with a piecing tip on one end used for impaling people. This can be a very powerful weapon, especially on large beings.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed or two-handed
Effects: deals 15,000 damage one-handed and deals 18,000 damage two-handed; gets plus 5,000 to damage against beings taller then 7 foot
Price: $8,500

Long Spear- the same as the short spear, but about 2 or 3 feet longer. The pole is sturdy and carries more weight, which inflicts more damage.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 16,000 damage one-handed and deals 19,000 damage two-handed; gets plus 6,000 to damage against beings taller then 7 ½ foot
Price: $10,000

Halberd- this is another of the long weapons known as polearms. However, unlike the spear this weapon has an axe on the end for swinging instead of piercing. The halberd is very powerful, but a little slow.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 30,000 damage with each hit
Price: $17,000

Trident- most people know what this polearm looks like, but just in case, here goes. Tridents are long like a spear, but at the end are three prongs that derive from the center. Each prong is barbed at the end and is quite sharp. The trident is a great defensive and offensive weapon.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 20,000 damage with each hit; adds 2 to parries of the user
Price: $10,000

Morningstar- this is one nifty weapon. A morningstar is a spiked ball at the end of a stick. The more famous ball and chain cousins, the flails, are quite similar but we decided not to include them unless there is some interest in it. Morningstars are heavy and deal great amounts of the damage.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed
Effects: deals 23,000 with each hit
Price: $11,000

Warhammer- warhammers are just what they sound like; really big hammers. For our purposes, just imagine a sledgehammer that is finely crafted and looks really cool. Then imagine getting smacked with a giant hammer by someone with a Z fighter's strength. Need I say more?
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed or two-handed
Effects: deals 30,000 damage one-handed and 32,000 damage two-handed
Price: $18,000

Power Pole- everyone's favorite DBZ weapon, the power pole is a wooden pole that increases or decreases in length according to the wielder's will. Doesn't do too much damage because... well... it's a wooden pole. But hey, it worked for Goku, and it can work for you.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one-handed or two-handed
Effects: deals 6,000 damage with each hit; can hit enemies in air
Price: $7,000

Scythe- scythes are one of the coolest weapons ever. Our old buddy, the Grim Reaper chose as his weapon of choice. A scythe is a crooked pole with two handles and a long downward curving blade at the end. Use it for slashing or stabbing and the effect is the same... ouch!
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effect: deals 25,000 damage with each hit; can cut off limbs at half the normal amount
Price: $25,000

Glaive- a glaive is another polearm with a long shaft but with a thin blade at the end of it much like that of a sword blade. The blade is very sharp and can cut through many things.
Uses: until destroyed
Type: two-handed
Effects: deals 23,000 damage with each hit; can cut limbs off at half the amount of normal and cuts through armor except for Changeling Armor, Pikkon Armor, and King Kia's Reflective Clothing
Price: $28,000

Rapier- a rapier is a thin blade that
Uses: until destroyed
Type: one handed
Effects: deals 10,000 damage with each hit; can cut limbs off at half the amount of normal and cuts through armor except for Changeling Armor, Pikkon Armor, and King Kia's Reflective Clothing, can attack twice a round
Price: $28,000

*Dire- dire is a weapon upgrade. This upgrade puts another blade, axe head, etc. on the other end of the weapon. With a dire weapon the weapon gets +2 to parries and you can attack twice with that weapon per turn. All dire weapons are two-handed regardless of strength or race. For the dire upgrade you must pay twice what the weapon is singularly. This excludes Great Axe, Great sword, No-Dachi, Claymore, Power Pole, and Scythe.

Special Member Created Items

none yet

*Note on Uses- if the uses says "until destroyed" then any attack directed at the item will destroy it, except for weapon which will take 10 attacks higher then 15,000 to destroy (must target the weapon). If 10 attacks are not dealt in one battle then the weapon will be fixed directly after battle and another 10 will have to be dealt to it the next battle for the weapon to be destroyed.


1xPlanet- $20,000

*Note on Fertile Planets- fertile planets are planets able to support farms and produce. Only these planets may have farms or Senzu Bean Farms or any other type of produce that you plan to produce. A fertile planet cost an additional $5,000 added on to the planet’s base cost.

*Note on Mines- planets with mines hold valuable minerals and ores and when mined can be turned into metal or other such materials from making items. Mine planets are usually rocky wastelands good for just mining. If you spend one of your training slots to mine then you will mine enough ore to make a Pod or anything smaller then that. Mines cost an additional $10,000 added on to the planet’s base cost.

*Note on Fertile Planets with Mines- these planets are both fertile and have mines for making items, one mining day produces enough materials to make 4 items. These are rare planets but are by far the best and more beautiful. For both a fertile planet and a mine it will cost you an additional $20,000 added on to the base price.

*Note on Moons- you can have up to a max of three moons of your planet and each one will be an additional $15,000, the day at which these moons are full are randomly choosen and all moons are one times gravity.

*Note on Special Planet Abilities- there are some planets with special abilities such as Dark Star and Ghetti Star that are very unique. If you are purchasing a planet and you pay somewhere between 40,000 and 100,000 extra you can give your planet a unique ability or abilities. You have to e mail your updater these abilities and he will post it in the updater rpg decisions forum and it will be voted on to see if it can be made or not.

*Note on Planet Purchase- the discount rule does not apply for planets.

*Note on Travel- this is how long it will take for a person flying to get to Earth from your planet. The cost is nothing for 7 days away but costs $5,000 for each day less then 7.

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