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Fantasy Plains Version 3.0

Welcome to version 3.0! You will now need an easy password to get into the site from now on. If you are a returning member, get it here ( If not, join! Once you enter the password that is e-mailed to you, you can just save the main page as a favorite so you don't ever have to come here again!
Those of you who have never been here before, let me tell you what it's about. You may choose to be a dragon, griffin, or pegasi in this fantasy role-playing game. Role-Playing is when you act as someone you are not. You can be evil and be kind in real life. Ect. When you have signed up, as either an evil or a good character, you will converse with others by means of message boards and othe chat facilities. Pretty soon, you will make alliences with others as you join clans, fight others, learn magic, up to two new forms, pray to the Fantasy Plains gods and goddesses (they are fake, don't worry), make enimies, and have fun! There are so many things to do on this growing site! Join and be prepared!


The Creatures you may be

Enter with your password

Trouble or forgot the password? Send your name on the site (not real) and your e-mail to the e-mail listed above (

If you find that the fantasy r/p is not the type for you, please feel free to visit .independence.plains. and join as a horse!