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Name: Excalibur
Age : Unknown
Sex : Male
Height : 6'9"
Weight : 230lbs
Hair Color : Gray
Eyes : Dark Brown
Race: Natural ShapeShifter
Job: Swordsmen
Ethics: What ever the mod.
Fighting Style: Fencing/Iaido
Quote: "You think you know the man behind the mask ...but you have know idea.."
Magic: He is known for using his own energy as a weapon. Do not underestimate he skills with long rang attacks.
Personal Tech: Copy

A humble and kind man, Excalibur is a natural shapeshifter. He can only change into things of nature and not other people. The man can not age. That is the fate of a natural shapeshifter; to live as long as the plant does. Not a common sight among people this race of shapeshifters do not make there presence know to people, even tho they still live among them.

Excalibur lively hood it is quit good. He lives the life of a wealthy man. He plays the piano and is quit intelligent. He also enjoys a few dirks here and there as well. A true swordsmen; Excalibur can fight the best with any sword but his personal sword is a fencing sword called Liquid Steel .It is called Liquid Steel for good reason. If he is ever in a fight and the other person has a sword, Liquid Steel can take it’s shape. If Excalibur wishes so. It can also gan any magical powers of the weapon as well. His armor Allusion is also very handy. It may look like a peace of regular clothing but in facet it has as much defensive power then a full hide of heavy armor.

Just because Excalibur is kind hearted does not mean his mod does not change. He may be genital one instant and if provoked, may be blood thirsty the next. He also believes in a one on one fight and if anyone interferes in a fight, he will jump into the fight as well. To make it a honorable fight.

Time has come for him to leave his wealth and start to explore the world he lives in. He now wanders around the world looking at all the sights there are and just enjoy the world.