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EverQuest News


>December 29, 2009 

Well 7 years has gone by and i havent had the chance to update this site. due to finacial problems and stuff i put this part of my life on hold. but i have not forgotten about it!Here is a picture of 3D art i have done about 6 years ago 

And here is the hair for the model

Go to communities where you will find the message board, chat, screen shots and so  on the rest wont work for a few days.

News                                                             05/21/02 6:41 PM

Hot New Areas!

Today I am adding some Sweet areas! These areas will include a Webmasters area where anyone who owns a website can benefit from Tons of ways to make money! so please support this site and take a look at the links. it wont kill you.

New Site Opens...

I am working on another area for this site! this site will still be here. the reason that I am opening a new site is because MSN has some strict rules on working with this site so I need a place where I can Fully use my abilities. Though this site will be the main site the other will be Ever Changing and evolving, Just like EverQuest! Do not be afraid of the other site because it might not look as Sharp as this site but in a few weeks I grantee the site will be one of the best you have ever seen! Also these 2 Sites will be interwoven so that hopefully they will look and feel like the same site!

Weader Razergill


News                                                             05/05/02 5:14 PM


Yes it is True EverQuest II is coming out! here is a Letter from Lord Antonius Bayle IV...

"It is here that time begins. Yes, it is true; there have been other events of far greater significance. The sky itself has rained down upon us! Temples lie in ruins. Empires have crumbled, continents lost. These great events and many more, both terrible and wondrous, have taken place since last we spoke and I am sure there are many more of equal import on the horizon. But, it is here that time begins. It is here that hope begins. It is here that the future of Qeynos, nay, the future of Norrath, will be written. I pray it is not scribed in blood."

-Antonius Bayle IV, Lord of the Great City of Qeynos



  • A brand new 3D engine which takes full advantage of a wide variety of recent technological advances in 3D hardware/software such as per pixel lighting, dynamic environment mapping, and a fully programmable surface shader system
  • More intuitive gameplay features appeal to both new and seasoned players
  • New branching class structure that players define as they advance through the game
  • Vast world of Norrath revisits familiar locations and introduces a variety of newly discovered areas in the Age of Destiny, a time period in the future of the original EverQuest.
  • Increased character customization capabilities allow players to customize characters' faces, hair, and body types to create truly unique avatars
  • Deeper character development offering pacing options that cater to game players new to the role-playing genre as well as experienced role-players
  • Non-confrontational means of character advancement that include a completely new tradesman character class
  • Mounts and vehicles that you can ride and control, including horses and boats, make traversing the massive world of Norrath faster than before
  • Norrathian real estate for players to call their own
  • All-new trade skill/crafting system
  • Completely new and tactically rich combat, spell and skill systems
  • A completely revised and enhanced quest system
  • Dynamic world environment shaped by player events
  • Come take a closer look @ EverQuest II

Weader Razergill



News                                                             05/05/02 5:14 PM

Felis Cinco De Mayo!

Hey hey Look yet anther Awesome reason to get Drunk. today is Cinco De Mayo! I hope you all have a Great Sunday and don't get a hangover!

New Site areas!,

Hey  the site has some new areas opened up! there is a Member Profile area,  (So please Put up a profile) also an Announcements area, and The picture area had a makeover. Soon we will have all kinds of Places people can visit! so keep checking back often!

Weader Razergill



News                                                             05/01/02 5:26 PM

The Planes of Power,

An arcing storyline takes players on an epic adventure through the Planes of Power, home of the Gods of Norrath. Veteran players will face new challenges in each of up to 20 newly discovered planes. Players of all levels will benefit from the Plane of Knowledge that hosts scores of new quests and opens portals to Norrath making travel easier than ever. Hundreds of new items, quests and encounters will keep even the most veteran of players challenged and enthralled.....

Click here to read more....

Weader Razergill

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