The Weyrbowl

The Weyrbowl is where you will find both OOC and IC assignments, records, and anything that runs on a schedule.

The Weyrling Barracks and Candidate Barracks are located at ground level and open out into the bowl itself. Classes are held outdoors whenever weather permits. Candidate guides and Weyrling guides as well as chore assignments are posted as to be accessible to all.
All Coming Soon!

The Hatching Sands are located in the largest open air cavern and are heated by partial sunlight and geothermal sources deep underground. The ledges form an amphitheater-like structure where spectators and dragons can watch Hatchings. The eggs are protected from wind and rain by overhangs.
Proceed to the Hatching Grounds

Mating flights usually take place high over the bowl in no specific area. Here at EMW, we try to keep track of every female dragon's cycle to better prepare riders for dragonflights. Imminent female risings will be posted and once your dragon's name appears on this list, you may RP your flight. Neomail Nicolette to have your lists updated after flights.
Proceed to the Rising Schedule

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright© Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by for non-profit entertainment only.
Evening Mists Weyr and the EMW Website are the property of the EMWBoD, and not to be used without permission.
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