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LISTEN UP! these are the rules of engagement!

Hey Listen up here is you basic tutorial of how to fight and why this site is so different than most of the dbz rpg's out there!
First of all the number one question is what makes this different?! well, it allows the speedier typers to be equal with the slower typers, like myself.
okay this is how you battle..
you each get in a chat room and goto keyword:dice to open your dice screen this is the key to your new domain and how you become equals
okay levels determine whether or not you can use certain dice or not; skills let you use certain abilities and energy determines how much you can use those abilities...still with me, good. Just like any other rpg you must use ::text:: or or ~text~ {but *text* is reserved for NPC's (non player characters) only}while IC (in character) and (text)or {text}or[text] for OOC (out of character) IM's (Instant Message) is of course OOC unless otherwise directed!
Now heres where the fun begins..okay goto levels and check you dice usage the first nuber is how many die you can and get to use the second is how many sides each one has
For Example: 2/22 means you use 2 die 22 sides so you see where higher levels are esstensial! As you grow in levels your dice usage grows as stated above and on the leves page!
Now for hits and damage
For any dice 14 is a hit a weak on but a hit you times that by your level and take it away from your opponents hp
Here is an example battle
Darknight-::He readies::
bluetarget-::gets warmed up::
darknight-hp 1300 lv.1
bluetarget-hp 1400 lv.2
darknight-:: throws a fist at bluetargets jaw::
onlinehost-darknight rolls 2/22 dice: 17 4

okay at this point darknight hit blue target with a 17 hit blow so you times that by his level which is one so you take that away from bluetargets hp 1400 (so 1400-17=1383) so your thinking this will take forever but if you get 20 you times it by twice your level and 21 is 5 times and 22 is 10 times this only works from the top 3 numbers in your die so if your at 24 it only works for 24,23& 22 only plus if you manage to roll your max die twice example 22 22 then you automatically win by knock out not death the only way to kill somone is to get their hp to zero which will automatcally let you go up one level
you still with me??