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The Rules

Yeah, we know everyone hates them. But in this day and age, without rules there would be anarchy. And here at Eastern Regional High School, we try and provide a safe and happy gaming experience for all our players. So take a few moments to sit back and read the rules that your loving founders have set forth.

1. We ask that you post at least 3 times a week. People get tired of waiting for responses, and clubs go dead that way. We want to make this the best yahoo group and in order to do that, we need your help.

2. If you are going to be unable to post for an extended amount of time, please contact the founders. We need to know (approximately) how long you will be gone and whether or not you'd like for one of us to temp for your.

3. When you join ERHS, and you create a character becomes a PERMANENT member of the high school and the surrounding area. Meaning that if you quit, your character will become open and new members may choose to play him or her. 

4. The character limit for ERHS is 4. And please try to include at least one member of the opposite sex.

5. At ERHS, we try to be fair. Meaning that there WILL be tryouts and elections for ALL major positions. The way the tryouts work is simple. Listen for the announcements to in out when and where your club or team will be meeting. You go and sign up (if you want to be president or captain you MUST state that when you sign up). Then you wait until you're called and you post (to the best of your ability) as though you were actually in high school trying out for the position. After everyone has posted, a list will be available on the site of who tried out and who is trying out for the major positions. At that time we will ask EVERYONE to email the founder their choices for the team and for the major positions. The results will be announced at a later date. Please note that you are NOT allowed to vote for yourself.

6. BE MATURE. I can't stress this one enough. If you're going to game here, be fair to others. Your character's can fight in the school, but you cannot. In plain English NO OUT OF CHARACTER FIGHTING! You get THREE warnings before you're banned (unless the founders vote after one time that the severity of the harassment or fighting is grounds for removal.)

7. DO NOT GIVE THE FOUNDERS A HARD TIME. We will not tolerate abuse in our own club and you will be banned.

Thank you for your interest in Eastern Regional High School. By clicking the "Yes" button you state that you have read all of the rules and you agree to abide by them at all times. Failure to do so will result in removal from the group.