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Name: Legolas
Race: Sylvan Elf-Male
Age: 243
Class: Ranger/Mage
Kit: Wilderness Runner
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Mirkwood
Family: none, deceased
Sibblings: none, deceased
Religion: Rallifane Rallathil
Status: Fighter, Single
Bith Rank: Third of six
Leige/Patron: Father, Elminster, Sad Queen
Reaction: much lower with everyone else, Better with sylvan and allies
Main Weapon: Long Bow of Speed
Other Weapons: Dagger, Light Sword, Staff, and his Magic
Armour: Gauntlets of the Valerous, and nothing else.
Weight: 145lbs (without gear)
Height: 4'9"
Hair Colour: white
Eye Colour: blue, but will change to a gold-like color.

Green Tunic


Legolas is a well built but not bulky Elf of fine chiseled features and impressive stature. He exudes confidence and leadership through a thick veil of humility. He wears his white hair long, down below his shoulder blades, though braided and tied in a leather strap. Overall he is tall, ripped, and lean. His skin is dark tan, windburned, and weathered. Covering his back, neck, shoulders, arms, chest and abdomen are six dozen traditional Green Elf tattooes. His usual attire is leather rawhide pants, a green tunic (has a red one as well), high soft moccasin boots, and a thick belt,

He carries his Bag of Holding and Quiver of Eholnna on his back with their straps crossed over his chest. On his belt there is a belt pouch (for ax-mace and bowie) and a sheath for Foebane. Also worn are a pair of Bracers. This relaxed state makes him appear to be somewhat barabric. Often a cloak or blanket-coat are worn. He is always smoking a large green wood pipe and has a few pieces of jewelery on; one is a wristlet, a Stone amulet, and some elven tribal jewelry that includes a holy item of Rallifane Rallathil.

Legolas is a kind, humble, introspective, ranger Elf of great experience. He has almost no ambition. He dislikes cities and manmade equipment. He also doesn't particularly like money but carries a great deal to more easily help others and to bargain with the money hungry. He is somewhat solitary, and would rather walk three hundred miles than teleport. He is tall, regal, and dignified (or tall, arogant, and aloof. - depending on how you look at it.)

As of 1378 DR (or 20 years after the Time of Troubles) Legolas had moved to Evermeet upon his semi-retirement. It is semi-retirement because he no longer actively adventures, though he misses it and spends much time in Faerun. After beginning his career in 1368, he lost his family and tribe a year later, then there were the Giant Wars, and then the Slaad Wars. Then he moved all the tribes of the Silverwoods to Evermeet. They now live on the forests and plains south of Nimlith, southwest of Leuthilspar, and North of Drelagora. Skalanis has become their leader in cooperation with the old Chiefs. They have been there nearly eight years and are just getting settled. Legolas takes no part in governing the Green Elves. At times though, he will serve as an advisor/embassador on request of the Queen.

Three out of five weeks Legolas tirelessly patrols the Realms keeping an eye on the Evil races, the Zhentarium, and helping whoever needs it: farmers, old people, and caravans. On one week off he spends time catching up with Elminster, Perigron, Khelban, "Sad Queen", DaRoni, etc. That last week is usually spent back at Mirkwood, recovering. Red Tunic


Weapon Proficincies:
Longbow MasteryBastard Sword Specilization
Quarter Staff MasteryDaggers/Knivevs
Unarmed Specalization

Non Weapon Proficiencies:
Set SnaresHunting
Animal LoreAncient History (age)
Bowyer/Fletcer (age)Signaling (age)
WeaponsmithCrude Weaponsmith
Fire-buildingDirection Sense
Distance SenseRope use
Trial SignsOrienteering
Riding Land Based-moonhorsePsC

Languages: Sylvan Elf, Elven, Centaur, Treant, Pixie, Common,Auld Wyrm, Halfling, Alaghi.
Literacy: Common, Espurar.

Keen eyesight
Keen smelling
Precise memory
Obscure knowledge
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Light sleeper
Signature Mount: Moonhorse
Signature Item: Bow of Speed

Phobia: Enclosed Spaces: Severe
Phobia: Crowds: Moderate
Powerful Enemy:
Bruise Easily

90% resistance to sleep and charm
Elven walk-by
Eleven suprise, outdoor Invisibility
Less Sleep
Makes own equipment
Unaffected by heat and cold 0-100 degrees F
Set man traps
Forest is Primary Terrain
Move silently: 99%
Hide in Shadows: 99%
Climb natural walls/trees: 99%
Animal empathy: Auto tame, Auto discern qualities, Calm/befriend wild and attack animals.
Priest Spells
Two weapon style
Weapon Specialization
Dual Spell casting
Priest progression
Multi Class
Make priest magic items

Long Bow of Speed,
Mithrill, Barbarian Knife, Duskwood/Mithrill, Axe/Mace, Iron Dagger,
Gauntlets of the Valerous (pair of two)

Notable Magic Items:
Boots of Elven kind, Bracers of archery/AC0, Bag of Holding, Quiver of Ehlonna, Gauntlets of Ogre Strength/The Valerous.
Staff of the Magi, Rod of Permenancy, Elminsters Eversmoking Pipe, Jhyall's Wristlet, Harper's Pin, Cloak of Elvenkind, dozen magic rings, plus other mundane items.

Senior Harper Powers:
Denier: Determine info about any Rune/Ward/Glyph.
Eldath: Sense direction and approx distance to nearest drinking water, cave connected to surface. Also tell if anything is amiss.
Liliira: Immune from magic and natural fear, dispair, discord, hopelessness, rage, and terror. Extend to one other by touch.
Mielikki: Correctly identify leaves and spoor of any forest creature. If magically altered, tell appearance and wearabouts of alterer.
Milil: 100% identify sounds heard. Also origins, and circumstances at origin.
Mystra: Any spell cast or read from a scroll recieves max damage.
Oghma: Cast stone tell once/day, share images by touching one (only one) other person.
Selune: Immune to Lycanthropy, concentration can summon silvery white moon light. Its radiance can be moved for a good ammount of time. If wrapped around a weapon undead struck by adding more damage.
Sylvanus: When if forest always knows preciselly which direction is facing and travelling. Can't be fooled by deceitful magic. Will always see through it.

The Elven 10 Commandments