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Lensmoor stuff

The Gardens at Dusk
Tia and Bregnic meet at Aldwynn's and go together to see Saili's gardens. Ays and Killian show up and generally be creepy.
Tia and Bregnic visit a small island in the southern ocean and are content to believe it is Griftmire.
Best friends
Tia and Xari talk at Tia's house.
Mariin approaches Tia about putting their childhood quarrels behind them. Later, Tia is interviewed by Ayanna for the faith.
Liad accepts Tia as a follower.
Dress up
Tia dolls Shes up and they go out to show Aarik.
Tiara, Shes, and Aarik go to Aarik's house and each ends up telling a story from his or her life while Shes gets really wasted.
Tia and Aarik go to see the Oracle together and then go back to his house. Tia decides to court Aarik.
A Night Out
Tia has a drink with Aosh in Aldwynn's.
Tia haggles with Mawriece over the price of the young slave Iliana. Later, she comes across another slave afflicted with another misfortune.
Tiara brings a young Iliana to Pindiirin Tower to have her runes read by Lilgotha.
It's Cheaper than Psychiatry
Iliana asks Tiara to read tarot on her problems of the heart. Zero heart progress made.
The Ruby Heart
Tiara is made priestess.
Tiara decides to educate the slave alongside the master. Mawriece enters.
It's All About Love
Tia talks with Onatu about the faith and shows that she's not above using her position to ferret out some good gossip.
Tia and Alis have a long chat.
Bargain Deal
Fejijar takes Alisia off Tia's hands after extensive bargaining.
Sweet Sorrow
Tia finally parts with Alis, and a good-sized hunk of gold, despite her misgivings.

First RP on Eilsor
Eilsor meets his parents on the lawn and they take him out for a treat.
Millie and Tigerman
Eilsor and Isabeau meet and start out on the right foot, but things quickly go awry.
History Lesson
Eilsor and Katria are playing together when the supernatural comes to the playground.
Bug Eating
Loreas, Esmerla, Katria, Raselle, and Eilsor are at the playground. Esmerla tells a story she made up and then the children dare Eilsor to eat a bug. All hell breaks loose, and Kethllae appears to whisk him away at just the right moment.
Clan Eilsor
Eilso talks Kaln into joining "Clan Eilsor" and helping him set up a tent for the Spring Fair.
Eilsor goes with Raselle and Joral to burn Raz's clothes in the wake of her father's death.
Eilsor and Raselle's quarrel is broken up by Kem, who tries to trick them into a ceasefire, and is himself tricked.
A Star is Born
Eilsor and Jurlon give the last in a series of concerts for the Lensmoor populace.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Eilsor meets the demon child Fionna and agrees to write a song for her.

Child's Play
Tamlielo, Dhalia, and Oriana play in the Heart.
Malicus feels bad about a wrong he did to Tam and hurts himself. Yasha enters. Alarmed, Tam devises a milder penance.
A Meeting
Tamlielo meets Glaurung De Ouranquer.