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Well, to the only people who probably come here, that being the players, it's pretty obvious that I'm using a new layout. In the black square below i will have the Stroy thus far and the EXP as usuall. This part will be any message I want to put up. Anyway, have a look arround and feel free to tell me what you think.


Sunday this site had it's first birthday, and as a result I was thinking now would be a good time for everyone, new characters and old, to update their character info. Hopefully ed can update some of the npcs but if he does it will take him awhile so be patient. Thank you.


This Week:(Jan. 24, '04)


Uni gets 1,000 (For helping Bao with his wizard problems.), Art gets 700 (for going shopping with Jenna.), Mig gets 700 (for getting joshua to teach dangerous things to one of his living magics.), Flip Gets 800 (For giving Jezebel his jacket after Uni negated her magically created clothes.), Ivory gets 800 (for fighting a golem.), Bao gets 800 (for actually shareing most of his information when he was attempting to get someone's help and for trying to work with a group), Rube gets 700 (for going sunbathing and swimming with ariti) Lei gets tossed out if he isn't here right now (.), Casper gets nothing (for not being here.)

Story so Far:

When we last saw our heroes Bao got uni flip and ivori to help him with an assault on the home of the wizard he is supposed to kill. The attack went very well. Uni cast anti-magic cloud and got rid of all the duplicates, smashed his golem, collapsed his house, stole his stuff and then left. Art went shopping for clothes with Jenna. Flip almost got hurt messing with magic things he doesn't understand. Art spent a lot of time sorting things. Mig got Joshua to teach Ash to forge Japanese swords. And Rube took Ariti sunbathing and swimming.

Location: Silvereno. Sept. 8, 110 PA

Last Week:(Jan. 17, '04)


Uni gets 900 (For making magic happen with her art and jenna.), Art gets 900 (for cureing Jenna's confusion after the weird uni dreams, and the after poker night event.), Mig gets 900 (for hatching all sorts of strange schemes some of which I still don't know what they really are yet...), Flip Gets 600 (for being purple), Ivory gets 600 (for trying to get hired by the sheriff who doesn't particularly like the group.), Bao gets 500 (for having crafted his downfall and now beginning to labor on his ultimate doom BECAUSE HE REFUSES TO MAKE ANY REAL ATTEMPT TO WORK WITH OTHERS!!!), Rube gets 700 (for almost learning things about ariti that even he didn't want to know) Lei gets one more week (and if he doesn't show up next week I'm giving his spot to Kat.), Casper gets 500 (for claiming to be Mordred's friend.)

Story so Far:

When we last saw our heroes everyone went and pursued their own agendas even Bao who was told by his superiors to get the group to help him. But I'm lazy and I've been up since 7:45am instead of my usual 12:30pm so I'm not typing any more. :p

Location: Silvereno. Sept. 8, 110 PA



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