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1. Do not argue with the GM unless you have a valid point it only wastes Saga time.
2. If somebody gets a transformation and you don't complaining about it will put you at the end of the list to get a transformation.
3. People who whine and complain excessively OOC about being weak or about getting killed WILL be kicked out of the Saga and repeated offenders will be thrown outta the RPG.
4. Nobody will be handed a transformation you have to EARN them.
5. Being melodramatic, (if you dont know what that means look it up in the dictionary)and overreacting to try and get a transformation will not get you anywhere but killed.
6. Girls can easily get as strong as the guys in this rpg so watch your back and may even get the first transformation.
7. Cursing is allowed but try not to use it every other word or you'll find yourself booted.
8. As soon as you sign in put ur characters name, this is serious if you mess around as some other character or do not show yourself ASAP you will be immediately booted and even kicked out of the RPG.
9. If you get hit by somebody stronger than you ACT HURT or you will also be kicked outta the Saga.
10. If anybody god modes and says they can get up unscathed (another look up word) again and keep using a high powered attack that chops their fatigue low and doesn't act tired your not only gonna get kicked outta the Saga but also the RPG.
11. Do NOT act stronger than everybody else UNLESS YOU REALLY ARE another thing that could easily get u kicked out of the RPG.
12. Transformations are decided by your character, attitude, how well you train and the storyline.

General Rules
1. Be sure you get an item you want because once u bought it you can only sell it back for 1/2 price.
2. You may trade and or sell/buy items from one another.
3. Your only allowed one character if caught both characters will be booted out of the RPG.
4. Do NOT bother updaters about updating they are busy and will when they get the time.
5. Do NOT bother the owner about transformations or power level.
6. Please try to settle all your disbutes amongst yourselves without dragging in an updater or the owner.
7. You get warnings for doing things wrong in the rpg after being told not to. 3 warnings lead to a suspension for a week; or 3 days. 2 Suspensions lead to permanent deletion from the rpg.
8. Have a good time

Personal Rules
1. To have a girl or boyfriend, you must at first be in the rpg for 2 weeks. Then you ask me if you can have one. I will talk with you about your participance in the rpg and what you need to work on. If I say yes, then email a picture of your spouse. Then we will go in a chat room and roll dice to decide if she is a fighter(odd) or normal person(even).
2. To be married, you and your girlfriend must have been dating for a year minimum. You both must be at least 18 years of age.
3. To have a child you have to ask me. Then we will go in a chatroom and roll the dice to see if it is a boy or a girl. Odd number, then its a boy, even number than its a girl.

Having Children Rules and Facts
1. Ok now to even consider having a child, you must be married unless something else happens. You have to be 18 or older.
2. When the female is pregnant, she'll be pregnant for a week (Rpg time) Then she will give birth.
3. To determine whether you have a boy or a girl I will roll the dice in a chatroom. if the number turns out even then it is a girl, if it is odd, then it is a boy.
4. Now as ur child gets older and stuff, (turns chibi), he can start training or whatever. Your kid is your responsibility. If he don't train, then thats your fault. You treat your kid just as you would the main character.

This is not quite a battle but its similar. The maximum amount of people that can be in a spar is 6. No more. Every spar health and ki goes down by 20%. You can spar in any chat room and you don't need a ref. Plus you get 500 zenni for every spar.

Stats Increase depends on spar.

Now when you battle someone, you need a ref. Refs will be appointed, so not just anyone can be a ref cuz some peeps don't know what they are doing. Refs decide the hits and misses and how much ki a character has left based on how much ki he has already used.

1. When performing your signature attack, you have to charge it 3 turns before you unleash it.
2. You can double ki damage by charging the ki before firing it as well.

Fusion Rules
1. Both must either have Fusion Dance or at least a single Pottera Earring.
2. The warriors who use Fusion Dance must be at the same transformation level and close to the same power level.
3. They must do the Fusion Dance while saying the word Fusion in a set order.
4. Expect it to go wrong if you have not practiced it or it is your first time doing it.
5. Don't worry if you mess up try again in 30min and until and hide.
6. Pottera Earring Fusion is permanent until the fused warrior dies.
7. The Pottera Earring Fusion is much stronger than the Fusion Dance.
8. If the fused warrior gains a new trans when unfused the warriors will not necessarily have that transformation.
9. If the fused warrior dies or is mortally wounded the warriors will unfuse and die; if mortally wounded they will have a high risk of becoming unstable and unfusing.
10. During fusion, the strongest of the 2 warriors is in control.
11. When the two warriors fuse with the Potarra Earrings, then their PL is combined and then x5, it is x2 with the fusion dance.

Training Rules
1. To train with a master, you must be on that planet. You must post on the message board under the training section.
2. You can either train with a master, or self train. When you self train, you can like write a type of story. Increases depend on what you do and how long the post is.

Fighting Rules
1. To battle someone, you two must be at the same planet. The same is with sparring.
2. The fight must take place in a chat room. The ref will provide the chat room.
3. If you win a battle, you get 2,000zeni, if you lose then you get 1,000zeni. 4. If you win, then you can either spare or kill your opponent. If you kill him, then you take all of his items and money.
5. You may battle until your stamina runs out. If your stamina reaches 0, then you automatically die.

If you win a battle, then you get 10,000 EXP points. If you lose, then youget 5,000.

Traveling Rules
1. To reach a different galaxy, it takes 5 days. To reach a planet in the same galaxy, it takes 2 days.

This is a newly implemented system in which it determines how good or how evil you are. Once you fall into the negative numbers, you automatically turn evil. If your karma gets below -10 you become a murderer. A murderer's name will be put in red and on their page will also have big letters saying "MURDERER". Murderers may not turn down challenges by anyone and once they are killed, their karma goes down -5 points. They lose all their possesions, money, and lose -5% of PL. They are immediately sent to HFIL. However, if your karma goes above +10, you are called "RIGHTEOUS" which means if you die, karma raises by +5 points, you do not lose any money or possesions and u gain +5% of PL. Here is a table on which you can look to figure out how it works:

Kill in Battle: Karma -1
Let live in Battle: Karma +1
Dying as evil: Karma -3
Dying as neutral: Karma+1
Dying as good: Karma +3