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To apply for these jobs, send any of the updators an email on what you which job you wish to take. Some jobs require certain PL's and certain stats. Other jobs may only allow any number of people.

Mercenary: Professional assasin who may take the bounties of anyone in the universe and may hunt whoever is on wanted list
Pl Requirement - 5000
Salary:Whatever the employer pays;1,000 weekly;2,000 for killing wanted convict
Education:none required
Max # of Workers: 5

Nurse: Works at the hospital and helps to heal people:Does not have to pay for hospital visit
Salary:3,000 weekly
Education:Requires 2 years of college
Max # of Workers: 10

Shop Assistant: Helps run the Capsule Corp. Shop;Gets 10% off of all the items
Salary:1,500 weekly
Education:High School Graduate
Max Number of Workers:5

Accountant: Works at the bank and distributes money to all the people
Salary:2,000 weekly
Education:2 years of college
Max # of Workers:3

Referee: Professional referee that refs the battles and post them
Salary:$1,000 weekly and $500 per battle
Education:None required
Max # of Workers:5

Trainer: Helps train weaker people than them;Stats increase depends on PL
Pl Requirement- 3000
Salary:$1,500 weekly and 3,000 per session
Education:High School Graduate
Max # of Workers:5

Galactic Pirate: Robs,steals,and kills to gain wealth. May be hired to kill someone to steal an item to give to employer. Taking this job drops karma -5.
PL Requirement- 10,000
Salary:2,000 weekly+ whatever employer pays
Max # of Workers:no limit

Policeman: Helps regulate crime by catching wanted criminals by beating them in battle. No killing is allowed from policeman. Taking this job increases karma +5
PL Requirement- 5,000
Salary:4,000 weekly+1,000 for every criminal busted
Education:High School Graduate
Max # of Workers: 10