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("Last Resort" hits and Rico Vega comes out. As He heads down the ramp the stage errupts with fireballs. He makes his way up the stairs and enters the ring. The whole time looking extremely intense.)

Jenna Maxx - The following contest is the for the WEW TV Title. Now in the ring the challenger, from Miami Florida and weighing in at 228 pounds, the Heat, Rico VEGA!

("Shut'em Down" starts)

Jenna Maxx - And the champion, from Philidephia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds, the TV Champion, TigerROAR!

(The crowd cheers for Tigerroar as he starts down the ramp. The TV Champ enters the ring and hands Jenna the title. He lifts it over head and exits the ring. Rico and Roar begin to circle eachother as the bell rings.)

Neil Pullen - Things have become really intense between these two and they are both looking for the oppurtunity to prove they are better of the two.

(They lock up. Tigerroar forces Rico into a headlock. Rico reverses with a back drop, but Roar rolls off and lands on his feet. Rico spins around Tigerroar goes for a kick. Rico catches Tigerroar's leg. Tigerroar goes for an enziguri kick, but Rico ducks and goes for an ankle lock. Tigerroar quickly reverses however with a roll up pin.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2

(Rico pushes back pinning Tigerroar.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2

(Tigerroar rolls forward putting Rico in the same pin as earlier.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2

(Rico rolls out and performs a double leg rollup pin on Tigerroar.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2..

(Tigerroar kicks out and both men get up to an ovation.)

Rob Knowles - Incredible showing by these guys.

(Rico and Tigerroar seem unimpressed with eachother however and lock up. Tigerroar forces Rico into the ropes. Rico runs across the ring, bounces off the ropes and comes back towards Tigerroar. Rico attempts a spinning headscissors, but Tigerroar tries to reverse with a powerbomb that Rico reverses into a hurricanrana pin.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2..

(Tigerroar rolls Rico back for a pin.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2..

(Rico kicks out and goes for another double leg pin on Tigerroar but instead is monkey fliped over. Rico manages to land on his feet and bounces off the ropes. Rico jumps over Tigerroar and hits the ropes again. Tigerroar jumps to his feet and goes for a back drop on Rico. Rico jumps over Tigerroar and pulls him down with a sunset flip.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2..

(Tigerroar rolls out, rolls to his feet and before Rico can react performs a catapult that sends Rico over the top rope.)

Neil Pullen - And he's outta here!

Steve Williams - Don't count your catchphrases before they hatch Neil.

(Rico, holding onto the top rope, pulls him self into the ring. He waits for Tigerroar to turn around and nails him with a superkick.)

Rob Knowles - Tigerroar has Rico's leg!

(Tigerroar forces Rico to spin around and Rico goes for a spinning heel kick as he does, just missing the nimble TV Champion. Rico turns around in confusion and Tigerroar takes him down with a belly to belly suplex. Tigerroar goes for the pin.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2..

(Rico kicks out and Tigerroar pulls him to his feet.)

Neil Pullen - Hebner is getting a real workout today.

(Tigerroar takes Rico to the turnbuckle. He throws him in the corner and climbs up. As Tigerroar delivers closes fists to Rico's head the crowd counts along.)

Crowd - ...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...

(Tigerroar winds up, suddenly Rico comes to life, takes a few steps from the turnbuckle and drops back, dropping Tigerroar face first on the turnbuckle. Tigerroar falls back after the blow landing on his back.)

Rob Knowles - Tigerroar looks totally out.

(Rico pulls Roar into the center of the ring and quickly climbs up the turnbuckle, he looks towards Tigerroar and suddenly is wishboned on the top rope as Roar crashes into them. Tigerroar makes his way over to Rico and begins to the climb the turnbuckle. He locks Rico's and looks for another belly to belly suplex, but Rico holds on and begins to fight back. Tigerroar nails Rico, and moves to backdrop Rico over, but Rico counters with a sunsetflip powerbomb. Tigerroar bounces out of Rico's grip on impact and rolls over to his belly and Rico drops into the corner. Both men lie still.)

Neil Pullen - I'm not sure but I think these guys may have run out of gas durring those first two intense exchanges.

(Rico eventually clears the cob webs and gets to his feet with help from the ropes. He wanders to Tigerroar, rolls him over and makes the cover.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Tigerroar lifts a shoulder up.)

Steve Williams - Damn it Rico nearly had him!

 (Rico pulls Tigerroar to his feet, with a smug smile he snapmare's Tigerroar over his shoulder. While Tigerroar sits stunned Rico nails him in the back of the head with a front dropkick and Tigerroar drops. Rico bounces off the ropes and hits a quick leg drop then rolls Tigerroar up for a cover.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Tigerroar kicks out. Rico pulls Tigerroar to his feet looking rather distressed. Rico throws Tigerroar in the corner. Rico follows Roar in and hits a few stiff kicks to Tigerroar's abdomen then uses the ropes to springboard and hit a third to Tigerroar's head. Tigerroar drops to the bottom of the turnbuckle and Rico begins to choke him with his boot. After a few second Dave Hebner breaks the illeagel choke up and begins to share words with Rico.)

Neil Pullen - Looks like Rico has finally gained control of the match.

Steve Williams - And he's slowly taking Tigerroar apart. I love this.

(Rico picks Tigerroar up and pulls him out of the turnbuckle with an armbar. Rico climbs the turnbuckle with Tigerroar's arm in hand.)

Neil Pullen - Where is Rico going?

(Rico walks across the top rope, forces Tigerroar over then flies off with a scissors kick to the back of Tigerroar's head, taking him to the mat.)

Rob Knowles - Rope-walks scissors kick and Rico goes for the cover.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Tigerroar kicks out. Rico shakes his head as he gets up. Rico picks Tigerroar up. Rico locks his hands around Tigerroar's waist and performs a shin buster, and holds onto Tigerroar's leg and dragon screw him over. Tigerroar crashes to the mat holding his knee.)

Steve Williams - Guess Rico has decided that if he can't beat the man down, he'll just cripple him.

(Rico gets up and stomps on Tigerroar's knee. The pain seems to bring Tigerroar out of his stunned state and he begins to crawl for the ropes. Rico grabs his leg and despite Tigerroar holding onto the top rope Rico, pulls him up and back to the mat and quickly hits a leg drop on Tigerroar's knee before putting him in a reverse kneebar.)

Neil Pullen - My God that looks painful.

Rob Knowles - Tigerroar is reaching for the ropes.

Steve Williams - There is no way he's gonna make it before he taps.

Rob Knowles - He's crawling towards them.

(Tigeroar screams as he reaches out for the ropes.)

Neil Pullen - He's got them!

(Dave Hebner breaks the hold and Rico quickly gets to his feet giving Roar a few more boots to the knee as he tries to get up with help from the ropes. Rico drags Roar back to the center of the ring and locks him in for an Indian Deathlock.)

Rob Knowles - Wow and Indian Deathlock, rarely done, and its a shame cause it can really tear up your opponent's knee.

(Rico drops back putting the pressure on Tigerroar's knees. Rico crawls up to his feet and drops back again and Tigerroar cries out. Rico gets up and breaks the hold. He grab's Tigerroar's ankle and tears into it with an anklelock. Rico gets to his feet. Tigeroar begins to lift himself up with his arms, then with the force Rico is applying on his ankle spins around and his Rico with an enziguri. Rico drops to the mat and so does Tigerroar holding his ankle.)

Neil Pullen - Last second reversal by Tigerroar may have kept him alive.

Steve Williams - But for how long? Rico's had control of the this match for the last couple minutes and you can't tell me that Tigerroar can perform the Tigerslam on that knee, not in the condition Rico has put it in.

(Rico gets up and helps Tigerroar to his feet Rico whips Tigerroar but Tigerroar reverses and Rico sails into the ropes. He bounces off, rolls over Tigerroar's back, springboards off the second rope and turns around in mid air for a cross body block, somehow Tigerroar rolls through pinning Rico.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Rico kicks out and quickly gets to his feet. As Tigerroar gets up, Rico stomps on his head and then delivers a dropkick to the side of Tigerroar's head.)

Neil Pullen - Rico is really getting vicious.

(Rico climbs the turnbuckle and taunts Tigerroar as he lies prone. Rico jumps off and nails the Heatwave.)

Rob Knowles - Rico just hit the Heatwave and makes the cover.

Dave Hebner -...1

Neil Pullen - Rico is using the ropes for leverage!

Dave Hebner - ...2...

(Hebner see's Rico and breaks up the count. Rico gets to his feet and imeadiatly begins to argue with the referee. Rico motions to hit him but stops and turns around, walking right into a spinebuster by Tigerroar. Tigerroar gets up.)

Neil Pullen - Tigercrux!

Rob Knowles - Tigerroar just locked the Tigercrux on in the middle of the ring! Rico can't reach the ropes!

(As Rico reaches in vain for the ropes Gangstarr suddenly runs down from the back, kendo stick in hand. Tigerroar releases the hold and taunts Gangstarr to enter the ring, Gangstarr doesn't show a sign of fear and slides right in. He runs across the ring and swings for Tigerroar. The TV Champ ducks under the stick and both men turn around, and Tigerroar nails Gangstarr with a right, then another and then a third that knocks the WEW rookie into the ropes. Tigerroar uses the ropes for leverage and whips Gangstarr across the ring. Gangstarr flies back and is launched out of the ring by back body drop by Tigerroar.)

Neil Pullen - Big backfire for Gangstarr.

Rob Knowles - Rico just nailed Tigerroar with a drop toe hold as he turned around!

Steve Williams - And he's locked in the Heatstroke!

Rob Knowles - Now its Tigerroar stuck in the middle of the ring!

(Tigerroar, who has already taken intense punishment screams in agony in the stepover crossface the challenger has applied. From out of nowhere rolls Maelstrom, armed with a chair. Rico catches him out of the corner of his eye. Rico gets to his feet and ducks the chairshot, Maelstrom turns around and Rico levels him with a dropkick that sends the chair into the bigman's face. Rico snickers at Maelstrom and walks right into a Tigerroar roll up.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Rico kicks out and both men get up. They begin to trade blows and the crowd begins to get noisy. Tigerroar begins to win the battle and knocks Rico into the ropes. Tigerroar whips Rico and Rico bounces off the ropes. Rico flies across the ring comes back, ducks under Tigerroar's clothesline, springboards and nails a moonsault DDT, Rico gets up and quickly pins Tigerroar.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Maelstrom pulls Hebner out of the ring and slides in. Rico can't dodge the massive clothesline. Maelstrom picks Rico up and takes him down with a huge elevated spiral powerbomb. Maelstrom drags Tigerroar over onto Rico then exits the ring he picks Hebner up and rolls him in. Hebner begins to move about and drags himself into position.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...3!

Neil Pullen - Tigerroar did it!

Rob Knowles - Well..

Steve Williams - No that pet idiot of his did it. Rico just got screwed again by Tigerroar.

Jenna Maxx - The winner and still WEW TV Champion, TigerROAR!

(Dave Hebner lifts the arm of the barely cognisent Tigerroar and hands him the TV Title. The whole time Tigerroar looks very confused. As Tigerroar celebrates Rico gets to his feet. Gangstarr whispers something to him and Rico looks angry. Rico gets a mic and as Tigerroar exits the ring Rico begins to speak.)

Rico - Where you going esse?

(Tigerroar turns back around.)

Rico - You haven't beat the Heat yet.

(Tigerroar suddenly looks very angry and starts to get in the ring. They get eye to eye and Tigerroar takes the mic from Rico.)

Tigerroar - What do you mean? I pinned you ...1...2...3! Even Hebner can count that high.

Rico - Oh sure you got the pin. But do you remember doing it puenta? No, because that 300 pound sack of rat shit you have carry your bags came into the Heat's ring and finished the job for you. Is that something you can live with esse? Knowing that you didn't beat the Heat?

(Tigerroar locks down at the title, back up at Rico, down back at the title, then suddenly drops the title and nails Rico with a right. The bell rings again.)

Neil Pullen - It looks like this match is back underway.

Steve Williams - Good thing too, but Tigerroar still had to cheat. What a cheap shot!

(Tigerroar performs a shortarm clothesline on Rico, that the quick Latino ducks under, swings around Tigerroar and takes him over with a German suplex. Rico rolls through and bridges.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2..

(Tigerroar kicks out. Rico helps Tigerroar to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Gangstarr jumps up on the apron and pulls the top rope down and Tigerroar spills over to the floor.)

Neil Pullen - Well that was a nasty trick.

(Rico imeadiatly gets in the face of Dave Hebner and as they argue Gangstarr lays the rights in on the tired Tigerroar. Gangstarr whips Tigerroar into the stairs and he drops to the floor. Gangstarr sees Maelstrom and quickly rolls Tigerroar into the ring before Maelstrom evens the odds. Rico drops on Tigerroar like a vulture, making the cover.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...

(Tigerroar kicks out. And Rico gets up looking tired and frustrated.)

Rob Knowles - These two have put on a hell of a show and its really begining to take its toll on them, I don't know how much longer either guy can hold out.

(Rico picks Tigerroar up and whips him into the ropes. Tigerroar finds the strength to reverse however and Rico flies into the ropes. He comes back and goes to take Tigerroar down with a spinning headscissors.)

Rob Knowles - The Burn! Rico just hit the Burn on Tigerroar!

Neil Pullen - He hasn't used it in a month and now here at Mind Games Rico just Burned Tigerroar!

(Rico drops for the pin and before Maelstrom can do anything Gangstarr shatters the kendo stick on his head sending splinters all over the floor.)

Dave Hebner - ...1

Neil Pullen - McCoy is down! Tigerroar is down!

Dave Hebner - ...2...

(From out of the crowd comes KP Dillon getting an incredible amount of boos. He enters the ring and Rico breaks the count seeing his old nemisis.)

Neil Pullen - Things just might heat up, no pun intended.

Rob Knowles - These two have alot of history, and it might just boil over right here. 

(Rico gets in KP's face and they begin to exchange words. Rico turns away, then suddenly nails KP, getting cheered for it. Dillon returns the favor and Hebner decides to not get in between these two enemies. Rico and Dillon exchange blows with Rico, tired and all suddenly getting the advantage. He whips KP into the ropes. KP comes back and takes Rico down with a killer clothesline.)

Steve Williams - Oh no!

Neil Pullen - Able Fhenix is now making his way down!

(Able slides in the ring and begins to brawl with KP Dillon. They trade blows and KP is knocked back into the ropes. Able whips him into the other side and KP is nailed in the back by a Gangstarr chairshot and he stumbles right into the Twist of Cane. Able gets up and walks right into the Vegasectimi by Rico, who in turn is rolled up by Tigerroar.)

Dave Hebner - ...1...2...3!

Neil Pullen - Finally Tigerroar did it! He beat Rico!

Steve Williams - It still wasn't all him, KP interfered!

Neil Pullen - So what! Tigerroar still retained!

Jenna Maxx - The winner and still WEW TV Champion Tigerroar!

(Rico pays no attention this time as he slaps the Heatstroke on Able Fhenix.)

Neil Pullen - KP and Able still have a match tonight and after this I certainly feel that neither will be 100%!

(An army of officials rush down to the ring and try to pull Rico off Able. Rico eventually lets go and gets up. He grabs the first official and hits the 3rd Degree Stunner and the ring clears. Rico exits the ring and heads up the ramp following the Renegades, and never keeping his eyes off Able.)

Rob Knowles - Look at Rico, he looks like he blames Fhenix for losing the match!