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Name: Nodel Leshere (Mage)
Gender: Male Age: 19
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: Large in his normal form.
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin color: Pale
Clothing Mage always wears despite his uniform…
Crystal feather necklace – It is said that this is what allows Mage to focus his magic, and also allows him to transform from human to his true form...
Grey tinted glasse – These glasses have become a trademark for the magic user. Depending on his mood the glasses change color, and also protect him from certain spellcasts.
Work uniform – Sweater with overly long sleeves, dress pants, apron.
Combat uniform – A long sleeved t-shirt, half of the sleeves being mesh. Overly baggy black pants, chains wrapping around and hanging from them. Last but not least a traditional Mage’s hat.
Eyes: Blue
Job: Manager and Bartender of Crossroads Pub
Appearance: The manager and bartender of Crossroads Pub is a tall and rather heavy set guy. Often the bartender is seen wearing any assortment of sweaters with overly long sleeves. Mage also wears an apron as any bartender or manager of a bar would do. His clothes are always remarkably clean and even his shoes, despite the terrain at times are always spotless. The magic user’s hair is curly and he usually allows two to three strands to hang over either the left or right eye. The strangest feature about the mage would be his glasses. The glasses Mage wears act as a ward against certain types of dark magic, and change color depending on his mood. On occasion Mage may wear an assortment of strange pouches or tools around his waist that help him in casting spells. If you walk upon the superstitious magic user on a bad day he may have a voodoo doll by his side. His appearance further proves that Mage is without a doubt one of the more unique patrons of Crossroads Pub.
Personality: Mage is a very difficult person to understand, and is one of the most secretive of the Pub patrons. For the most part he is kind, and will go to any lengths to help a friend or stranger. Make him mad though and you will unleash a completely different person indeed. While he is overly emotional at times his heart is in the right place, and that makes him an extremely useful ally. Time and time again Mage has shown his loyalty to his friends, there is no doubt he will do the same in this new age. However…there is another side to the magic user. His soul is so tainted by the black magic he practices that he himself loses touch with reality during battle. He is known for being able to cast some of the most revolting, painful, and deadly spells ever cast. This makes him a dangerous opponent if he is given any time to cast a spell. Do not let his kind nature outside of battle fool you, when in battle Mage is one of the most ruthless and cruel opponents you will face.
Likes: Coffee, managing Crossroads Pub, researching different paths of magic, hosting tournaments, and of course using his magic to aid others.
Dislikes: People who are disrespectful or rude.

History: With very little trust, very little faith, and very little respect for anyone involved in the City’s law enforcement Mage has taken it upon himself to provide a place for the free willed. While the cops and other pawns of the Mayor are busy destroying lives on the spot and hauling people off to jail Mage and others like him are busy fighting against this. Mage has become one of the more questionable figures in the Dreamworld’s society. He claims to be running a bar…nothing more. Yet some say that when night falls children of the dark, androids, mercenaries, and even modern day samurai pay visits to the establishment. Even the Mayor himself will visit the bar, though this is usually because he or someone he knows needs to be healed. The Mayor treats Mage as more of a medicine man and seer than what he truly is, a modern day magic user. Although Mage doesn’t mind being on the Mayor’s good side…he does mind that the local authorities and even the army ask for his help in their own wars.
Of course, having Crossroads Pub located in the Hallowed district does mean that anything goes. It is the only place in Dreamworld where weapons are allowed, vampires walk among humans, and murder and drugs are a part of life. Even more troubles have recently headed Mage’s way as the Sorceress Ildulha has taken particular interest in holding a grudge against the bartender. She sees him as one of the most evil and wicked magic users in the city, and if it were up to her he would have been the first terminated. To add to this Ildulha is beginning to convince the mayor himself of this, as is quite obvious from his recent trips to the pub. The mayor grows more and more suspicious of Mage and as he does the seer becomes more and more enigmatic. Despite the extreme disliking many of the military’s magic users have for Mage, many traditional magic users make voyages to the pub simply to speak to him. Through his own personal sacrifice Mage managed to befriend an American Indian shaman, who as a reward gave Mage a gift from his people. Now word has spread of his good…and bad deeds. Nodel Leshere now has friend in both the light and dark worlds of magic. Revered by the most holy of sorcerers, and the darkest necromancers to ever set foot in the Dreamworld.
What is more…it is rumored that the Crossroads Pub’s manager is not human. No one is even sure of his true age. You see late at night…when the pub is closed to the public people have sighted a dark figure. The figure appears to be a rather frail man, completely pale in color walking back and fourth. Chains hanging from his arms and legs, scars covering his body from head to toe. Some say this is the ghost of a tortured soul who lost his life in the pub, some say this is a spell cast by Mage to ward off intruders, and others beg to differ. You see some people say that it is Mage himself, in his true form grieving over an all too tragic past. If this is true…then there is much more to the seemingly kind and happy young man than what can be seen. What is known for certain, is that Mage plays a crucial role in the Dreamworld’s society.

Weapon(s): Broomstick, Voodoo Doll, and a single Glaive.
Techniques/Styles: When Mage does fight he uses a Glaive, which allows him to keep his distance even in a fight.

The spells listed below are named spells. Being a magic user Mage is also able to manipulate his environment as well as time and space itself.
Forbidden Magic: The following spells are all dark in nature, or meant for offensive purposes. They are Mage’s most cruel spells, and when casting them he becomes an entirely different person. If he is human at all during these spellcasts that is. When Mage casts forbidden magic the best tactic is to get out of the area immediately. This line of spells hosts two of Mage’s most dangerous spells. Above all else keep in mind these are only a select few of dozens of spells. I just picked some of my favorites.
Shattered Dreams – A beam of light falls from the sky and spreads across Mage. As the light grows the light begins to blind any nearby targets. When the light has completely faded it reveals Mage now holding an orb of light. Mage brings the orb to his chest before holding it forward in his left hand. The orb forms into a petal which gently flows onto the chest of his target. The petal then explodes on contact causing the target to either be destroyed, badly wounded, or sending them flying through the air.
Deadtime – This spell utilizes Mage’s ability of time control, and is thought to be one of his more deadly spells. Mage pulls a watch from his pocket; he then lifts it into the air as his glasses flash with light for a moment. It is then that he chants the following. “Spirits of light take heed of my power, contort time to molasses a minute an hour. Dark entities I pour into this sadistic hex, deadtime is now in its most disastrous effect!” Once chanting the spell all targets within sight of Mage are slowed to 1/100th of their normal speed while the magic user maintains his usual speed. This allows Mage to pull off a variety of moves on a target, or accomplish a multitude of feats in what appears to be less than a second. (Note: For those of you who have seen Ruin Explorers. Parts of a chant were borrowed for this one. It was just such an awesome chant I couldn’t allow it to go to waste!!!)
Consulting with Devils – “One for the devils, who’ve taken me. Two for the reaper, knocking upon my door. The third for the fool, who is no more.” Upon finishing the chant a small circle will appear glowing before him on the floor. 13 small imps will soon emerge from the portal, each acting as a weapon for Mage for a short time.
Combo Spell - Innocence – Mage will begin to form a cross in the air with his right arm. Once the cross is finished it will appear in a beautiful blue light. With that Mage places his right hand upon the center of the cross, causing it to ripple as if he touched the surface of a clear spring. After this the cross will be sent flying at his opponent. If the cross comes into contact with them they will be bound to the cross. Soon after Mage will begin chanting to himself, placing both hands together as multiple orbs of light begin to appear around him. Holding both arms out Mage continues chanting, his eyes now glowing the bright blue color of the cross. As he finishes the chant the orbs collide with the target, each exploding and at the same time causing the cross to shatter.
Combo Spell - Pestilence – Mage begins to chant, and as he does the sound of insects chirping and buzzing can be heard all about the area. Not long after this, Mage will lift his right arm pointing ever so slowly to his target. With that the target will begin to feel a burning and painful sensation from within their stomach. Mage then lowers his arm and head, laughing to himself uncontrollably. As he does the target will begin to vomit all sorts of horrible insects. Scorpions, black widows, maggots, centipedes, and so on. After all of this is done and over with the target will be left, covered in horribly painful bumps.
Marionette – Mage lifts his right arm and holds it out chanting. As he does a barbed wire appears coiled before him on the ground. With a quick motion of his arm the wire flies towards the victim’s chest. It is then that the barbed wire becomes transparent and flies into the victim, jolting them back from the force. Mage then moves the target into any position he pleases.
Self Control – A small voodoo doll appears cradled in Mage’s arms. He holds the doll out towards the target. Uttering a curse backwards. “!enim si luos ruoy ,hgin si dne ehT .dnim eht ot faed ,seye eht ot dnilB” With that multiple cuts begin to appear all across the doll, as Mage’s eyes become entirely black the nature of the spell is realized. As the doll is being cut likewise the target endures similar wounds on their own body.
The Lost Requiem – Mage removes a flute from his left sleeve and begins playing. As he does he takes his true form. As if this isn’t shocking enough the faces of the souls taken by Mage appear all across the floor. Slowly yet surely a red fog sets in all across the area and the screams of men, women, and children fill the area. Mage continues playing the tune, which has now become extremely eerie. Mage’s target will now relive every horrible experience they’ve ever gone through in life. When this is over and done with Mage will then extend his shaking hand, pointing a single sharpened nail toward his target. With that spheres of dark matter will begin flowing into their body, each feeling as though it is ripping at the target’s insides. When in fact that is just what the orbs of dark matter are doing…it is then that Mage walks over to the target. With a slight grin he places his hand on the face of the target. Burning them beyond the point of recognition.


Fadeaway Lyrics

I'm not clear how it is that I ended up here
Deja Vu- think of you now so far, once so near
Tangled in my own reflection - On the way down - Fadeaway
With my hands on my mind I hold wounds that won't mend
With my eyes open wide I can see it's the end...tangled in my imperfections - On the way down
Don't hate me now - They've torn away the ground from under me right after they were reassured that I believed
Normality is not a word I understand at all
Set myself up for the fall
Withdrawing deep into the hole
This isolated little cell, leaves me cold and faded
I'm my one and only friend
I am my worst enemy
I find new methods to pretend, that this is not reality
Don't be lonely - Now I'm your only...Just stay far away from me
When I fadeaway from me
Decline - More whine - Deadline all mine


Note: You know the rules about the music folks. Delete it after 24 hours. It's not the best quality either so don't think you're getting the actual song. I also encourage you to buy Celldweller's CD as I did if you do enjoy the song!

©2005 Chris Friday