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Name: King Kong
Allignment: Owned by Dakotah Clash
Registration Number: CZ-006
Height: 17.7 Meters
Length: 11.5 Meters
Weight: 187 Tons
Top Speed: 135 Kilometers per Hour
Weapons: Hardened Alloy Fingers,Magazine-fed Missile Launcher(Switchable),Hiblit Vulcan Cannon(Switchable),Tri-Barreled Grenade Launcher(Switchable),10-shot rocket pod (concealed in left shoulder),70mm wrist cannon,Twin 144mm Cannons,188mm Cannon,Zeus's Charge,Twin Death Rain Missle Boxes,3 Surface to Surface Missle Pods,30mm Dual Light Vulcan Gun,30mm Beam Cannons,Tri-barreled 20mm spread cannon,Twin long-range-ballistic missles.

Special Abilites: Omni Dirrectional Shield,Specialized Sensors,Twin TVM Long Range Ballistic Missiles

Quite a unique zoid to say the least the King Kong model has gone through evolution from a tiny hammer rock to his current form via dakotah clash's organoid.Next Dakotah attached the manuever thruster pack to this impressive zoid.Already extremely different than any other kong dakotah went even a step further,after the firestorm ruins victory in the royal cup he used the ZBC grant to add a part he refers to as the "Firestorm Unit".Now one of a kind this zoid has been dubbed the King Kong Type.

Paint: Holotech Gunmetal Armor with Crimson Blood Red frame, green canopy/cockpit glass color and other glasses, holotech guns with metallic glossy finish. Words '73|-| ub3r |<0/\/6 0f 73|-|1337/\/355 written in clear transparency on front and back.


Hardened Alloy Fingers-
The Kong's fingers aren't brittle. Not by far. They also have great dexterity for a zoid, allowing for greater ease in picking up and throwing enemy zoids. They're also good for ripping away all of your opponent's unwanted armor.

Magazine-fed Missle Launcher-
Mounted to the right shoulder this is simply a single barreled Missle launcher with 6 missles in the clip and 1 loaded for a grand total of 7.(Can't be used in conjunction with Tri-Barreled Grenade Launcher or Hiblit Vulcan Cannon.)

Hiblit Vulcan Cannon-
Mounted to the right shoulder this cannon consists of a single six-barreled 60mm vulcan chain gun that shoots powerful bullets at very high speed.(Can't be used in conjunction with Tri-Barreled Grenade Launcher or Magaizine-fed Missle Launcher.)

Tri-Barreled Grenade Launcher-
Mounted to the right shoulder this upgrade is quite simple consisting of Three 70mm Barrels and holds a total of 15 grenades.The grenades while not only being rather powerful have a splash damage of 50 meters.(Can't be used in conjunction with Hiblit Vulcan Cannon or Magazine-fed Missle Launcher.)

10-Shot Rocket Pod-
Concealed in the kongs left shoulder is a simple 10 shot rocket pod.

70mm Wrist Cannon-
What the name applys this cannon is little more than a 70mm rotatable cannon affixed to the kongs wrist.

Twin 144mm Cannons-
On the kongs belly lay two large 144mm cannons able to shread an enemy to pieces with its powerful shells.

Single 188mm Cannon-
Just above the 144mm Cannons is the powerful 188mm cannon much like the king gojulas's chest setup.

Zeus's Charge-
Implants added to the kongs inner arms and chest allow it to wrap itself around an enemy and initiate the weapon which sends electrical currents through the enemy much like the geno saurer's claw weaponry.

Twin Death Rain Missle Boxes-
The kongs chest armor has been fixed so it folds outwards revieling 2 Death Rain Missle Boxes.When the armor is opened both pods push out and angle upwards to allow the unit to fire correctly.There are 3 Missles in each box and each missle contains 6 Spikes.

3 Surface to Surface Missle Boxes-
One equipped to each ankle and the third to the kongs head these boxes are no more than single barreled missle launchers 4 in each for a total of 12 Missles.

30mm Dual Light Vulcan Gun-
On the kongs chest resides the small 30mm Dual Light Vulcan gun,while it may not look like much at first glance continued pressure from this fast firing weapon will eat armor away in a heartbeat.

30mm Beam Cannons-
Equipped to the kongs back are a set of 30mm Beam Cannons useful for wearing down armor.

Tri-Barreled 20mm spread cannon-
Equipped to the kongs wrist is this unique weapon with 3 barrels angling out in 3 different dirrections.

Twin Long-range-ballistic missles-
The grandaddy of all the kongs weapons are these two ballistic missles strapped to the kongs back.Although they must be fired 100 meters away from the kong the splash damage is a tremendous 80 meters and a direct hit from one of these missles is almost always a CSF.

Special Abilities

Omni Dirrectional Shield-
Provided via the evolved Active Shield Unit this powerful shield rivals the strength of the blade ligers and as a extra bonus provides cover for all sides of the kong.

Specialized Sensors-
The green square in the Kong's forhead is a small sensor unit, capable of seeing through smoke, though not through most kinds of terrain - meaning it can't find burrowing zoids except in desert terrain. Also, unlike most zoids, the Kong can send the sensor data to a teammate.

Twin TVM Long Range Ballistic Missiles-
2 ballistic missiles on the Kong's back make it even more dangerous. These missiles have an explosive radius of 80 meters! That means trying to hit one in mid air before it hits you may still damage you heavily. Also, they are long range, and are able to fly after a target farther than the diameter of any battlefield!