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- Space
- Fights

- Quests

- Planet Vegeta
- Planet Earth
- Planet Namek
- Icer Outpost
- Saiyan
- Namek
- Human
- Icer
- Android
- Human/Saiyan
- TriClops
- Demon/Buu
- Namek
- Konackan
- Zargonian
- Makyosei-Jin
- Chou-Jin
- Dodorian
- Reptilian
- Jeice-Jin/Gladitorian

- The Unlimited Team

- Dragon Ball 3209
- LOTR:War Of The Ring

Copyright © 2004
Dragon Ball Unlimited

This site is fairly new and should hopefully fun very well like my other RPGs.

Brian Simpson

Strongest Member




Welcome to Dragon Ball Unlimited

As of right now, DBU is getting memebers and stuff. This RPG runs a whole lot like DB3209.

Anyways ~

In DBU you get many races(15) and you also get multiple characters depending on your level in DB3209. If you where a n00b or Levels 1-2, you get 2 characters, if you where levels 4-3, you get 3 characters, 5-6, you get 4 characters, 7-8, you get 5 characters... Also, for each tourney you won you get another character.

Best regards,
Brian Simpson

Updated last 2/3/04, Current Members:12