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Dog Heaven

As you walk across the green grass next to a towering mountain,you see in the distance dogs playing in the woods.One stands up,and walks over to you. "I am Buck,son of Tucker.Stay with us here at Dog Heaven,you won't regret it." With that,he walks back to his friends.

...The season is now winter...Mainly it is very cold and snow is every where...the wind is strong...southern terras will get sleet (the lagoon and waterfall)...not much plant life until spring....

Welcome to the updated version of Dog Heaven!I know I know,its the same!I didn't know what to do,I'm not the most cretive of folks,and I wanted to get the game up and running before the weekend.I have been busy with semesters but I managed to squeeze in some html work.Tell me how you like the new arrangement and new colors on the ooc board.Also I need you guys (and girls) to start advertising on every advert board you can get your hands on.After you post at a lot of advertisment boards come here and tell me how many you posted and for the person who posts the most you can be the welcome dog on this page instead of Buck up there.Not a big prize I know but oh well.Also,I need all of your ideas!I am not that creative as I said so I need all of your help!Post on the ooc board if you have any ideas for the game at all!

Also!! I have decided to wipe the game out.Everyone must rejoin,and if you don't post once every two days you cannot I repeat cannot join,I am sick of all this inactivity.I am sorry to the few players who are active.You guys are really great!When I say that I mean Kalir and Comet Fire.You two have been the most active players on this game.Thanks.If you are going to be gone tell us or you will be outta here!Thanks!Sorry that I sound mean cause I really am not.

Joining Board
Water Lilly Creek
OOC Board