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The Xtreme Wrestling Alliance come's on the air with jim ross and jerry the king lawler sitting down at ring side*The fan's are excited about the Xtreme Wrestling Alliance pay per view , Unforegiven.


All of the sudden ,The light's dim out , Keep on roleing blast's over the specker's*The Undertaker ride's his bike down the ramp " Taker then circle's around the ring then come's back and park's his bike by the ring. Taker then get's off his bike and step's into the ring , Taker grab's the micphone then his music cut's off.

Undertaker -Everybody is probily hell shock to see me out here standing in this ring right this sec , I know that the whole wrestling world want's to know why did the man who was a legand in the wwe leave that company*Im not going to be keeping you fan's waiting for long the reason i left the wwe cause it was just too dam easy for me to kick somebody's ass that's why i came here to the xwa.So now im here , Im going to kick everybody's ass that i step in the ring with and it's going to start at unforegiven* My number 1 goal is to kick everybody's ass in the company and win match's and bring home some championship's to my wife sara. I expect to get to the top of the xwa in the next few month's.So if anybody in the dressing room deside to fuck me with , I will make your ass famous.


Undertaker drop's the micphone then his music start's back up , Taker step's out of the ring and get's on his bike and ride's it up the ramp*Taker stop's for a sec and rases's 1 hand in the air at the top of the stage and ride'e his back back stage.

Jim Ross -King , The american bad ass " The undertaker is here in the xwa.

king- Jr , I know but taker said at unforgiven , somebody going to be famous* JR who can that be

Jim Ross- I don't know king but ,unforegiven going to be a hell of a show.

The Camera's fade ,The xwa goe's to a commerical break*