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| Intro | have reached a place for which there is no return. A bewitching time in history in need of your services while engulfed in peril. This is the era no secrets are supposed to be kept. This is the age where dreams become reality. And this is the day you'll soar without wings, create reality with your dreams, and not be kept from the darkest secret of all: the secret of life...and of death.

| Sept 4 of 2003 |

After much editing and writing, I have made a new layout, and added more features:
1. First Three episodes are UP
2. There will soon be boards WE can RP at, since Neopet's is driving me INSANE
3. Guestbook!!!
4. Voting features
5. More spots, so please join!

The Story  The Profiles  The System  The Library   Gratitude  Reviews  Support  References  Awards
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