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Saylax Whitewolf

Human Form: Saylax's appearance is that of a rough woods guide. Often seen clean shaving yet things seem to just pop up and is usually seen with a weeks growth. Long light brown hair sets good with his deep in thought hazel eye's. His deep blue cloak drapes over him concealing most of his off standoffish light red armor that nulls out most heat and lightning type attacks. Riding high on his hip well hidden under the cloak is a pale black sheather which holds his sword Enigma a blackened blade that has the tendency to absorb not only light but most types of magic that is about. It is a mechanical, enchanted sword that needs to be 'activated'- you must grip the handle through the loop with your thumb on the lever. gears turn, and the blade begins to burn. How the sword works is difficult to describe- when the blade sinks into something, it doesn't rely on the blade to cut alone- instead, the blade separates. the blade's edge is made up of 'treads' that push out and move to the back while a new blade emerges from within- so it's not just cutting, it's splitting the object by pushing it apart as it cuts.

Wolf Form: Fur is almost black except for a streak of brown that spirals around his back and chest. His glowing yellow eye's can pierce the darkest of corners his speed is great even when handed with obstructions such as tree's and low limbs. His exceptional hearing seems to get him in more trouble because of his big mouth. Most comfortable in the forest during a full or new moon.

History: Though he doesn't appear it he is very old to the world standing date not sure. He has lived out most of his life a drifter going from place to place helping those most unfortunate and in need of help. Through his good nature he hopes to atone for his fathers misdeeds to the world in the past. His father was a very powerful leader of the Wolfkin and lead raids on many a city slashing and burning all that opposed him including women and children. His father happened across his mother a sorceress and raped her tho she was able to ex cape with her life she didn't wish to hum her newly acquired son for his fathers wrong doings so she raised him the best she could but came to an early demise and he ended up living on the outskirts of a city for a time till he grew to understand things clearly. Now his father is dead for his treacherous deeds and he walks about in search of great deed's of good to reclaim the Wolfkin's rightfully name of honor. He also has a puzzling out look on most things that people don't see and to them he speaks in riddle's.

Acquired Company: Three wolves follow him about though not often seen they seem to watch over him at night for exchange of food. Though they don't act it they are very wild and sometimes a nuisance to have around. They keep clear while Saylax is in towns they never leave him unprotected while in the wilderness for free gains of food he may give them or the praise that follows for helping him out.


