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Mare rules

  • Not all mares are 'bitchy'. It eventually becomes boring with lots of dominant, stroppy mares who always fight and act 'holier than thou'. You can resent a stallion claiming you, but you must eventually go with him. Stallions will always win over a mare, that is obvious.
  • You come into heat every 2 weeks in spring and summer,which means you could have 4 foals in an entire year (4 real life months)
  • You must go with the first stallion that claims you.
  • If a stallion steals you successfully, you must go with that stallion.

    Challenging rules for mares
    Mares may challenge for alpha position in a herd only.
    If they win the challenge, they can challenge again ONCE for the right to keep that position permaanently.
    Mares may NOT leave a herd once she has become part of it. If she really doesn't like the stallion, she may challenge for her freedom. Mares can challenge for their freedom 3 times in their life.