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RPGchat Character


Name: Drakkan Demonio
Special Title: DarkSorcerer & DemonKing
Age: "I've seen the universe been created and destroyed over ten thousand times." -Drakkan
Race: Demon
Weapons: His main weapon is his special powers. He can hypnotise, kill, put people to sleep, create life, and take away life with just a mere thought.
History: He is one of the original Gods created before the first universe. When he was born into existance (as the first universe was being created) he had taken his place among the Gods as the God of Nature. Nothing much happend in his first nine thousandth universal birth. When this universe was created he had almost given up. He created one last planet... DemonWorld. On this planet he decided only immortals will be born there, and to keep it a happy world, he appointed a leader. So he summoned a mortal from Earth which was created by the God of Good. This mortal had passed the challenges that were laid out for him by Drakkan and become immortal himself... ruler of DemonWorld. Drakkan was happy with this decision.

    But then the new ruler started making his own rules and plans for the universe. The new ruler had sent a powerful artifact, the Dark Stone, a stone used by the Gods to create or destroy things. The Dark Stone is usually the Heart of an evil God. Once this ruler had the stone he had used it to send to the mortal realms and pull mortals into DemonWorld for his own sick pleasure. When Drakkan found this out he decided to help. He tortured mortals until their souls dropped out. Drakkan was punished by the Gods and turned into the God of Evil. He accepted this title with honor and continued to torture. Then he minipulated the souls and turned them into creatures of darkness. The souls became demons, creatures of death and destruction. And Drakkan was also known as the DemonKing.

    Then finally he decides to rest. Killing himself by giving up his immortality. But the Gods didn't want him to end his suffering of lonelyness. They decided to resurrect him... as a mortal. Now he lives as a mortal man on Earth with his past... forgotten. All are left are dreams of the past that haunt him.

Extra: Human form, he usually wears long thick black robes with hood over face, casting an everlasting shadow. Sometimes his body slips through and people see red robes,two rings on his right hand, a golden medallion, and black leather boots. Some people even say he has red eyes... before never being heard from again.

Quote: "I was not born a vampyre, not a human, not a spirit... so what am I? My blood kills at the touch, and my site cripple people's souls. I search in a hopeless quest for others like me... and so far I found no one. And I'll probably find only... no one."  -Drakkan in DemonWorld

Words from the Creator: DemonWorld is a novel I wrote in my years of boredom. It's not published yet. But I came across those quotes in my book and decided to apply them in my roleplaying character.