..Legend tells of a promise..
..one more sacred..
..than the world itself..
..and it goes as thus..

When darkness consumes..
thy heart is baffled..
traitors may gather..
poisoning the land..
with evil and deceit..

yet as time progresses..
the ominous pull ceases..
though scars are left..
few only flesh deep..
That is when the promise..
shall rise again...
through the leadership..
of a score..

love feeds the family..
nourishes the strength..
is the only weapon..

The promise shall..
burn in thee..
as sacred as anew..

Though--forgetting is a lie
to one's self..
this promise a secret as well..

Embrace the lesson
love all forever..

yet not only promise..
to love and care

but remember the hurt
for it is the teacher..
and only forgive when..
thy can without lying..

as is this the promise

So a pack such as this, shall rise above those satanic beasts that chose to opress and kill, yet remember the forgotten promise.. so that tranquility can flourish again.. A place of healing, yet not in order to shun the truth.

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    [ Rp News ]

    The lands had so long been ramaged by darkness and evil, hope seeming crushed. Yet, the loyals fought strongly and one by one, the evil ones were destroyed, only leaving the mascu' Quick Fang. Being a personal enemy of the Alpha femora, Midnight, the two fought, Quick Fang nearly winning. Then a traitor, the Alpha's half-brother rose out of the shadows, freeing his sister from the grip and allowing Midnight the last blow. Quick Fang died, seemingly leaving the pack for a time of recovery..

    Only now have they started the path to peace, a thing not having been seen in the pack for ages.. only time will tell how long that will last.. for the dying words of the warlord Quick Fang suggested he was not completely dead and none of the other evils had been murdered, merely sent fleeing from the lands. Yet, for now the pack settles into a normal and blissful way of life...

    Submitted on: November 14th /02
    By: Chels (FireGrowlie)
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    Alpha: Midnight
    Alpha: Frintz
    Beta: Maze
    Delta: Hunter
    Gamma: Phantom

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    Epsilon: Loco
    Zeta: Aleu
    Theta: Sunset
    Sigma: Toby

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