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DBZ Decimation

*Created by Dragons Sword56*

Welcome to DBZ Decimation! The second RPG I've ever made. This one should be a little better. I'm gonna be Goku again. Don't ask to recieve or even reserve a character until I open it. There will be three owners: me(the main owner with all rights and responciblities), a vice-owner will have limited rights and responcibilities(will be choosen to help me build this RPG), and a sub-owner(limited rights and responcibilities that are less than vice-owner{will be choosen at the start of the RPG}).

Posting area for : August 30, 2002 at 6:49 P.M. CST: IM me or email me if you have any suggestions or requests other than asking for a character because the answer is no until the the opening. g2g. c-ya layta
Posting area for the Vice Owner: August 30, 2002 at ?:35 P.M. CST: IM me or email me if you have any suggestions or requests other than asking for a character because the answer is no until the the opening. g2g. c-ya layta and don't ask how long till the site opens
Posting area for the Sub-Owner

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