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Dayna Black, the name she was born with, but she grew up knowing nothing of the family that gave it to her, her family. Shortly after he birth, she was taken away, sent out to live a better life. Dayna’s life was placed in the hands of a man who swore to protect her until the day he dies, and protect her he did. His name was unknown to her, and she knew not of the morbid past he had, nor did she care. As time went on, the bond between them grew, and she began to refer to him as her “uncle” though they were not related.

Dayna’s guardian was somewhat tall, standing at the height of six feet five inches. He was muscular, which was good for any man protecting someone. He was fit, very, keeping in shape by training, running around with and after Dayna when she learned to walk. Don’t get him wrong with his appearance, he really was a kind man, he just never had anyone to show it to.

When Dayna turned the age of seven she was given a special weapon, a black bladed sword that hid magic within it. At that time, she was too small to hold the sword, so her guardian put it away for her until she got older. He gave her a smaller sword so he could teach her to fight, only knowing that his time with her will be up soon, in a few years maybe.

Dayna never went anywhere alone, always being in the company of her uncle. She never thought anything odd of it, enjoying his company. One thing would have been nice though, to have friends her age to play with, and to be able to go to school. Where she was living was far between to villages, in the middle of nowhere, but when she did go to a village, she was always happy. He treated her as if she were his daughter, giving her everything she needed and some things she wanted. Dayna was a happy child when she was in her uncle’s care, but that was all about to change. He held a past that remained locked away for so many years; it was bound to be brought back out into the open.

Dayna was twelve years old when the two men with swords came to the cottage she’d been living in since she was a baby. Her uncle was inside, busy with his own matters, and Dayna, she was outside, practicing her fighting techniques with the small sword. When the two men walked up to the door of the cottage, Dayna stepped between them and the door, telling them that they weren’t expecting anyone. She held the small sword loosely down at her side, watching them and waiting.

One of the men was about to attempt to push her aside when she snapped her teeth at his hand. Vicious, she may be, but she was merely trying to protect her uncle. The grasp she had on the sword tightened and the two men saw that, taking a couple steps back. Her guardian then appeared in the doorway behind her, having heard the commotion outside.

Dayna had nothing to do with this, but she became a part of it when she raised her sword and slashed the man, who tried pushing her aside, across the face. Her guardian snatched her up and dragged her into the house, swearing at her for doing what she had done. Then he told her to hurry upstairs and get something from under his bed, he told her that it’d be wrapped in a small blanket. He didn’t explain why, and she went and did what she was told. During the duration of that time, he went to face his fate with his two old enemies, sword in his left hand, and knife in the other.

She heard the swords clashing outside and quickly rushed to her uncle’s room, grabbing the blanket he told her to get, placing it upon his bed. She unrolled whatever it was in it ad found the black bladed sword. Her left hand clasped around the hilt of the sword and before she knew it, she was downstairs and just about to step outside. Odd, she didn’t remember leaving the room. When she got outside, he was laying on the ground, his gaze shifting over to her.

The two men were both there, one still standing and one crouching. The man crouching was the one she had attacked before, and bore a deep wound on the chest along with several minor slashes on his arms and lower abdomen. The man who was standing turned to face her and looked briefly at her guardian. He told her that they got what they came for, and decided to forget her slip-up.

She wasn’t happy, rushing over to her uncle’s side, sitting down and placing his head in her lap. Tears ran down her face as she cradled his head in her arms and on her lap. He whispered to her, speaking as best as he could. He told her that he was sorry and that he loved her like a daughter, then he told her to run if she valued her life. Dayna didn’t have time to get answers because he took his last breath and life faded from that once active body of his. She stood, gently removing her uncle’s head from her lap. She then turned her attention to the two men, hatred burning in her eyes. The man who was still crouching took a hard long look at her, and then told the other to leave. The other man was reluctant to leave, until his friend threatened to take away his manhood with his sword. The man left, leaving his wounded friend behind with Dayna.

The man stood slowly from his crouching position, holding his sword in his right hand. He told her that she should have listened to the warnings and ran away, but now it was too late. Dayna reached down and picked up the black bladed sword, raising its’ blade into the air. She reminded him of what she did to his face, and he just smirked, saying nothing in response, letting his sword do the speaking for him. He took a step towards her and did a quick spin, sending the blade of his sword across her chest, but before his move could be fulfilled, she jumped up and did a flip over him. The counter attack kind of shocked him, but he changed his attack and turned to face her, slashing his sword down at her. He had forgotten about his wounds, but she didn’t, quickly sending the butt of the hilt into the deep wound in his chest. He gasped and dropped down onto his knees, and when he got onto his knees, she performed the final blow. She did the same move he first tried on her, spinning around, sending the blade of her sword across his throat, cutting halfway into his neck.

After she was done with him, she wiped the sword’s blade clean and strapped the weapon to her waist. Dayna then walked over to her uncle’s body, sitting down next to it. She had nowhere to go, no one to go to, and nowhere to live. The cottage was forever tainted, and she could no longer live there. So she set everything a blaze, the cottage and all of the corpses. Afterwards, she left with only her sword and her memories, painful ones and happy ones. Where would she go now, she didn’t know that yet.

Years went by, and her life grew to be hard. After leaving everything behind, she had nothing but that of which she had brought with her. Because she had nothing, she had nowhere to go nor anywhere to live. Now though, she found herself living on the streets, stealing what she could, and fighting to stay alive. She didn’t have to live alone though; she had her friends, and a gang they were. Dayna gained those friends through fights, giving them a chance to bring fear to the village. She was just about the best fighter in the village, both with sword and hand-to-hand combat.

It had been four years since she’s been back to the remains of her old home, and four years since her first kill. Her first kill wasn’t her last one either; there were times she had to kill someone in order to survive. She didn’t feel guilt or regret about killing people, having lost those feelings since her uncle’s death. Seventeen years of her life, she hadn’t found out that her uncle wasn’t really her uncle, and had no clue about her real family. She didn’t even have a clue of the powers her sword holds within it. She had no idea of what was in store for her, the problems she’d be facing ahead of her, the surprises waiting for her.

Shortly after she turned nineteen, someone claiming to be her older stepped up and asked for her to go with him. Dayna didn’t want to trust him, hell she didn’t know if she could believe him or not. Some how he got her to go with him, and brought her back home, her real home. She found out that she had another brother, one she later grew feeling towards, and he was a few years younger than her. Her mother, she had no chance to meet her, which was because her mother was dead, died long ago. So it was just her, her stepfather, and her two brothers left keeping the family name a live.

There was something that had been eating away at her since her encounter with her older brother, and that was the question of why they had her come back home after all these years. They had many chances to bring her back, many years of which she spent with and without her so-called uncle. Her older brother old her everything, though there was one thing he left out, why she was separated from them in the first place. Her younger brother was kind of in the same situation as her, knowing not of why they were separated; even he was taken away as a baby. While she tried to figure out the answers to her questions, she decided to give them a chance as a family.

Things began to head downhill after she re-entered into the family, her younger brother dying so that she wouldn't get hurt. Her older brother then tried to kill her, wanting the sword she had, that was the main reason why they were all separated.. They each carried a special weapon each that could destroy many lives. She refused to let him have the sword and during that time became a traitor.

She had made a friend not long after she returned to her family, an elven woman named Minowa, stealing Dayna's heart. Dayna loved two people, her younger brother and Minowa, and she would have done anything to keep her younger brother alive. After he died, and her older brother trying to kill her, she betrayed Minowa by handing her over to her greatest enemy and then faked her own death, vanishing from them for what would have been forever.


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