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July 5, 2003
Kills of the month since last update have been....

Emp... ( I lack a picture so I made one up) (had to edit... wrong monk was dead, /shrug I was not there)



Also Domithebeast was spotted in GU Comics


June 17, 2003

Tildy's Secret Life Story just recently came hot off the press. Personally War & Peace is a lot easier to read, but not quite as kinky.


Also Published by Tildy:


June 10, 2003

Well we have been up to a lot of things around the world of Norrath, Slaying this Slaying that. Back a few weeks the guild stumbled in to Bastion of Thunder. It seems that that no one has a strong grip with their hands, and a few swords and nukes killed some giants. /shrug we did not give it a second thought.


May 30, 2003

We decided to visit Plane of Storms today. Wow, I must say I really do feel sorry for those giants. A lot more were flagged. No pictures today. I was playing a GAR. Sorry guys and gals.

May 29, 2003

Playing catch up on some of the news. Here are a few things done this month. I really did miss a lot of it.

May 12, 2003

Vindy, Statue, Idol, Aow all died.


May 23, 2003

We visited NTOV. Cleaned the place up. Here are a few of the dust bunnies we found hiding in the caves.





May 27, 2003

We decided to go back and visit Kael. We found out that Vindi, Statue, Idol, Avator of War Decided to squat in there. So being the kind people we are rid Velious of thier tyranny.


One day we were in Umbral Plains so Nukers Unite, I am president, (Intern applications accepted) Well here is a pose of us all.


Did you ever here about those mystical beings called "GM's"? Well it is true they do exsist. In my travels I came upon 2 of them!