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                                                      An Ancient Calling

                                                    Xian DarkStar

Name:Xian Zero DarkStar(Clayborne)

Age:23 years



Eyes:His very orbs remain blue in color. If looked closely upon the shape of a northlike star rests exposed within the center of his left eye.

Hair:Within view,his hair lies a fine color of midnight. Interesting enough,few streaks of blue are left to line throughout

Race:Torn Soul

Prowess:Dark Manipulation(Soul of Illusion)

Features:The stetched image of a black dragon clearly remains visible as it can be noticed upon his right forearm. It lies coiled in it's design,giving the sense as if the Dragon is to consume all who lie within it's desired path.

as if gracing the flesh.

The vision of a wolf remains upon his left chest area. It's small yet clear depiction in drawing delivers a sense of strength upon wandering eyes.

"...And I awake..In the endless shadow of a dream.."


                             Dont disturb the Beast
while he's feeding on the rose.
Stay, Rose, and compromise,
what I will, what I am.