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       Living a Dark Angel

  a dark angel RPG


           Some people think the title above is incorrect grammar. No - it can be translated as "Living as a Dark Angel".  Some people would just say "living a dark angel".  Get it? Great.  This site is for every Dark Angel fan out there who's been going insane looking for an RPG.  Right when I started watching the show, I thought, 'Man! That would be SO cool to roleplay!'  But not until the middle of season 2 did I take the time to make this.  Here there are two separate rolplaying areas - and I'd appreciate it if you do just that in them: roleplay. Please don't just sit around in them and talk about what you're doing this week and...stuff. The two rooms tend to have a lag of about 8 seconds - which is too long for me.  ._. If anyone could help me find a free chatroom service with zero lag, I'd be very thankful.  This site isn't much for graphics, but is much more wordy. Sorry if that hurts your nonintellectual briains.  

        For those who aren't sure on an original character to roleplay, I have a few characters I made up that you can take. But don't worry - I have barely any information on them. You get to choose their looks, alias, and all that.  All I have for them is part of their barcode number and a little bit of their beginnings in Manticore.  You can find these characters listed in the Characters That Need Roleplayers section.  I did this mainly because of my selfish nature, and would really like the transgenics linked with my character's past to be roleplayed. ^_^ Ahh... That's most of the basic things you need to know about this RPG. Check it out, and have fun running for your life from those insane Manticore people or whatever.  XP  

-- X5-518



JamPony Roleplaying Area

Terminal City Roleplaying Area


The Dark Angels

Characters That Need Roleplayers





© June 2002.  Living a Dark Angel and all its contents are property of X5-518, so don't even think about touching my characters and putting them on your site. (Not like you'd want to anyway. ^_^;)  The show Dark Angel ™ is property of Twentieth Century Fox.  That be all, folks.