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The DA site with no boundaries, if you find anything on this site offensive, we really dont care


6/014/02 Adoration - Carnig, Solada, and Sunreet reappear to consumate the adoration of Arpina, Adranuch, and Matrika.

Through the sacrifice of the three relics by a trinity worshippers who have consecrated their spirit by Redemption, each may invoke the spirit of Danaan within their own heart. Come and worship in threes throughout this Temuairan Moon.

As a scripture says, May our actions be Danaan's smile, may our thoughts be Danaan's brilliance, may Danaan's smile appear upon each that you meet, for she resides in each Aisling's heart. You can only find Her--beginning with faith--or deny Her in whomever you meet.

Blaise Librarian of Loures

6/12/02 Adoration of Danaan Coming Soon - The Adoration will be held this weekend, starting on Friday and ending Monday. Aislings who have the items from the Eulogy and the Redemption will be able to perform the Adoration.

6/07/02 Goblin War - Goblin War The Goblins have declared war on the Aislings. They have gathered in a grass field near Loures. The Mundanes request that all experienced aislings ((level 85+)), who are willing to fight, enlist at Base Camp. Captain Dealos will lead the battle. Spoils of war will be given to Aislings who complete the battle.

5/31/02 Goblin Gathering - It was a clear and sunny day in Temuair. I was walking in a nice grassy field not too far from Loures. Since it was such a nice day, I decided to have a little picnic. As I was about to take a bite of my baguette, the ground started to tremble. Curious as to what, or whom, has disturbed my peaceful lunch, I went to investigate. I followed the intensity of the shaking ground. As I got closer to the source, I could hear the noise of a large crowd just over the grass hill. Being a cautious mundane, I crawled to the top of the hill to have a peak. It was a terrifying site. Hordes of Goblins were gathering in this large grass field. It seems the Goblins are planning for something, but for what? Either way it does not seem good, which is why I am writing this report.

-Decasco, the wondering Mundane

News spans will last a month.

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A Thank You To: for info., pics, etc. for the Temuairan clock for info., etc. for hosting the site

Some Guy

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"Cyberhubae: Guide me pleaxe"

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I'd rather get my kicks at Route 66 even if K-Mart does suck. Were you raised by a blind person or just like the G.a.P. look? BTW No, I'm not talking about the store.
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