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Austin is here!

-)x(- Disclaimer -)x(- Took ne long to make this layout but if you want it go head take it but if I see everyone Using it I might just get a litle Pissed but hey its all good Cya!





People Used




Stone Cold Steve Austin



None Yet



::Steve Austin heads down the ramp for a few words to do with his first Match::

Austin is Here!

Stone Cold: Everyone probly wonders why I chose to come to UsWf when I had a good spot with WWE being the comish of Raw? Well I wondered what it would be like to do something new. So i came here out of all places I said I was going to join with Edge and HBK and others but I dont want to be with them people there is one place i want to be but thats for me to know and me to know only. If Anyone has a problem with me doing what i want they can fight me 2! Edge if you think im going to be your litle buddy you are thinking way off! Because Edge I aint your freind! I have no freinds but I want some and they will soon find out who they are.... So I was just locked up and almost lost my job? The qustion is: Is that true? Well Yes it is true I was put in jail for being acused of being a drug dealler now that I aint! I am such a clean man. I drink alot but as of a druggy not going to happen. I went to court and I was found Innosient because thats what I am. I have never ever sold drugs in my life. Now forget about that we have to get on to my first match against Syco Steve.

Austin thinks and begins to talk!

Stone Cold: Well the bottem line is Im going to give him a 100% can of whop ass! When I step in the ring with this no body its all going to be on him he will have to run out of the ring because he is going to see my real Syco side! Syco Steve I think you are Syco and the only reason for that is because Your acsuly going to come in the ring and face me one on one! That Takes alot but you are going to have the cuts to do it. Im trying to work my way up to the title and thats what I want to do! Im Sorry Edge but if you have the title you will make my day because i need a good challenge and you seem good. But the Ratle Snake dosnt give a dam if your good he just wants a good fight! So at the next card I fight Syco Boy. If you want to show me something that you can do you better start selling popcorn in the stands because I know you cant fight and I bet you cant even sell popcorn! So Syco Steve if you think your good enough to face the ratle snake then why dont we raise the steaks by making if I win you have to sell Popcorn in the stands wearing a dress and if you Win I have to sell popcorn in a dress and also i dont get a title shot ever! Now If you think your really Syco you should accept this match because it could make you something if you beat me. But if you lose I will have a camra at the show after that so if it makes you happy ill make doubles for ya!

Begins to get louder as he talks!

Stone Cold: I just relized one thing that needs to change witch is we have the same name! My name is Steve and you Name is Steve. But we can tell who came from the Syco side and that is you Mr. Syco. You make me laugh so much Steve we could kick back as old friends but NO you think you have to go to the lunny Ben everyone 2 weeks to spend months with you lunny buddys because they keep a smile on your stupid ass face! Now I cant wait to fight you just because you acsuly sorta scare me. That takes alot to do but hey you did it! I have to give you credit for that because it takes more then a ugly face to scare me. But you came here and started talking Sh*t to doink the clown...I thought that was funny but you took it to a level and that scared the hell out of me but I like that and thats why I am scared of you because you are a really daring person something about the past but who give a two shits about the past aperintly you do. Because you sorta went syco there and I would like to see you go syco in my match so I can have a real reason to make you go to the hospital and never be able to step into the ring again that might make doink happy but it wont really make me so happy because then you will be 2 hurt to were a dress next week! So i will be easy on you this time but next time if we ever fight again its not gonna be fun for you because I will show you how to really wrestle a guy that is way better then you are! If i were you i would be really scared right now to tell you the truth!

Gets ready to leave after sayin a few more coments!

Stone Cold: Ya so thats what I got to say about that im going in and winning my match then soon i work my way up to the World Title and beat Edge for it if he still is the champ but i doubt it because he is no better then me and Shaun Stetson gets his rematch on Saterday so its on! Syco Steve you just meant your only problem in like witch is Stone Cold Steve Austin and im comming to open a can of whop ass on you so be carful and watch your back!

:Austin drops the mic and heads back to his locker!:

And Thats The Bottem Line cause STONE COLD Said SO!