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Danny's Poems

I hope you will enjoy my poems



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Late at night I think of you,

The good times we have are so few.

I hope to spend a little more time,

only if you would be mine.

I think of the moments that we could share,

I dream of my fingers running through your hair.

Oh what a moment that would be,

to cuddle just you and me.

I say these words with all my heart,

my feelings for you have only begun to start.

I hope one day that you will realize,

the love I feel and the truth in my eyes.

So one day just me and you,

the good times we share will not be few!



To think of you,

I do sometimes.

Just like a rose,

of beauty you remind.



Your eyes are just like the stars,

to follow them it will take me far.

Yet when I do I hope and pray,

that me and you will be together one day.



Unlike ice which melts away,

my love for you is here to stay.



I like a girl,

but she's not mine.

Yet in her hands,

my heart you'll find.



A day without you to hear or see,

a day with out life it would seem to me.

For the love of you is in my heart,

if we should meet I dare not part.

For when I have you in my hands,

to you I shall obey your every demands.

The thought of you to not be near,

is a day of life that I do fear.

You are the one that is for me,

I just hope one day that you will see.



I live life by just one day,

you may be the only reason I stay.

For without you I am but lost,

Like finding a bunny in snow frost.

You are the light that guides me through,

A path that leads but straight to you.

So see I can not deny,

you are but beauty in my eyes.



To think of you as mine,

the thought I cannot conceive.

For if you said you loved me,

I would not believe.

I have a dull and boring life,

not a girlfriend to be seen.

I don't know why I, give no strife,

and I'm never mean.

I try and try for someone,

just a simple friend.

But somehow no ones heart I've won,

This will be until the end.



I have these feelings inside,

a love for you.

For which I can't hide,

I hope you feel that way too.



Feel the warmth I have inside,

From you I feel I cannot hide.

I sit and wait for you to be,

Right here sitting next to me.



I've searched and searched and found the one,

the one that's right for me.

Yet when things are but said and done,

Why isn't it you I see.

I love you so with all my heart,

You make my emotions run.

You are what I think of when in the morning I begin to start,

Yet I don't see you when the day is done.



I don't know why you tease me so,

No matter what I still love you though.

I look and watch the way you smile.

I can't help but to stare awhile.

You have such lovely beautiful hair,

it gives you such a stunning flare.

I like the way you walk and run,

it's all I think about when the day is done.

The way you look at me with that twinkle in your eyes,

I can't help the internal cries.

So don't tease me any longer,

Let's start now and make are bond stronger.



When I talk to you,

I can not help,

but to think of you,

and nobody else.



To think of you, I do

To yurn for you, I do

To want you, I do

To need you, I do

And if you ask, I do



I long to hold you tight,

To have you in my sights.

I do and always will,

deeply love you still.



One day just you and me,

We will both come to see,

That in this world of ours,

Our love will grow like wildflowers.



I write this one for you my love,

You lift me up just like a dove.

I clime to the highest heights,

Yet I don't lose you in my sight.

I come to be on heavens doors,

And there I find you to live with forever more.



I think and wonder where you are.

Are we looking at the very same star?

I hope you are cause then we would be,

Sharing this moment so happily.



I sit and wait for your reply.

And if you don't I just might die.

Because without you I am no one,

Just like the planets without the sun.




All Poems Copyright ©2002-2003