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Daniel's Homepage
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Resume             About Me          Friends
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Hobbies         Family Pet        Future Plans

Hello there, my name is Daniel Salmeron and this is my web page. 

The links at the top will lead you to the pages with my resume and pictures of our very cute cat Ashley.   E-mail me if you would like, or if you have any comments or questions about my web site or myself. Also I have a favorite poem from a favorite book of mine.  The book was called The Many Colored Land, by Julian May.  The poem I named Till I Die.   I don't know how wrote it.   I thought it was pretty cool though.  I also found a really neat game called Asteroids.  I didn't write it; I found it at  I'm still building up this website and will add in many of the links that currently aren't available yet.  Check it out later, this site will grow. 

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