Ictinike::The Person::

Name: Eidoru Uzoma. Eye-doe-ru Ez-uma
Translation: Wolf Born on an adventure
Gender: Male.
Age: Appears early twenties

Appearance: Striking in appearance Eidoru was born with mysterious and alluring grace. He is almost androgynous with striking masculinity merged with feminine beauty in his body's design. A true bishonen this blend does not take away from Eidoru's attractive nature and if anything at all, heightening it. Hair of shadows threads flow off of his head to his waist, a dark river of the night sky made physical. He ties his hair at the base of his neck with silver cording and allows the rest to be manipulated by the wind. His face is slender and clean-shaven allowing for more slight confusion as to his gender right away. His eyelashes and brows are kept in orderly manner and rest above his emerald green eyes, eyes that glitter with innocence and apprehension as a small puppy looking for a home to be taken into. These windows to the soul are polished to reflect even as mirrors of what a person wants to see when they look into them. Though all victims see the chaotic embers at full glory when he has cast off his false identity and shows his care for others agony. His over all form is slender and one of sinewy construction, one made for comforting rather than intimidating. He stands at five eleven and has ceased in his developing. In spite of his lack of immensity he is far stones throw from being petite or frail. His body is one that conceals its potency rather than shows it off. Skin of golden bronze not enough to be completely dark but to true coloring covers him from head to toe without blemish or wound. He keeps shaven and his skin is smooth across all his body and takes a fair concern in his hygiene and always looks presentable. Out amongst 'the people' he adorns himself with some rather ruff looking garments. He typically is to be seen in a pair of worn blue jeans with a black shirt embossed with a wolf pattern of some development coating his chest. Over this is cast a black leather vest that ties at both side and back with silver cording over a midnight blue spacer piece of fabric. The vest is decorated with assortments of chain links suspended off of it even some creating applets on his shoulders. He covers his knuckles with fingerless gloves strapped about his wrists.

Favorite Food: Steak with sautéed mushrooms.
Least Favorite: Most vegetables.
Favorite School Subject: Has not attended school in some time.
Least Favorite: He was not a fan of History.
Favorite Gemstone: Onyx.
Favorite Color: Silver and black.
Favorite Flower: Roses.
Favorite Animal: Wolves.

Strengths: Eidoru is very cunning and quick on his feet and in his speech. He is also very empathetic and keen to observe situations and how to exploit them.
Weakness: He has the quirk of seeming to appear out of no where causing many to wonder how and why he would be interested in meaningless problems. He is very standoffish to his own real feelings and lives a sort of false identity different with each person he meets. He is maniacal and even doesn't care for his own pain, which sometimes affects him more than he himself realizes. This can though has not yet proved deadly.
Habits: He rushes to help people he has caused (secretly) to be put into bad situations. He has a habit for sometimes seeming to allow himself to be agreeable to most everything people say. (only verbally not emotionally)
Family: A Father and mother he has lost contact with.

Personality: At first glance Eidoru is a very happy and supportive member of the team. He will often stay close to different people offering words of comfort and words of counsel. Despite his thuggish clothing in public he will stay rather close to others. But there is always something more lurking behind thoughtful words. Eidoru is what some might say a sadist who loves to see others in pain or arguing with one another. To see the closest of friends turning on each other gives him a thrill greater than any other. Eidoru will lie and sabotage anyone in the blink of an eye no matter how much he may have said he loves them. His two faced nature even extends into the other villains and minions, his brethren. Though he will do all he can so as not to get caught and cover up he was ever involved. He always tries to make as many friends as possible for one can never have to many to act as shields from slander. He loves the moonlight and darkness and this is most often when he strikes unsuspecting victims strolling peacefully for their evening constitutional. He is a joker and often does not take a matter to its full serious degree. He will often play cat and mouse with his prey and likes to put others in a 'fish tank' as it where and sit back and watch the events unfold he set in place.

::The Villain::

Villain Name: Sometimes Okami Titan. (Rock Wolf)
Villain Title: The Shadow Warrior.
Realm of Influence: Darkness, Betrayal, deceit.
Aura Color: Black light or green.
Type: Offensive (Strong physically, attacks deal damage).
Symbol: No Symbol.

Fuku: Starting from the feet and working way up he wears black suede leather thigh high boots that have been pulled down so they are now only knee high and folded over with the inside black and silver fur lining visible for four inches below his knee cap The boots themselves are without any heel and the toes being steel tipped are decorated with silver embroidering. His pants are worn tucked into these boots. The color being basic black though a creeping vine pattern go along either leg. Neither is symmetrical and has a biological unique pattern to them in silver twisting and spiraling uninhibited. A black and silver sash wrap and tie around the waste over the joint where his shirt tucks into his pants. The sashes excess both hang to the bottom of his knee on the left side. The insides of both belts are lined with small pockets where he carries small weaponry. A close fitting black shirt with swirls of silver matching those that climbs their way along his pants legs. The tucked in shirt has long sleeves sealing off around the wrist holes. The material is light and durable acting almost as a second skin to his upper body. He wears a vest of black leather over his black shirt. The outline of the framework is silver though and several metal chains hang around the armholes about six inches long each. The front of the vest is left unbuttoned but this is contrary to it's original design as it does carry several silver buttons and on the opposite side several frog loops to fasten it together. Inside the vest the fur lining that complement his boots and gloves this fur is also on the back of the lesser jacket and fill in the portions of silver liner. The bottom of his vest jingles with small silver chains looping down and then back up so as to add a few more inches of chain to its length. A pair of gloves covers his lower arms. These are fingerless gloves with the knuckle exposed that reach up to Eidoru's elbow. The rim around the armholes is trimmed with more black and silver fur matching that lining his boots. He pulls these gloves on over the arms of his shirt. His neck is decorated with a choker collar. A two inch black collar wraps without seems around his neck. The black leather is embedded with small silver studs. Over all his clothing he wears some extra armor so as to protect His more vulnerable locations. Though the armor itself is not dense enough to provide complete protection it is thick enough that when interfaced it is able to dislodge some attacks. On his knee's he wears metal guards of silver. His upper torso beneath his vest is guarded by a silver chest plate that circles around and also protects his upper back and shoulders this armor only extends down to where his ribs begin below his chest. His elbows are protected by guards that match those on his knees and over his gloves he wears a pair of vambraces (arm guards).

Weapons: Eidoru carries with him or manifests a great assortment of weaponry though his personal taste is that towards chain related armaments and covert weaponry. His arsenal is composed of ninja weapons from the Bo to the Shuriken but what he has a biased opinion for is a chain or any weapon utilizing one. His key weapon that his powers draw a primary source from is the Manriki-Gusari (A chain with weights on either end.) He will carry a magical one capable of extending to unknown length along with other abilities of dividing and becoming energized along with other powers.

Henshin Object: He does not require an item to change appearance.
Henshin Yo: Transformation phrase.
Henshin Sequence: Not applicable other than a quick flash of light and being in armor.


Power Name: Enhanced physical attributes
Type:Offensive and Defensive
Description: He has increased agility and speed making him a difficult target to follow. He is light footed and his balance and eye hand coordination are far above human average and some senshi allowing him to sometimes do things that appear impossible. His vision in the dark is as normal as when it is in the light.
Destructiveness: Variable 7.

Power Name: Eclipse
Type: Defensive
Description: This ability seems to suck the light from a region. It is capable of blocking out light. His power does not work on the sun however but it can coat over unnatural and moonlight. When utilizing this power Eidoru becomes shaded and mildly cloaked. He is still visible though the difficulty requires more focusing.
Destructiveness: 0

Power Name: Whispers of Doubt
Type:Offensive, Defensive and Supportive
Description:A dark mist (unnoticed by those without powers ) consumes the district and emotions become rampant. Small fears are made tremendous, and small distastes become blood-boiling rage. Even the smallest disagreements that have thought forgotten come back to mind with such fury love can be turned against love given the proper incentive. The fog not only results in changing those on the ground but also those in the air. Eidoru can decide not to affect someone with this mist. The mist can also cause illusions in the mind of what people subconsciously fear. (not nightmares but worries of distrust and betrayal)
Destructiveness: Unable to inflict direct physical damage the emotional damage is very high. And it can cause others to use their power to cause damage.

Physical Strength:Average.
Attack Strength: High
Defense: High
Attack Defense: High
Speed/Evade: Very High.
Stamina: High

Fighting Style: Eidoru's style varies. Sometimes he prefers to send lackeys to fight for him, tricking friends to battle one another, or he will get his hands dirty. When he takes on a combat of his own he will hardly ever fight face to face without something tilted in his favor. His skill with martial arts allows his strikes to be accurate and swift while dodging out of the way of attacks rather than block them. He likes to use his surroundings in most any way possible and utilizes his speed and agility to strike when most vulnerable.

Senshi Weakness: In all truths he is a bridge burner. He also takes light of situations, which can prove fatal for his co-horts.
Senshi Strengths: He can lie and cheat and practically never get caught, and when he does he can work his tongue around the matter and get out of trouble. He is as skilled with his weapons and body as he is his tongue.
Introduction Speech: None.

::The Past::

Upon the earth a child was born. A child of hatred and shade, named for the spirit of wolf Eidoru grew up in a cabin out in the forest. A child of a great ninja master Eidoru was raised with a great deal more discipline and structure to his life. But they say the forbidden fruits always taste the sweeter, and Eidoru had a fondness for that which he was not allowed. His father taught him in near every waking moment how to fight and to be disciplined in knowing the techniques passed down through the family. And when his father was not stressing every fiber of Eidoru's body his mother was teaching him the 'love for nature' and all things beautiful that they had a life force to care for. Growing in such a constricted existence Eidoru took delight in being a rebel to his father's wishes. And doing what he wanted without any regard for nature to spite his mother. The power within him was growing and getting more tainted everyday. His exploits went unknown by his parents who still thought him the sweet and devoted child they had raised. He was taught to place others needs before him, and the opposite intent grew in his mind. In school the real spirit began to make physical appearance in his actions in causing fights amongst the other students. Eidoru was hypocritical, false, at the same time making promises and bonds of trust with two separate groups only to betray them to one another. While Void's presence came closer the essence and force Eidoru now possessed burned brighter than the sun itself. In secret he would home his powers. A delight filled his heart and mind in the torment and viewing the sufferings of others. He found his powers capable of even the deadliest of arts he is secretly responsible for several murders that have gone unsolved. He left his parents home without a good bye one day and in his travels met Void. He offered his services to her and has become a member of her organization though his secret intentions are for himself alone.

NPCS: None.

Mythology character is based upon: Eidoru / Ictinike. Proof: Ictinike was a war god in Native american mythology who was thought to teach the native americans the art of war. He is associated with war, treachery, and deceit.
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