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Ashen Empires

Welcome to my spell casting guide, if you already know how to cast using the system introduced with the release of the Demon Spire update then just click the above link to go back to my spell chart.

Now onto the learning
The first thing you will have to do is to get a wand and equip it, if you are on Vainor island you can get one from one of the 4 trainers in the magic cellar (The grey set of stairs). Once you have the wand just click on it to equip it.

The next step will be to drag the rune you were given to the now open slot in your rune case (Press C now if the rune case is not visible)
Please note that only one of the class runes may occupy the first slot(Body, Mind, Nature, or Soul).

Next you will need to select a spell to cast, to do this click on the spell book icon on your runecase (or press V if your runecase is closed). Now that your spell book is open you need to find active spells to cast, the fastest way to do this is by clicking the link corresponding to the class rune you placed in your rune case but you can also click on the top right corner to look throught the book page by page, You can also click in the top left to go back one page or the handy orange bookmark to start at page 1 again.

Now you will have to bring up your hotbar in order to cast, to do this press any number from 1-9 to bring up one of your hotbars.

With the hotbar up click and drag one of the spell icons to any open slot and you're ready to cast.

Now to go find yourself a target, once you find something to cast on (depending on the spell your desired target may be another player, a monster, yourself, or any number of other things) I'd suggest starting with a basic combat spell first (Body: Strike, Mind: Lacerate, Nature: Flamestrike, Soul: Soulburn) Once selected you will get a selection cursor to use to cast on your target. Please note that spells need line of sight to be cast and while casting your runes will slowly degrade until you are forced to replace them.

To cast higher lvl spells you will have to get a better mage weapon and one or more support runes to fill the other slots. There are 8 different support runes that can be used, below is an image showing them with the top 4 being ones that are available in mage shops across the lands while the others are harder to find and usually must be obtained from monster drops or other players.

Casting Tips
-Many monsters have resistances to certain rune classes so training in more than one can come in handy

-Dragging runes to hotkeys allows for quick and easy rune replacements

-Use the multiple hotbars to your advantage when switching class runes to save time by having them preset with spells for each rune class.

-Practice with your spells to determine the best way to use them in and out of combat.

-Try keeping multiple runes on yourself when out hunting monsters with your spells to save trips back to town.

-Remember to deactivate your spell when not casting to regain stamina faster (having an active spell slows down stamina regen)