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Age: Unknown his shape changing makes it hard to tell but he looks to be in his mid twenties

Weapons: A sword of flame

Skills:Shape shifting and arcane magic

Clef was made through magic to be a companion to the Sorceress Jade. Clef though was made as a kitten he inherited magical gifts through his unknown maker. The sorceress gave him a necklace with an obsidian stone which he always wears. The necklace not only gave him the ability to speak with his companion but he could also change his shape into an animal or thing he wanted. As he traveled with the sorceress she taught him the arcane and helped him get a definite shape to appear human and move about the mortal race like one of them.


Clef is a gray and white cat with pale green eyes. The necklace he has is with him even in this form. His other main form is a mortal one. He is usually wearing either a black suit or a black vest with black pants and boots. His hair is white and goes to his neck, his eyes are always cat like in any form and are a pale green.


Clef has a sword that was gained through a battle with a dragon. The sword was guarded by the dragon and was imbued with wildfire. Clef had not meant to come upon the dragon and sword but he was guided by a faint whisper in his mind. He defeated the dragon and took the sword. Finding someone to teach him the way of the sword he learned and practiced diligently but his passion always remained to magic.