Gwendoline's Status

Profile: Gwendoline

  • Real name: Gwendoline
  • Location:
  • Sex: Female
  • Alliance: Until she meets CJ, evil, but after meeting him she becomes good
  • Marital Status: Happily married to her Husband, CJ.
  • Hobbies & Interest: Writing (Gwendoline's poetry),Drawing (Gwendoline's Artwork), Caring for her son, Damion and her Husband, Training with her husband
  • Famous Quotes:

  • "Silly mortals!"
  • "I think i shall have another tonight."
  • "You will warm me better than you know."
  • "And your point is?"
  • "Evil isn't a state of mind, it's a state of being."
  • Fighting Profile: Vampire

    Weapons of choice:

  • Demonic DaggerPic
  • Heart & Soul Bow Pic
  • Fighting Style (from most commonly used)

  • Vampire's Dance (Her own Stance)
  • Eagle Claw
  • Kenpo
  • Lui He Ba Fa
  • Tai Chi
  • Crane
  • Moves: Finishers:

  • Whitehot Fangs
  • Black heart
  • Breath of Death
  • Middle Battle Moves:

  • Vampire's kiss
  • Cat claw
  • Succubus
  • Decadence
  • Demonic Daggers
  • Special Ability: Vampiric Intuition