CJ's Status

Profile: CJ

  • Real name: Unknown
  • Location:
  • Sex: Male
  • Alliance: Good
  • Marital Status: Married to his lovely wife, Gwendoline.
  • Hobbies & Interest: Martial Arts, Warrior Combat, and spending time with his wife & son.
  • Famous Quotes:

  • "I didn't train so hard for nothing."
  • "Be strong. Be brave."
  • "Let me be the one to stop this!"
  • "We won't allow you to do this."
  • "You will now know true pain."
  • "Humans are much stronger then you think, especially me!"
  • Fighting Profile: The Warrior of Wisdom

    Weapons of choice:

  • Age: 10-15: Sacred SpearPic
  • 15 & on: Sword of Wisdom Pic
  • Fighting Style (from most commonly used)

  • Wolf Fang (His own Style)
  • Hapkido
  • Shotokan
  • Dragon
  • Tai Chi
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Moves: Finishers:

  • Warriors Heart
  • Dark Illusion
  • Wind Wolf Technique
  • Middle Battle Moves:

  • Lightning Blast
  • Lightning Punch
  • Scorpion Sting
  • Flash Kick
  • Demon Ray
  • Special Ability:

  • Wisdom Watch