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The walled City of Rovere is located 400
pasangs (280 miles) from the shores of the
mighty Thassa. It is cart(southeast) of Piedmont
and Helmutsport, rim (east) of Ko-ro-ba, ror
(northeast) of Port Kar and var (north) of Turmus.
It is a peaceful City where most come to relax
and enjoy the taverns, inns and Baths. The
City is patrolled at all times by Guards to maintain
that peace. At the Main Entrance, four Guards
ensure that all who enter, enter without malice.
Tarns are taken immediately to the tarn cots.
Kaiila's are taken to the stables immediately
upon entering the city. For further information,
see the City Guidelines.

Rovere is an independent City not subject to any
rulings of the GHC.