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White Wolf Book Collection

This is my ever growing book collection for right now and is guaranteed to keep growing.


Exhalted Core Rulebook 1st Edition - The main book of of the new line by White Wolf, it tells of a time long before the planet became known as the World Of Darkness. It introduces powerful beings known as Exhalted who try to preserve the world of ever growing threats.

Exhalted Storyteller's Companion - The companion piece to the core rulebook, it includes info on special types of Exhalted, new abilities, new characters, and new artifacts. Also comes with a storytellers's screen.

The Book Of 3 Circles - A book of magic with spells from all main Exhalted with new artifacts as well as a new weapon called Warstriders. It also has a story about the supposed origin of magic.

Scavenger Sons - A real good book on major areas and cities within the world of the Exhalted. Also talks about the Fair Folk of this time period.

Time of Tumult - Book that has three seperate stories that chronicle some of the various events and familiarize people on what's happening within the world of the Exhalted. Introduces new items, magic, and characters to interact with and/or fight against.

Hunter Apocrypha - This small book with a leather bound cover reads just like the Book Of Nod. It has the belief of possible origins of the Imbued as well as upcoming prophecies of the dark night to come. It focuses heavily on the human condition and what really makes one good and one evil.

Hunter The Reckoning Core Rulebook 1st Edition - The rulebook is the book on how to play one of the Imbued, those that were created to fight the supernatural. These new line of books were part of the Year of Reckoning storyline.

Hunter The Reckoning Storytellers Companion - This companion book details new tricks on playing the Imbued as well as hinting at a possible origin (anybody who reads Kindred Of The East will recognize it because it's so very similar). It also helps on how to play a character that knows nothing on the supernatural. Includes a storyteller's screen.

Hunter The Reckoning Players Guide - This book also helps on playing one of the imbued as well as playing like a normal human. It introduces merits and flaws special to only the Imbued as well as detail some special types of Hunters not found in the core rulebook.

The Walking Dead - A guide book for the imbued on the various supernaturals from ghosts to the walking dead. Also includes story hooks for GMs to use as possible chronicles.

Hunter-Book: Avenger - First book in the line of various Imbued first introduced in the core rulebook. It gives more insight on the Avengers, they way they think, as well as additional abilities not in the rulebook.

Hunter-Book: Defender - Second book in the Hunter line. See above review.

Kindred Of The East Core Rulebook 1st Edition - Core rulebook on how to play one of the eastern "vampires" called Cathayans by Western vampires or better known as Kuei-jins. Their origin (and the Hunters) is the closest to the origins of the Exhalted. Headliner to the Year Of The Lotus storyline

Kindred Of The East Companion - Companion book to the core rulebook. It includes even more abilities of the Kuei-jins as well as introducing other kinds of Kuei-jins. Also introduces the Eastern version of the Dhampyr (half human/half Kuei-jin).

The 1000 Hells - A very good book on the Yomi World where the Yama Kings rule. Book has settings for those eventually becoming Kuei-jins, are Akuma serving Yama Kings, or existing Kuei-jins visiting Yomi for a specific reason. Includes in-depth look at the more important hells and their rulers.

Dharma Book: Devil-Tigers - First book in the Dharmas of the Kuei-jins. Gives a detailed look on how to play one of the Devils of Heaven with new abilities and their outlook on themselves and of those of the other Dharmas.

Dharma Book: Thousand Whispers - Second book in the series. See above answer.

Dharma Book: Thrashing Dragons - Third book in the series. See above answer.

Half-Damned: Dhampyr - Inside look on playing the Kuei-jin/human half-breeds called Dhampyrs. Gives specific abilities about them and their true purpose towards the Kuei-jins themselves. Also provides their own origins and their version of the Kuei-jin origin.

World Of Darkness: Demon Hunter X - Even though it's a WOD book, it's really geared towards Kindred Of The East. It offers rules on how to play the Shih and rules on playing one of the operatives of Strike Force Zero. Offers origins and abilities of both groups who hunt down the uncontrollable creatures of the Middle Kingdom.

Mage The Ascension Core Rulebook 3rd Edition - Updated version of the rulebook which deals about the various mages and the current concerns of the world and the Ascension itself. Offers new looks at the various abilities and origins of the magi.

Mummy The Resurrection - Originally a WOD source book, called World Of Darkness: Mummy, has now become it's own book with new rules on playing one of the immortal mummies in their constant fight against evil. Includes a new origin and abilities. Not considered a core rulebook and would need one of the core rulebooks to work in conjunction with this one as far as rules go. Headliner for the Year Of The Scarab storyline.

Werewolf The Apocalypse Core Rulebook 3rd Edition - Updated version of the Werewolf line includes the current situational problems of the 13 Tribes as well as the approaching Red Star. Includes new looks at the origin of the Earth as well as the Lupines.

Rage Across The Heavens - Sourcebook that gives in-depth look at the Celestials and Incarnas that the Lupines follow. Includes new abilities and items as well as a look into the astrology system that the Lupines employ. Also includes in-depth look at the approaching Red Star as well as a story hook to use that centers around the birth of a Lupine cub under the Red Star. Part of the Year of Reckoning storyline.

World Of Darkness: Combat - A very detailed book on special combat rules, in-depth weapons and fighting techniques from Aikijutsu to wrestling. Some combat rules are outdated due to updated systems but the book is still usable and well worth the money.

The Bygone Bestiary - Book about the mystical and regular creatures that inhabit the World Of Darkness. Even though it can be used with any gaming system, it's more geared towards Mage and Changeling character stories.

The Book Of Nod - The book that supposedly told the origin of the vampires. Lots of info to use as backdrops for chronicles. Also contains a section on future prophecies.

Revelations Of The Dark Mother - A Lilin's point of view of the origin of the world and vampires. Has it's own section of prophecies where Lilith rises to destroy Caine and his brood.

The Erciyes Fragments - The early version of the Book Of Nod, the setting of the book is set in the Dark ages. Reads like the Book Of Nod and gives even more insight on the background of the Cainites. Also includes prophecies and commentaries from various vampires throughout the book.

Vampire The Masquerade Core Rulebook 3rd Edition - The main book on playing one of the 13 major clans that make up the Cainite society. Has all the revised rules, powers, and special abilities on playing one of the Damned.

Guide To The Camarilla - Sourcebook on the 6 core clans that now make up the Camarilla as well as the the leaving of the 7th clan, the Gangrel. Includes higher level disciplines for older vampires as well as rules on playing within the power structure of the Camarilla as a whole. Also has rules on playing Caitiff, Gargoyles, and Lasombra Antitribu and new merits, flaws, and backgrounds.

Guide To The Sabbat - Sourcebook on the 2 core clans and many of the antitribues that make up the Sabbat. Includes new disciplines and higher level disciplines as well as new merits, flaws, and backgrounds. Also includes rules on how to play within the power structure of the Sabbat.

Vampire Storytellers Handbook - Hardcover sourcebook on clarifying rules and mistakes made in the core rulebook. Gives short updates on all the clans as well as rules on playing 3 bloodlines: the Baali, True Brujah, and Nagaraja. Also includes new backgrounds and disciplines as well as story hooks and stronger rules on playing crossover stories with other core White Wolf books.

Children Of The Night - Great book on all major and not so major signature vampire characters scattered in the WOD. Has most major stats and hints on how to play them in chronicles. Also has simple rules on creating your own elder vampires. DISCLAIMER: It did not have some of the more major characters like Lucita and Anatole which I had to get their stats from the Clan Novels from the official White Wolf website. Just thought I'd mention that for fans of these characters.

Time Of Thin Blood - Sourcebook on how to play the thin-blooded 14th and 15th generation vampires as well as the Cainites version of the Dhampir. Has new backgrounds, merits, and flaws only geared towards them. Also has the story hook of the Week Of Nightmares where the Ravnos Antediluvian awoken to cause havoc and dooming the clan as a whole. First introduces the coming of the Red Star. Even though it came later in the line, it was the story that really set off the Year of Reckoning story that lead to Hunter The Reckoning.

Blood Magic: Secrets Of Thaumaturgy - Excellent book on the blood magic of the Tremere with all new spells to cast. Also includes blood magic of some of the other clans like the Setites and Assamites among others.

Nights Of Prophecy - Sourcebook on various story hooks while at the same time playing off events now going on in the WOD. Reveals many secrets while creating new ones. This book is part of the Year Of Revelations storyline.

Sins Of The Blood - Sourcebook on various heresies and whatnot of the Cainites. Includes new rules for diablerie, Golconda, new Paths of Enlightenment, Thaumaturgy, and other magics. Also has rules on playing heretics and how to hunt them and new merits and flaws.

Midnight Siege - Sourcebook on how to play the ongoing conflict between the Camarilla and the Sabbat as well as the involvement of the Independent Clans. Also includes template characters for players and storytellers to use.

The Clanbooks - Thirteen Clan books depicting each clan with possible origin, new uses of their natural disciplines and combination powers, stereotypes of various clans and other supernaturals, new merits and flaws, template characters and signature characters. For the first time ever, it also offers Mind's Eye Theater rules for each clan and their abilities when doing live action rping.

Vampire The Dark Ages Core Rulebook 2nd Edition - Like Vampire The Masquerade, it's basically how to play a vampire during the Middle Ages. Note that this uses the rules from the second edition of V:TM, so to update just use the current V:TM core rulebook if and when they do update this book. First introduces the Cappadocian Clan, the Baali bloodline, and first mention of the Salubri Clan.

Dark Ages Companion - Companion book that takes a look at other Bloodlines of this time as well as old and new discipline abilities and in-depth looks at the various Paths for vampires to follow. Also includes information of religion of the time and the growth of Christianity as well as infernalism. Has information of various orders and groups of people as well as the first look of the early conflicts with the Salubri and Baali.

Clanbook: Cappadocian - The rise and soon to fall clan that revealed in death. Takes a good look at the workings of the clan and the rises of the Giovanni within the clan. Also has in-depth look at their Mortis discipline as well as the early workings of the Necromancy discipline of the Giovanni and the future fate of both clans.

Clanbook: Baali - A new look at the bloodline that has been around since almost the very beginning of Cainite history. It shows how they are much more than simple infernalist, but of something else altogether. Introduces higher levels of their discipline as well as character templates and a new look at their history and fight against the Salubri. Disclaimer: This book is NOT for the weak of heart and stomach since this is a Black Dog product under the regular White Wolf banner.

Clanbook: Salubri - The rise and fall of another early clan. It mentions how they were like and where they are now thanks to the new Tremere Clan. Includes a new look at their origins and their ties to the Baali. Shows new discipline abilities and merits & flaws.

Cainite Heresy - Sourcebook that takes a look at the various heresies as well as the main Cainite Heresy the pervaded the religious during the Dark Ages. Includes new backgrounds, merits, flaws, key characters and the integration of the Cainites in early Christian society. Part of the Year Of Reckoning storyline. Disclaimer: Also not for the weak of heart and stomach because this book is also a Black Dog product.

Winds From The East - Sourcebook on how to play a Cainite or Kuei-jin within Genghis Khan's roving armies and ever growing empire. Includes new abilities, merits and flaws as well as key and template characters.

House of Tremere - An excellent book that takes a strong look at the origin of the Tremere Clan, why they broke away from the other Hermantic Houses, and their early days of fighting against the Tzimisce. Includes key characters, story hooks, new Thaumaturgy abilities, origins of creatures like the Gargoyles, new merits, and flaws. Hints at the possible influences of either Saulot, Kuppla, or some other being in creating the Tremere. Part of the Year Of Revelations storyline.

Veil Of Night - Hard cover source book that takes a look at the various clans and bloodlines in the Middle East. Includes new Paths just for these vampires as well as merits and flaws. Also makes mentions of the Kuei-jin, mages, and other supernaturals that may inhabit this area. Part of the Year Of The Scarab storyline.

Ashen Cults - Book that covers the various cults during Dark Ages and how the Cainites have made some and became part of them. Not to be confused with Cainite Heresy since that book deals wtih Cainites and religion. Includes tips on the type of cults that's a fad and how to make your own.

Bitter Crusade - Book that hasthree stories, interconnected yet seperate, to play out with Dark Ages characters. The setting is during the rise and fall of the Fourth Crusade as well as the finishing chapter for Constantinople By Night with the fall of Michael the Toreador and his Dream. It also sets the stage for what's to come in the later years with signature characters.