
Ah, welcome to our thingy..! On this page, you will find.
pretty much... nothing but lame rambling, thanks to me,
Jamie (aka Vindictive)! We are still underconstruction, a
wide variety of images and a dozen more links will be
added. Check back with us on the 15th of April to see
the finished product.

Starting Point

°All Images°

One tear falls. The leftover crying o u t in fear.
Forced to be alone by a tear duct which hath
no emotion f o r the fluids it realeases. Does
the skin care as the strange, lonely, tear falls
to meet it's d e a t h by the wiping hand? No,
not so much as the tear left b e h i n d . All it
seems to notice is t h e cool water refreshing
the dry, chaffing skin.
The t e a r left behind sobs h e a v i l y, more
fluids pouring into it to cause t h e weight to
r i se. In reaction to this, the tearduct begins
to push it away. R e m oving it from the only
place it had left t o call it's home. Eventually,
it would meet the fate of it's l o v e and mate.
Being swepped a w a y by something larger
and heavier, just so that it can be forgotten
in the long run.

Email: Jamie
Email: Melissa