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Name: Cervante BloodStone

Birth Name: Navarkith 'Cervante' Shardheart

Rank: King Of The BloodStone Family.

Age: He Is Twenty Four Years Young.

Race: He Is A PureBlood Incubus Demon With The Blood Of A Elf Flowing Through His Veins.

Mate: His Heart Belongs To A Woman Named Kalika BloodStone.

Children: Jasmine (Daughter/Deceased), Faith Zion (Daughter), Chrystopher and Chrystina (Twin Son And Daughter), Lessa Reioso-Loren (Adopted Daughter).

Family: DesecrationAngel (Father), Satrina`Onae (Mother), Jeannea (Twin Sister), Darcy c (Adopted Granddaughter).

Eye Color: Normally A Pale Blue.When He Is Angry They Become A Deep Pure Crimson.When He Is Pleasured They Become A Soft Gold.

Hair Color: Pale Blonde That looks Almost White Which Are Normally Within Tiny Half-Inch Braids That He Keeps Within A Long Ponytail Which Come To Rest Just Below His Mid-Back.

Height: He Stands At Six Feet And Two Inches.

Weight: He Weighs At A Lean Two Hundred And Seventy Five Pounds.