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Name: Aurkene Chalendre  

Gender:  Female

Race: Human

Age: 25

Occupation: Aes Sedai (sorceress)

Physical Traits: Aurkeneis 5'5" tall, weighs 108 lbs, and has fair skin, dark brown hair, and blue eyes.  Her hair is usually done up in an elaborate style.  She mostly wears silk dresses in what ever the current style is.  She carries a smallish pack when she travels, and wears a ring on her pointer finger of her right hand depicting a serpent eating its tail. 

Skills:  She is an elemental source-magic user with special talents for healing and pure elementalism.  She was fairly strong before, but now the amount of power she can draw is sporadic and fluctuates.

Home World:  Cairhien

Background:  Before she was admitted to Tar Valon for training in her powers, Aurkene was of the lower Cairhienin nobility, where intrigue is the main hobby and occupation of the nobles.  Then it was discovered she could practice magic, and she was sent to Tar Valon for training.  Only women were allowed to be trained in controlling the magic.  Men, who drew from a different source, went crazy if left alone, usually taking out many others before they killed themselves, and were cut off from the power.  Aurkene was the last to be raised to full Aes Sedai before the worlds split and merged.  The ones that were left after the dust settled sought to rebuild Tar Valon and the White Tower, and now spend most of their time trying to build it back up to it's former strength.

Currently Doing...: Aurkene is currently arriving in town for the festival.  She is there supposedly to search for more girls to be brought back to the White Tower, but is actually there in hopes of finding any family left after the world was broken.  She has been provided with gold and other items to barter with to live off of.

