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Captain Mary Cash

True Name:Marie Raineau

Known as: Mary Cash, Mary Williams

Race: Roughly 1/2 Spanish, 1/4 English, 1/4 French



Body type: Slim and fit

Hair: Mary's hair is coffee brown/black, and she wears it in tiny braids with one or two beads on the strands nearest her face. She somewhat keep her hair out of her face with a green bandana. If her braids were undone, her hair would be a mass of matted curls.

Family Background: Mary's father, Benjamin Raineau, is a wealthy merchant whose family has been merchants for as long as anyone can recall. Her father is 1/2 English, 1/2 French. Her mother, Maria, is mostly Spanish, though other things are mixed in. That whole side of the family is your average low-class ruffians and pirates.

Education: Mary has no formal education, but is self-taught, having a rough understanding of reading and writing. (And I mean a very rough understanding) She is great at languages however, and can speak many languages, though few are of actual use to her, the rest are too uncommon and difficult to be useful.

Goals: Cash currently has no ship, and therefore is "in the market," she just is looking for the right ship and crew. She aims to make a name for herself, whether she is infamous or just well-known. So far that hasn't worked out too well, all she's received for her troubles is jail-time, an attempted hanging, and a branding on her left collar-bone by the very merchants who aid her father.('course she didn't know that) She believes that having fun is what makes life worthwhile.

Occupation: Pirate

Prior Occupations: Pirate, seamstress

Introvert or extrovert:extrovert

Quirks/eccentricities:Don't make me list them, they'd fill up the rest of the page! :P

Ever been arrested?: Yes, obvoiusly

Pets: She has an Egyptian Pharoah Hound. Don't so much as look at her dog when its around, or you'll have to listen to her tale of how she received the dog as a present for curing the Egyptian Queen of a terrible illness.(A story as false as saying pirates don't rob and plunder!)

Drinks alchohol: Daily, rum and grog are her favorites. The amount she drinks, however, varies with her current luck. Clothing: She wears an off white baggy peasant shirt, blue-grey baggy pants, a faded sash as a belt, and turned-down thigh-high boots. (Turned down to just below the knee) As far as hats go, if she's in the mood she'll wear whatever half-decent looking hat she can get her hands on.

Home: Nothing permanent

History: Her mother never raised her, and in fact left her with "friends" in Jamaica right after she was born; in other words, her mother abandoned her into the care of two strangers that Maria had shared a good-natured arguement and a drink with. She wasn't raised by them for long, but rather was traded around to whoever would accept her. When they set sail, she'd go to someone else, since noone would bring her on their ship, though she longed to sail. When she was fourteen, she and two pirate-raised boys of the same age whom she was friendly rivals with set aside their brawling long enough to steal a small ship called The Blue Rose. They taught her to sail, and the three headed for the Caribbean. They parted ways at their destination; and she has never met them since. She has heard tell that they are both pirates with about as much luck as her. Mary hopes to find them and sail with them once again. Her weapons are a cutlass, a dagger, and a pistol, but she has no ammunition for the pistol right now. She can be a fairly good pickpocket if need be, and wears a silver and gold signet ring with an M on it that she stole from some young noble.However, her story is that she received it as a gift from the Emperor of Mongolia as a reward for winning a 500 mile race. (though the amount of miles fluctuates generally every time she tells the story, and anyone with half their wits about them, or with any knowledge of Mongolia can tell that its all a bunch of crap, but she'll tell you anyways)

Web Sites all ye pyrates have to see

Pirates of the Caribbean-Scourge of the Sea
Pictures of Mary
