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College Stories

In my chemistry class we were talking about torr atm and Boyle's law.
Well toward the end of that week after our quiz, our professor Dr. Campbell
asked our class where torr comes from, and Alek said "Tortellini" It was hilarious
even our professor thought that it was funny.

(Just for your information torr comes from Torcelli)

Well the first semester is over and there is a story to tell....At the beginning of the semester my friends Alek and Nick told me a story about the legendary "Stu Swine." I was like you guys are crazy. So i didn't think much about it. Then one day when i ventured up to the 4th floor of Harper. On my journey up the stairs to visit Alek and Nick, I smelled this really disgusting stench. I had no clue what it was...Then i found Alek and Nick, they said that Stu Swine was just recently on the floor. I was like "Yea i can believe it, the stench is so over powering" Then later that week I heard this annoying "AHHHHH" the noise kinda reminded me of Urkel but it wasn't him. (in the annoying sound but wasn't a snort) Then I met OG (or Brian) he told me that Stu Swine is not human. I was thinking "no way." He reasured me and said "yea it's true." A couple of days have passed and I was talking to Alek, he just told me that he was chatting with OG online and that OG and Alek, determeined what the legendary "Stu Swine" is... half man, half alien. It was a very interesting thought. So I pondered on it for a while and asked both of them "Does he play video games on his computer?" They told me that he does. I was like ohhhh that's interesting...I think he's 1/3 man, 1/3 computer, and 1/3 alien. Alek and OG said "yea." So we learned more about the legend of "Stu Swine." A few weeks have passed and we haven't learned much more about the legend.....Then we heard from an R.A. that they heard that this "Stu Swine" guy never attends class. Then later that week we found out he dropped down to around 8 credit hours but still somehow didn't go to class. Then a few days later..."Stu Swine" picked a fight with a fellow throwing everything down and then acted threating and said some kind of jiberish...after that he started to cry. Then the few weeks before the end of the semester we found out that "Stu Swine" is a big crybaby, and left Bradley University for good. To where we may wonder... who knows? Maybe his home planet off in the far distance.