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Jordan Seager

Let me begin by expressing my appreciation for visiting this rather lame character page. I'm not very devoted to created websites, or very interested in learning how to do it better. This is just because I want to express my exstenive (and often fruitless, considering the lack of quality RP) research to keep the integrity of the concept and character design intact throughout every process of the creation. Enjoy, for what it's worth.

First, note that I am agaisnt the entire concept of PC (power characters, for those who have had the joy not to run into one of these stupid muthafuckas) and their applications. Perhaps it is just their emphasis combat when creating a character, but there are a good bit of people out there who are more or less completely invincible. I could name some, but considering how cheesy their RP is, they well probably cross IC/OOC realms and try to hunt me down with their negative kinetic realm-warping bullshit.

On this page (and soon, after I have more tolerance for HTML, Angelfire, and people visiting this site to answer the incessant questions I recieve about Druids [my own formula, somewhat] and Jordan) you will be able to read about Jordan's weapons, abilities, limits, a bit of storyline, and see some pictures which I know some goofy, cheap asshole will steal or call or their own.


Since most people would visit this site to look for my weapons and such as a first priority, I decided to have them on top. Without further ado:

-Name: Ater Animus

-Translation: Black Breath [Latin]

-Material: Runed Damascus

-Weight: 1.03 Pounds [Originally 4.05]


> It was enchanted to be extremely light. This was done during the the period where Jordan was testing to become a Heirophant of the Ethos. Heirophants (in the Ethos culture) are basically Druids which are have more forgiving limitations on their equipment, since they do 90% of the campaigning for the Grove (messager delivering, the odd mercenary job, acts of good grace, introductions, translating, etc.).

> Extreme resistance/tolerance to chipping, breaking, shattering. This is what the runes represent, weaved unto the blade from the Grove's Sentinels (Read: Elders) for the purpose of it's originally weak constitution, despite being constructed of Damascus.


> It cannot cleave through any being of natural manifestation. Such as.. Treants, Golems, Water/Fire/Earth/Wind Elementals, etc. [Note: Humans, Elves, and all that other fantasy bullshit doesn't count. Simply creatures that are constructed, or manafactured from the Earth.]

-Name: Throwing Knives (No shit)

-Translation: N/A

-Material: Steel

-Weight: 0.4 Lb


> At some point during Jordan's Druidic Rites of Passage, the Knives were melted down. While they were in liquid state, the Sentinels of the Grove and some of the Conclave's White Mages blessed the steel with a singular effect that they believed would help Seager in the future: The knives have an extreme affinity with Druidic magic, and simultaneously resist a portion of it's properties. The ramification was knives that could have spells weaved upon them temporarily and thrown, keeping the properties of the spell and bequeathing them upon the victim it happens to strike.

EX- If Jordan were to cast a fire spell upon the Knives, they would be set aflame temporarily. From that point, he could throw the knife, applying the elemental damage in such a way. Note that this is not limited to elemental damage, but was simple used for the purposes of example.


> N/A. They're fucking throwing knives.

-Whaaat? No spikes? Flaming blade? Where the fuck is the evil eyes on the hilt? This shit isn't ornamental. It isn't fit for hanging on a wall.

-Name: Error a Vir / L'erreur de L'humanite

-Translation: Error of Mankind [Latin/French]

-Material: Durandal

-Weight: 4.045 Lb.


> The blade was forged by Jordan after he developed a brief and particular affinity for blacksmithing -- this coupled with the need for a stable weapon. At the same time this blade was completed, one of the most venerable 2nd generation Sentinels in the Grove died. At that point, it is said that the Sentinel preformed his last spell: Kiss of the Spirit. The essence of the Sentinel grafted and weaved itself upon the weapon, bestowing it complete resistance to any form of rust, magic, physical slaughter, or decrepitude.

Note: This is not to say the blade could cut through a stone -- however, when the blade recoils after failing to make even the slightest scratch into stone, it wouldn't be chipped in return. I hope that clears it up. It's a defensive enchantment, not an aggressive one.

>Three times a day, Error of Mankind can become sentient for an undefined period of time, attacking and defending on it's own accord. During this state, it floats as if being wielded, perhaps by the deceased Sentinel.


>If this sword were to kill the innocent, a portion of it's blade would turn to dull, blunt stone. As more innocents are slaughtered, the blade will eventually be completed encased in stone and unable to be reversed of it's state.

>Once per year, Jordan must make a pilgramage back to the Grove or Error of Mankind will shatter into innumerable pieces. This is the hardest cross to bear, considering his sever with the Grove and it's problems.

>Once drawn, the blade cannot be sheathed until it has accomplished whatever goal it has been sought out to do -- whether it be kill a particular man or clear some brambles from the unbeaten path.


Please note that this section details some of the magical prowess of a Druid. No, this is not gospel, and the end all. This is my take on it -- Please don't approach me with some fucking AD&D rules about this-and-that, or what your dad said about Druids from his times snorting cocaine and roleplaying in college.

- A Druid's choice of spell for any given time is directly dependant on the type of enviornment he is. A Druid cannot construct and manifest elements and the earth, only take and use what is already there. For instance, the spell "Fingers of Sand" would only work in the desert, or on the beach... or in a sandbox. Why? Because there's no sand in a tavern except in it's fucking ashtray. This applies to all malevolent spells. The benevolent spells for healing, protection, or regeneration can be used in any enviornment.

- Jordan has a magical battery. Most people refer to as "mana". Please note that I have already thought up the particular costs of the spells in direct relation to this battery to avoid using my best spells over .. and over.

*More to be added here when I fucking feel like it.


-History Summary-

The Grove of the Ethos is a particularly powerful group of Druids who chose to adapt the stereotypical image of the Geomancer into a more refined, dignified state. They formed traditions, holidays, traits, rituals, attire, fighting styles, and slowly unlocked the formula of Geomancy and applied their own fervor.

However, the prosperity did not last. The Conclave, a group of Mages with a greedy leader, fought to control and constrict The Ethos for the vein of diamonds which was upon their territory. Eventually -- with a subtle treaty, gifts, and some introductions to the more powerful sects in the land -- they began to adapt and conform to The Conclave's rules and regulations.

In short? Jordan said, "Fuck that", and booked it to make his own stake. Drink his share of toasts, partake in the company of fine women, and swing around a big fucking sword. That's what Ayenee is about, right?

Well, add some 'dark corners', PCs, and rooms with names like "Mister Frank's Dark, Evil Tavern where there is no Bartender, but plenty of Beer".

Alright. That's enough. Get the fuck out.