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Welcome -behavior science (psychology, socialogy) -OB root in science; research, solve problems OB -seek knowledge of behaviour in individual, group, organizational process -inidividual: work attitudes -group: communications -organization: structure Why OB -majority working in org. -studying to give insight how co workers work, manage, individual -this is the stuff really affect success in org. Phil in MSci -active learning -plain study & memorizing = boring Contingency -individual (personality) In OB -situational (relation w/ supervision) -contextual (labour market) Micro (211) -2 major parts 1.micro: small parts -experimental -industrial -clinical -social 2.macro: all groups -socialogy -polyscience (power) -anthropology (symbolism) -Econ (competition, efficiency) A brief -classical view: Aristocratic Capitalists (no management challenge) History -MAX WEBER: German Theorist (1900) -bureaucracy -hierarchy -technical competency -Fred Taylor: -Time management (Efficient studies) -Standardize work processes: right person for the job -1920s 30s -Management bureaucracy -industrial engineering -all psychological processes -HAWTHORNE effect: make change in organization to improve quality -Human relations Movement: attention to employees needs and participate in functional way of working in org. McGregor -Theory X ¡Vorientation (distrusting) Theory X -assumptions (lazy) Vs. theory -interest in work (low) Y -condition of work (push of work) MOD 2: SOCIAL PERCEPTION Perception -process we select and organize environmental stimuli in order to make sense for our environment -the way we perceive our workplace, co-workers, supervisions, clients, influences our behaviours and actions in workplace 4 stages of 1. Attention- 5 senses bombarded with large amts of info that need filter perception -External factors a. intensity (loud) b. contrast (outstanding from bkgrd) c. frequency (repetition) d. novel/familiar (new-attn, familiar-comfort) e. motion f. size (bigger better) -Internal factors ??? -perceptual error: 1st impression, guide next impression eg. 1st bad impression and 1st good impression can lead same output. 2. Organization- 1. proximity-physically closer, belong to group 2. similarity-same distance, group by similarity 3. Interpretation - what caused problem -base judgment in what caused it -consistency (behavior), distinctiveness (dif. situation), consensus (others) -internal (disposition) low -external (situation) high, indiv. -self serving bias- external attribution- ourselves, internal, others; stereotyping- category -Halo effects- things that don¡¦t go together 4. Judgment -covert: attitude, motivation, feelings -overt: behaviour, taking action in perception -personnel selection: resume, interview, accessment centre -management activities: MOD3: LEARNING (reinforcements, employee attitude towards firm) Learning -understand concept of learning -positive/negative reinforcement -punishment -rewards -permanent change Reinforcement -Law of effect- likelihood behaviour from previous experiences Theory a. Punishment-negative consequence, from undesired behaviour -useful when behavoir need to stop immediately -undesirable side effects b. Positive reinforcement-raise/praise, desirable behaviour, increased Eg. -come early, get praise; do more often 1. pinpoint desired behaviour 2. baseline audit- access current performance 3. define criterion standard 4. choose reinforcer 5. reinforce approximations-shape behaviour 6. periodically reevaluate program c. Negative reinforcement -unpleasant event removed -increased desired behaviour a. avoidance learning- prevent unpleasant event b. escaped learning- (seat belt, on- no buzzer, off-buzzer annoying) d. ¡Vpleasant stimulus withdrawn eg. Sales stop visiting because not having any sale from the firm Schedules of 1. continuous-salesman (sold car-commission) Reinforcement 2. fixed ratio-work fatories- 4 widgets done- get dollar- steady performance 3. variable ratio- slot machine, never know when payoff occur 4. fixed interval schedule- time based, weekly paycheck 5. variable interval- time varied, more difficult to extinguished How learning -identify, hire attract employees Affects -retain existing employees Organizations -errors -not contigent (promotions) -neglecting differences -neglect sources MOD4: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES (personality in organizations) Individual -Alice: introverted, intelligent, generous Differences -Dave: extroverted, intelligent, generous -Learning objectives: -understand, state & trait -big five personalities -how org. used indiv. Differences as info -identify strength & weakness of different way measuring personality -gain insight of my own -informed about debates surrounding personality thories States and -trait: intelligent Traits -state: angry personality= enduring characteristic of individual -Self-Efficacy: -belief in one¡¦s own capacity to perform specific task cognitive: 1. direct experience (past work, how well you did) 2. vicarious experience (watching people do it, appraisal) 3. verbal persuasion (convinced by manager, confidence) make adjustment----performance----feedback---direct experience BIG 1. EXTROVERSION: degree of sociability, talkative (opposite, introvert) five 2. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: -adjusted: secure, content, not depressed -less adjusted: anxious, depressed 3. AGREEABLENESS: courtesy, trusting, cooperative, tolerance 4. CONCENTIOUSNESS: degree of organization, dependability, achievement, preserving 5. OPENESS TO EXPT: curious, imaginative, playful, artistically inclined, sensitive to others needs, broad minded Self -observation & control of expressive & self presentational behaviours Monitoring -high self monitors are vigilant to situational cues to guide their behaviours -low self monitors respond in manner consistent with their inner feelings & belief, without concern, for matters of impression Jobs: high monitors: sales, teacher, lawyers, receptionist Low monitors: scientists, critics, columnists Measure -100 different personality triats Self monitoring -observation & control of expressive, self presentational behahiours -higher self monitors are vigilant to situational cues to guide their behaviours -low self monitors are consistent of inner feelings, no concern of self impressions/ presentations Measurment 1. self inventories, pen and paper test Techniques: 2. observational techniques, first hand, observers, describe 3. projective tests, personality info cognitive -verbal ability (talking) Emotion intelligence? Not really ability (intelligence) -numeric ability (numbers) -spatial ability (shapes and space) MOD 5: EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES Attitudes -work related-lasting feelings, beliefs & behavioural tendencies towards various aspects of the job itself, setting of work conducted or people involved -objects: policies, people, events, items Define attitude -3 components -evaluative (how u feel) -behavioural (how u act) -cognitive (ur beliefs) Cognitive -an attitude is in conflict with another Dissonance -change one of the two and follow one -attitude alteration Job Satisfaction - Herzberg¡¦s 2 factor theory for Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction 1. Hygiene factors: -pay, policies, supervision, physical condition, relations with others, security 2. Motivators: -promotions, growth for job, recognition, responsibility, achievement -can come from both theories Measuring -questionnaires, most satisfaction is avg. Job satisfaction -ciritcal incidents -interviews Causes of -different for each indiv Job satisfaction -organizational determinant: in control of org. manager (reward, perceived supervision, work/social stimulation, pleasant work) -personal determinants: personally, job consequence/interest, status & seniority, general life satisfaction -LOCKE¡¦s value theory: rewards matched desired outcomes Organizational -perception of fairness Justice a. distributive justice: fairness resources, outcomes (equity, equality, needs) b. procedure justice: process generated fair/not (voice, free from bias, consistent, appeal, accuracy of info) MOD 6: CAREERS/ STRESS/ BURNOUT Start: -stress concepts -body reaction to stress -effects on health -sources of stress -stress and job performance -job burnout -coping with stress Career: -change of economic condition -most ppl fall into career, not the one expected -some ppl unhappy, helpless ¡§An evolving sequence of work activities and positions that indiv. Experience over time as well as the associated attitudes, knowledge and competencies, that develops throughout one¡¦s life¡¨ Career -1. Exploation (16-28) Orientation -2. Establishment (22-42) -3. Advancement & maintenance (32-55) -4. Late career (55-retirement) Holland¡¦s -strong interest inventory 1.realistic Career types 2.artisitic 3.sociable 4.conventional 5.enterprising 6.investigative Schein¡¦s -ANCHOR -technical functional competence (making things) Career anchors -managerial competence (lead people) -security (known work and income) -autonomy (own) -creativity (input solutions of new knowledge, avoid routine) Makind use -Person environment fit Of orientation -preferred activities: abilities, need, values, attitudes -work environment: responsibilities, opportunities, social demand -behavioural attitude: performance identity, satisfaction, attraction to job/org Brain Drain -lost of talent from CAN-US. (engineers, comp. specialists, med. professionalists) -more $ in US, less tax -paying for student who leave CAN. -CAN net gain more than US worldwide -cost living higher in US. Lack of opportunity Stress concepts -¡§fight or flight¡¨ bodies beat up danger -boss, deadline -BODY: -no pain right away, adrenaline up -heart rate increase, high BP -endorphines release: no pain (chronic stress) -cholesterol released: long term (fat) -digestive problems: blood flow to muscles away from digestion -HEALTH: -fat -constipation -heart attack Souces of -stressor ¡V stress -perception (indiv differences) Stress -past experience (failure=more stress) -social support -burnout TYPE A: systematic differences -chronic sense urgency -competitive (hostile) -idleness (constant motion) -impatient to barriers -relax, big picture TYPE B: easygoing, not hyped up, (mostly high position) Sources of work -Stressor-perception, past experience, support, differences stress -workload: stress(quantitative) underload (not enough), overload (not able) -job conditions: environment, hot, wet, small -role conflict: 2 roles, too many, duty conflict -career devel.: no future -interpersonal relations: Hate co workers -aggressive behaviour: harassment, complains -conflicts in life: role in and out work Stress and job -negative things STRESS is GOOD: being hungry, wakeup Performance -positive things want to succeed Job burnout 1. state of emotional exhaustion 2.depersonalize indiv. 3. feeling low personal accomplishment -great deal stressas result of job related stressors -idealistic and self motivated achievors -seek unattainable goals Coping with -exercise; balance diet, rest Stress -good time management -develop philosophy of life/ positive attitude -balancing fun and work WORK STRESSORS EMPLOYEE PERCEPTIONS OUTCOME OF STRESS -workload -experience stress -physiological -role conflict -emotional -career develop -behavioural -aggressive As individual -do exercise 3-4 times/week -better shape, burnout stress/chemicals Org. Appraoch -company gyms MOD 7: MOTIVATION Motivation: is the forces with a person that affect his/her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behaviour performance=ability x motivation Theories: -need theories: Maslow¡¦s hierarchy Aldefer¡¦s ERG theory -Expectancy theory: how employees choose which behaviours to engage 1.expectancy (effort----performance) 2.instrumentality (Performance----outcome) 3.valence (+ become -) high motivation=high effort=high outcome=must get positive performance but no outcome-not motivated -Equity theory: -underpayment (pay/hardwork vs. pay/lesswork) -overpayment (more pay/work vs. less pay/work) -undercompensation -over compensation : both lead to altering input/output, leave job, change behaviour *(psychological, bias) -Goal setting theory -most consistent & powerful process -excellent framework -concrete advice to create high performance environment -relationship & interplay ¡V group work goal=specifity difficult (clear)-challenging than realistic valence=self efficacy- belief to perform at certain level moderators=ability, goal commitment Motivation----performance----feedback task complexity----rewards----self efficacy Job design -core job dimensions: skilled varieties, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback -critical psychological states: meaningful, responsibility, knowledge of results -outcomes: motivation, performance, satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover job -skill variety characteristics -task identity model -task significance -autonomy -feedback motivating skill + identity + significance x feedback x autonomy potential score 3 job enlargement: Horizontal loading: increasing task, keep difficulty constant job enrichment: Vertical loading: increase difficulty, task constant job rotation: job change, moving around not to be too bored MOD 8: COMMUNICATION IN ORGANIZATIONS Communication -process of group/org. transmit info to another group -sender ---- message----receiver -telephone, memo, face to face, voice mail, Email, videoconferencing Process of -differences in language Communication? -idea---encoded----transmitted----decoding----idea received----feedback -noise: not knowing language well, attitude, presentation, style Verbal -voice, face to face = immediate feedback Communication -medium richness=telephone, face to face, flyer -no privacy Non verbal -paralinguistics (pitch, loudness, speaking quickly) Communication -kinesics (body movement) -haptics (touching) -chronemics (time, come early, forced to wait for meeting) -iconics (trophies, diplomas in office) -dress (professional, approacheable) communication -face to face (disconcerning) media -telephone (dunno smiling or not, less rich environment) -letters, mail (might be joke, but sound serious) -flyers Types of -Communication networks: 1.centralized-chain, hierarchy, factory line (y, wheel) Communication 2.decentralized-free communication, matrix network -informal communication: outside work, people speak to CEO, orally, org. grapevine Obstacle of -cultures, distance, rate/pace: actions define message, verbal might not be true Communication -jokes/ insulting -overload¡Kneed a gate keeper Overcoming -keep language simple Barriers of -active, attentive listener Effective -provide way to receive feed back Communication -avoid overload -multiple media for complex/ important messages -communicate good/bad news -appropriate medium MOD 9: POWER/INFLUENCE/LEADERSHIP in ORGANIZATION Power: -capacity to influence behaviour of others -distinct from social influence -interactions among people authority: .narrower, fewer behaviours granted by org. accepted by employees Influence -rotation persuasion: project first Strategies -inspirational appeal: people oriented, care about employees -consultation: asking participation in planning -ingratiation: good mood first so they like u -exchange: promise benefits, to do job -coalition: everyone else is doing, why not me? -legitimating: point out authority for request -pressure: threats, demant, intimidation Sources of -position power personal power Power =reward =rotational persuasion =coersive (punish) =referent power =legitimate =expert power =information =charisma (look for your ideas) organizational individual power: -resources, assistance, cooperation, information, advancement, recognition, contacts-personal support group power: 1. resource dependency model: -control resources -rich get richer 2. strategic contingency model: -department control relative power for other groups Political -competition among employees Behaviour -complexity and uncertainty -need for power -machiavellians -locus of control -risk seeking strategies to minimize political behaviour: -excess resources -strong culture/ corporate than indiv -reduce uncertainty and complexity political influences in performance appraisals: -improve level, promotion, max gain, make coworkers, look for worst -articulate goals clearly -link specific actions for rewards -structure reviews with ex. Performance -ongoing feedback vs. once a year -policies exist in org. discuss openly Leadership: -process of 1 indiv. Towards others for a group goals -managers vs. leaders definition: managers vs. leaders -plan -set direction -organize -align to vision -control (behaviour) -motivate (inspire) Theories of -traits and behaviours: ¡§great person theory¡¨ born to be leader Leadership Male, tall, superior, physique, more energy, attractive Intelligence, maturity, breath, inner motivation, emp. Centred No consistent pattern: height? Sex? -leader/follower: ability to follow leader (charisma)-own vision galvanize their followers high expectation transactional, exchange work for goal transformational -contingency: group characteristics a. Fiedler -group -task -position power b.Hercey and Blanchard Model c.House¡¦s Path Goth Model d.Vroom-Jago leadership Model -substitutes for leadership: kerr and Jermier=factors neutralize or sub leader Miscellaneous Leadership findings: -gender and leadership: feminization=moer respect, less competition, consulation involved -popular press-approach -behave like male leaders-few gender differences -adopt male behaviours? MOD 10: GROUPS AND TEAMWORK in ORGANIZATIONS Group: -strong focus leader -indiv. Accountability -group purpose-broader org. mission -indiv. Wor produced -run efficient meetings Team: -share leader roles -indiv. And mutual accountability -specific team purpose that team itself delivers -collective work products -open ended discussions types of Groups: formal: direct members to org. goals (command, task groups) informal:interpersonal and affiliation needs (interest, friendship, groups) gropu structure and processes -roles, norms, boundaries, cohesiveness group roles: task oriented: initiating, seeking info, giving info, clarifying, elvaluating self oriented: blocking progress, seeking recognition, dominating, distance relations oriented: supporting, harmonizing and mediating, encouraging, participation, expressing standards, following group norms: unwritten expectations meeting norms working norms communication norms leadership norms consideration norms group boundaries: who is ¡§in¡¨ who is ¡§out¡¨ symbols-uniforms location less defined in dispersed teams who to interact with stakeholders group cohesiveness: ¡§strength of group members¡¦ desires to remain part of group¡¨ causes-------------------------group cohesiveness---------consequences -severe initiation positive: enjoy group membership -external threats -participate in group act -lots of time together -accept group goal -smaller than large group neg: lose sight of goal (group think) -isolation from of others may work against org. interest stages of development: Forming (uncertainty), storming (conflicts develop), norming (central purpose), performing (group fulfill role), adjourning () Advantage -Synergy: more job done in group rather than indiv. Of groups -social facilitation: presence of others-arousal-form dominant response And teams -diversity:bring greater bkgrd on given task, permit team perform better Fulfill social needs Disadvantages -process losses: group work, less efficient, want to get well tend to forget goal Of groups -social loafing: more people working on task, smaller contribution made by member And teams -groupthink: -illusion to invulnerability -collective rationalization -belief in inherent morality of team -sterotypes of other groups -direct pressure on di -self sensorship -illusion of unanimity -incomplete-survey of alterations, survey of goals Brainstorming: -no criticism -encourage free wheeling -piggy back ideas -encourage many ideas -less effective of ideas -production blocking -evaluation apprehension functions-symbolic -help build relationships between team members nominal group technique: problem, soln independently, vote, rank MSci 211 synergy:-in class on campus, 396 students; 66 teams, arctic survival exercise -make decision, compared results -synergy?-16% yes indiv? -81% better -13% no diff -13% no -71%no - 5% same conclude..indiv do better common errors made: RICHARD HACKMAN -manage indiv. but called team -absence of direction & goals -absence of deadlines -overlooking importance of early success -failing to provide resources -assume team has required bkgrd stages of managerial work in creating an effective group: prework-creating performance conditions forming n buildteam team selection: 1. consider types of tasks -team related tasks -technical tests 2. individual differences -personalily (extrovert) -concientiousness -agreeableness -cognitive ability -skills and knowledge Computer -genereate more ideas than face to face Assisted -increased decision quality Groups -participate -focus on task -took longer/less happy -equalization effect (expertise less influential) -make more extreme decisions -less conformity, less opinion -discussion les critical -increased synergy participation -quantity less Electronice -how to supervise? Performing -similar having person there in motivation Monitoring -monitoring=poor performance -no monitor=high performance MOD 11: DECISION MAKING Organizational 1.External factors: -global competition Change -deregulation -technical advances 2.Internal factors: -low productivity -conflict -strickes -high absenteeism/turnover It¡¦s not always good Resistance -perceived loss/status To change -inequitable treatment -loss of present competencies (software upgrade) driving force restrain -high pay -long hrs -interesting project -poor training -job security -many competitors -stock options -tight labour -good location -short vacation -benefits -poor supervision Effective 1.motivating change (readiness, overcome resistance) Change 2.creating vision (mission, outcome, condition, midpoint goal) Management 3.develop political support(change agent power, key stakeholders, infl. Them) 4.managing transition (active planning, commitment planning, manage struct.) 5.sustaining momentum (sufficient resources, reinforce new behave., new skills) O.D. : planned change is how people in org. function ¡§process improving organizational process¡¨ ¡§application of behaviours science for org. effectiveness¡¨ Foundations of -systems theory: open systems exchange with surrounding environment O.D. -sources of energy, materials, information, human resources -inputs -transforming mechanism -ourputs -users -participation and empowerment: process giving power input into decisions participate and responsible for work -teams and teamwork: foundation OD synergy sum of parts, whole is greater -parallel learning structures: -supplemental org. coexisting with usual -microcosm larger org. -1 or more execs. Give cluster -deal w/ problems formal org. unable to resolve -(steering committee, idea group, action group) -*break free normal constraints -applied behavioural science: behavioural science theory„³behaviour science research -action research: kurt leuin 1940s : collection of data to client 3.action planning based on data