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September 2, 2003- The Arena is back in action. The new rules will be completed and posted by the end of the week. It should be a little different than what you're used to. Can't say too much, but let's just say that your typing speed won't affect your ability to play any more. -Lars

July 11, 2003- Yeah, two complaints about the complexity of the battle and job system. It's actually pretty straightforward. Just follow the rules and you should be fine. Again, if you need help just ask. -Lars

July 9, 2003- You'll see that I added a job system now. Everyone who has not provided me a new character has been taken off the site. If you want back on, just let me know and I will add you. For those confused, I can explain stuff on AIM. -Lars

July 7, 2003- Major changes are going to be made to this website. I will now be adding an equipment system, where you can obtain armor, weapons, accessories, and other things to improve your strength and defense. Check back to see the changes to the site. -Lars

July 1, 2003- Sephiroth has either forgotten or refused to battle this June at all. His status has become inactive. The same goes for Serge, both who are inactive. Anyone may take their character until the battle again (stats will remain the same). -Lars

June 28, 2003- Lars has been asking me to put down an update about stuff. This is my update to say that I am sorta back in action as a battler. I can only battle at certain times, mainly when I'm not at my home computer. I also accept emails for character registration and spar records. -Dave

June 27, 2003- Go read the rules now. I made an overhaul of them, adding clearer definitions, making some adjustments, and so on. One big change is that you can now counter attack as much as you want. These new rules should cater to beginners; advanced players maybe should stay clear. -Lars

June 26, 2003- Hey, it's Craig. I'll be updating and accepting spar e-mails. I'll also be working behind the scenes to help FFA become a great site. I don't have much to say; see you around. -Craig

June 26, 2003- Inactivity has been an issue on this site. People aren't encouarged to spar. Tournament matches have not been happening. Please continue to spar! Those who begin to actively play the game will be rewarded with extra earnings and experience. -Lars

June 24, 2003- Matches should be finished soon for the tournament. Seifer and Cloud need to face each other, as do Serge and Wakka. For those wondering, I gave the victory to active sparrers; those who never were there for their matches, sorry. -Lars

June 15, 2003- I have decided to become inactive due to problems with direct connecting. For anyone having trouble with this, know that there are three things you can do: turn off your firewall, fight with a rate limit, or fight on MSN. -Dave

June 15, 2003- New rules today. I expanded on the grabs rule and rewards rule, and I also added rules on summoning and critical hits. Make sure to read up on them in the Battle page. -Lars

June 14, 2003- I added some new rules today. I expanded on the fading rule, and I also added rules on counter-attacks, regeneration, and flight. Check them out in the Battle page. -Lars

June 13, 2003- If you see banners at the bottom of most pages, don't get upset. This is merely a part of a program to get more hits for the website. You don't have to click on them; I am not getting money for them. -Lars

June 12, 2003- The first tournament has begun, and people need to have their matches. As long as they are done soon, I will not put a deadline on them. -Lars

June 10, 2003- I'd like people to have some more battles. So far, only Vincent, Cloud and Wakka have had matches. If you have any battle problems, drop me an IM. -Lars

June 4, 2003- First day the site is up. Join, people! Feel free to spar as much as you want, and face each other in the tournament. Will post updates as often as necessary. -Lars

(c) 2003 Lars Housholder/Dave Whittier. All Rights Reserved. All FF trademarks (c) Squaresoft.