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amz fanfic
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MY amz fanfic
Thursday, 13 October 2005
Amz Fanfic
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Topic: amz fanfic
"The Two ways of Heaven and and the one way of hell"
-by beta

There he was lying still by the shards of glass that were on the floor.He just layed there watching it.
Though nothing was special about it, he felt calm around it.He finally looked up to see his mother screaming at his father. He let out a sigh. His
parents offly fought a lot.He was about to tell his mom to stop yelling in public,But he heard a voice saying"Come closer".He cocked his head
and looked into the glass.He finally decided to touch the glass shard.When he touched it a light came from the shard.He was suddenly sucked into
a portal of darkness.When he landed on what looked like a deserted island,He started to scream for help.He finally realized that no one was going
to come and help him.So he just started to walk through the jungle that he landed in.He heard the voice again"If you want to get off this island find a crystal,gold and a mango"."What is with the mango"?He said.The voice replied"Hey I have to eat too".The boy nodded as if he understanded.He let out a giant sigh and started to look for the crystal.He kept walking his feet started to hurt.He sat down by a stream and layed his feet into the
water.He looked into a tree and saw monkeys swinging by.He threw a rock into the tree hopefully hiting a monkey that knew where to find the crystal.A giant monkey fell down from the tree and landed ten feet away from the boy.He let out a grin.He quickly ran over to it.He saw it was holding something glowing.He smacked the monkey so that it would wake up.It looks like he killed it.So he just opened its tightly gripped hand and saw a piece of gold.He thought to himself "Not exactly what I was looking for" but it was one of the three he needed.He put it into his pocket and ran off to find either the crystal or the mango.

~End of chapter one

Night was approaching fast and he only found a piece of gold.He decided it was time to go to bed so that he can have plenty of energy in the morning.He climbed up a tree.The branches of the tree stuck out like a bed.All he needed was a pillow.So he pulled off this giant leaf the tree had on one of its branches and used that as a pillow.He didn't need a blanket cause it was really warm where he was.He didnt know if it was warm like that all year or if it was summer.He thought to himself "I am probably in the carribean".He quickly fell asleep after he thought about his agenda.In the middle of the night he was awoken by something running.He jumped down from the tree and saw a female running from what looked like something with a gun.She didnt notice him and ran right into him.Which pretty much looked like they knew each other.Suddenly a kangur came out.He was holding a 22. calibur pistol at hand.The female dove her head into his chest pretty much as a reflect.The boy shouted out " What in hell's name are you doing"?The kangur reply's"I am hunting what those it look like"?The boy replied in a scream "WHY IN THE THREE WORLDS WOULD YOU HUNT A GIRL"? The kangur slowly lowered his gun.Then as fast as possible he lift the gun and shot the boy in paw."How dare you talk to me like that"."Whats your name boy"?The boy was in shock of the shot and said nothing.

~End of chapter two

The boy finally got up and shook his paw.There was blood dripping from his hand to the ground,tears running down his face."The name is Jack".The girl looked up into his face.As a thank you she kissed him on the cheek and ran.The boy didn't even flinch.He just looked deep into kangurs eyes.And as quickly as he could grabbed the kangurs arm bit it.The kangur screamed and dropped the pistol.Jack quickly grabbed it and ran as fast as he could.Jack got as far as he could.He climbed up a tree and sat there.He was waiting for the kangur to come.He was hiding in the large leaves the tree had.The kangur came out of the bushes.Jack took aim and shot.He hit the kangur in the chest.The kangur stood there holding his chest. No blood was running down.Jack looked closly and saw that the kangur caught the bullet.Jack screamed out "Impossible".Giving away his hiding spot he dove out of the tree and ran for the beach. When he got to the beach he tripped over something shiny.His face landed in the sand.The gun went flying and landed in the ocean and got washed away with the currents.The kangur ran to the beach and had a sword in his hand."Here" he said while throwing a knife.Jack picked up the knife and threw it back at the kangur.The kangur let it hit his chest.The kangur fell into the sand.The boy got up and dusted himself off.The kangur had a bag with him.Jack checked the bag and it had a mango and a few stuff in it.Jack took it.While he was walking off into the jungle again he stepped into the shiny thing he saw before.It was a crystal.He let out a scream.

~End of chapter three

Jack checked his pocket.He still had the gold piece.He put it into his bag and ran into the woods. He heard the voice again "You have done well boy"."Draw a circle in the sand and put them there and back away".Jack did as he was told. Suddenly the portal was back again. He was sucked into it. At the end of the portal he saw a flash of where he was going to next. He hit the hard ground. Jack got up and dusted off his pants. ”Where am I now”? A different voice was talking now “You are in hell now”. ”So where was I just now”? Jack replies. ”You were in heaven” says the voice. ”In heaven”? Jack replies. ”It seemed like hell to me”. “Very funny Jack” says the voice. “well you are going to need to get three things for me now”. ”Great” Jack replies. ”What do I need to get now”? The voice says “ A horn from the devil, the devils staff, and a dragon tooth. Jack sighs and says “Okay where is the devil”? The voice replies “ In that big castle in front of you”. ”Dammit” Jack says. ”Well I am going to go get it now”. Jack sighed and ran to the castle wall. He went to the front of the gates and went under the fence. “Looks like the devil doesn’t have guards” Jack says. Then all of a sudden jacks clothes change into a guard suit. “What happened to my clothing” Jack says. The voice says “It will help you sneak in”. “Thanks” says jack. He jumps on the west side wall of the castle. He started to climb it. Then a ruby red dragon being ridden by a barbarian. The barbarian made the dragon dive into the wall to try to smash Jack. It missed but the vibration of the hit made the castle wall shake and Jack started to fall. Jack quickly looked into the bag that he took and found a grappling hook. He threw it and it hit the castle wall and got stuck. Jack started to climb up the rope that was attached to the hook. The barbarian saw Jack climbing and again he made the dragon dive but this time not at Jack. It dove at the hook. Jack saw this so he quickly grabbed onto the wall and let go of the rope. Jack started to climb faster making sure that the dragon wouldn’t see him but it did. This time it dove at Jack. Jack managed to dodge the dragon. The dragon landed right next to him. Jack right then and there had an idea. The next time The dragon dove at him He would jump on to the dragon knock off the barbarian and keep diving the dragon into the wall until one of it’s tooth gets so loose that it will fall out and he will grab the tooth before it falls down into the ground. While he was thinking the barbarian went deep into space. Then all of a sudden all Jack saw was something diving at full speed. Jacks face went pale. “HE IS GOING TO KNOCK DOWN THE CASTLE IN ONE HIT” Jack says. Once the dragon hit into the castle wall Jack quickly jumped onto the dragon. Grabbed the barbarian by the waist and threw him off and the barbarian fell right into the ground. From above all you could see was a puddle of blood. Jack dove into the wall to knock down the wall and to take the tooth out. In the process he knocked down the whole west wall and killed the dragon. The dragon went hurling down into the ground with Jack. Jack was screaming all the way down. Finally the dragon hit into the earth’s crust. The impact hit Jack so hard that he flew off the dragon and landed in a hay sack unconscious. It was night time when Jack finally woke up. He saw the dragon just laying there next to the barbarians body. Blood surrounded both of the bodies. Jack walked over to the dragon and saw the tooth inside the barbarians back. Jack removed it from the barbarian's back and put it into the sack. Everything was destroyed. Jack walked across the front gates again and decided to go up the east wall.

~ End of Chapter 4

Jack went to the east side of the castle. It was totally destroyed like the west side of the castle. So he kept walking toward until he hit the south side and there was a big hole there. Jack went through the hole and saw giant stairs. Jack goes over the stuff he had in his bag. He looks into the bag and sees a hook, a rope, a rock, a knife, a pistol and , the dragon tooth he got. He tied the rope to the hook and started to walk up the stairs with the newly formed grappling hook. The stairs suddenly snapped just what Jack was waiting for. He quickly threw the grappling hook to the top of the stair case. He started to climb up the rope. He finally got to the top. It was the devil’s master room. Jack reached the door and opened it. There he was Ken the devil. Ken got up from his chair and said “What in my world is going on here”? “First my castle is destroyed and my best dragon is killed”. Ken paused…….. “And now you are here”. “ Now I must kill you”. Jack scoffed “Kill me”? “I been through way to much to die now”. ”Now I need the staff of yours”. “Never” says Ken. “Fine then” says Jack. “lets play this way that way” says Jack. “ If I win I get your staff and your horn” says Jack. “And if I win I get your body with your soul still attached to it” said Ken. Jack replies “Fine”.

~ End of chapter 5

“I go first” says Jack. “Fine” Ken says in a mad voice. Jacks turn “Hey hey look over to the east……west”. Ken looks to the east. “Ha you looked to the east when I changed my command to west now get ready for a beating”. “Darn” said Ken. Jack started to punch him in the face, kick him in the stomach , until Ken gave up and gave him the staff and one of his horns. Jack took the stuff and ran. He finally got outside and heard the voice. “Well done Jack”. “Now put them into a circle made out of fire and stand back”. Jack did as he was told and a portal sucked him up. Jack was threw into a land of nothing. “What happened” says Jack”. The two voices came and said “the portal was disrupted”. Jack started to cry. Until he saw the girl he met earlier. But now she looked like an angel. “Sorry I never told you my name it is Angelica”. “ Now lets take you home”. Jack smiled. “Lets go he said”. Jack was back home. He saw the shard again. And he smiled and walked away.

~ End

Posted by rpg2/beta_sniperwolf at 5:57 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 14 October 2005 11:55 AM EDT
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