...::: Baley Marie Moore:::...
Baley Marie Moore

Baley is on her way to take Lexus to meet Orlando. She doesn't know what will happen, because she can tell Lexus is going to try something when she meets him. She can't believe how much Lexus has change. She hopes that nothing will happen, but if it does she will be and sure to work it out. They have just pulled up to Orlando's driveway. As they get out they shut their doors. They rush to the door and Baley rings the bell. After a few minutes the door opens and Justin smiles as he sees Baley.

...:::Justin Timberlake:::... Hello Baley and..friend. What can I do for ya?

...:::Baley Moore:::... Justin this is Lexus one of my friends. And Lexus this is Justin another one of my friends. ~smiles~

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... ~as she shakes his hand~ Very nice to meet you Justin. How old, if I may ask.

...:::Justin Timberlake:::... ~laughs~ 20...and you?

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... 20, wow we already have something in common. A girlfriend?

...:::Baley Moore:::... Lexus, don't ask that.

...:::Justin Timberlake:::... It's alright, really. But yes, I do have a girlfriend. Do you?

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... No, boyfriends I'm afraid to say. So were is this Orlando?

...:::Justin Timberlake:::... Oh...you're looking for Orlando?

...:::Baley Moore:::... Yeah, as usual huh? I just have to talk to him. ~laughs~

...:::Justin Timberlake:::... Come on in, he's in the living room as usual.

Baley and Lexus follow Justin into the living room were they see Orlando watching t.v.

As Orlando hears them walk in he stands and turns the tv off. He smiles before walking over to them. He hugs Baley tightly before stepping back and putting his hands in his pockets. Justin smiles before backing away and putting the thumbs up behind Lexus' back. He closes the door behind him as Orlando clears his throat.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Hey Baley, it's good to see you again.

...:::Baley Moore:::... It's also great to see you too Orlando. By the way this is Lexus my friend. Lexus this is Orlando.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Nice to meet ya! So, you two are just friends right?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... ~holding his hand out~ Nice to meet you Lexus...

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Fallins, Lexus Fallins. I hear you are in "Lord of the Rings." What is it like acting?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... It's...good. A lot of perks. And a lot of fun. You interested in becoming an actress?

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... More and likely no. But then again maybe you could teach me some pointers anyways.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... I would be happy to. It's actually really flattering to hear that someone wants to be tutored by me.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... ~watching as Baley rolls her eyes~ I'm glad you want to tutor me. ~smiles~ So, who else lives here? Where is your room?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... My room?...It's up the stairs...why?

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Well, I can always tell what kind of person a guy is when I look at what is in his room. What kind of sheets to do you like? Satin? That's what I perfer.

...:::Baley Moore:::... I don't think that you need to ask such qestions Lexus. Maybe I shouldn't have brought you.

...:::Baley Moore:::... I knew it was a mistake.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... ~laughs~ Don't worry...I actually prefer silk sheets when entertaining...they're softer you know. It's nice to really get to know a person.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Oh so you don't mind? She is flirting with you, but I shouldn't worry? Whatever, keep the conversation going I'll just be over hearing not worrying.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... ~ as she rolls her eyes~ Silk huh? I don't mind laying on that either, I mean, yeah that's what I mean. ~smiles~

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... ~laughs~ Wow, you're forward. You know my cousin Justin would definitely like you.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Don't you think I tried. ~laughs~ He has a girlfriend. But really I want to see your room.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... See my room? I don't really show people my room just yet. For me, that's more a fifth date sort of thing.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Then we need to get moving. I'm a first date kinda girl myself. What do you think about Baley? Do you actually like her. I mean she gets mad at everything I do. I'm like a her kid or something. She's a total bitch 24/7. I don't know why I asked her for a place to stay. When I can always just ask you. ~laughs~

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Ask me? I have nowhere for you to stay. And quite frankly i don't like you speaking about Baley like that. And i'm sure she doesn't either.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... It isn't like she will find out. I won't tell her and neither will you. Right? RIGHT! Besides I have to be nice I wouldn't have anywhere to stay if she caught me. Do you have any other friends I would love to hear about? What about this guy....Colin? Baley told me about him and I think me and him would do just fine.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... You probably would. He has a huge mansion all to himself with servants and everything.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Number? Age? Cute? Baley said she didn't do anything with him, but what do you think? I think she wants you and him. It's just like her, never can get enough. She is such a whore. Even in school. Haven't you two ever done anything?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... You know, i think i'm supposed to be down at the arena right now for final rehearshals. And i think i'm going to be late if i don't get a move on. It was lovely meeting you Lexus, Baley can i speak with you for a minute?

...:::Baley Moore:::... Yeah sure thing.

Orlando walks Baley outside before slowly closing the front door.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Well, she seems...nice to everyone, but you. I hope you're not going to put up with that.

...:::Baley Moore:::... What do you mean? What did she say? Did she keep trying after I told her not to?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Well, she definitely hinted that she wanted to sleep with me...and Colin as well. Plus she called you a whore. That's when I needed to get out of there. Her hitting on me I could handle because well, I can take care of myself. But bad mouthing you? I don't think I could have survived that without throwing her out on her ass!

...:::Baley Moore:::... Throwng her ass out? Something I'm good at. She hasn't been here for a week and already I'm tired of her. She needs to learn the rules and learn them fast. If you promise not to hold me back I put her in place now.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... ~laughs~ Hey, she's your friend! Aren't you supposed to be willing to do anything for her, not matter what?

...:::Baley Moore:::... Listen go upstairs and get your stuff. I'll call her back and have a little talk with her. It will only take a sec. I swear.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... I don't really have time. I have to go for some last minute rehearshals at the arena and if i don't hurry i'm going to be late.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Well, okay, but don't worry I'll get her for flirting with you. I wish people would take the himt and stay away. ~laughs~ Walk me to the car?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Sure, but what about Lexus? She's still inside.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Lexus, wait 5 minutes before coming to the car. I'm going to go ahead and go out there just wait and then come.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Maybe we can have a nice goodbye, before she gets out there.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... ~smiles~ Sounds good...shall we? ~holds out his arm~

...:::Baley Moore:::... Yes, we shall. ~ as she locks with his arm~

Orlando grins as he walks her slowly down to her car. He stops as the reach the driver's side.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Well, it was nice seeing you again. You still coming tonight?

...:::Baley Moore:::... Yeah, do you have to leave tomorrow?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Yeah, early morning. Three years away from this place is going to be weird! Although I'll be back for the wedding...at least I hope so!

...:::Baley Moore:::... ~smiling~ I guess I can wait til tonight to have a long goodbye. 3 years! I can't believe it. If somehting happens I can't make it though I'll call you on your cell. You know the reason behind the reason if I can't make it....Lexus.

...:::Baley Moore:::... I will try my best to come though.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Great. Because it wouldn't be a party without you. Just to let you know though...Colin's going to be there. But i promise he's changed...a lot.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Then I'll be sure to bring Lexus. ~laughs~

...:::Baley Moore:::... Part of me doesn't want to go, because then that means you'll be leaving soon. Who will I have to go to when Lexus is getting on my nerves. ~smiles~

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... I know this sounds a bit musical but...I'm only a phone call away, you know that. Anytime you need me I'll be there, night or day.

...:::Baley Moore:::... ~smiles as her eyes start to water, but she holds back~ Thanks, I needed that. Even if your busy?

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... I'm never too busy for you. I put you before everything...if you need someone there for you when things get bad i'll get the first plane back here to be with you.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Really? Well I just want you to know that......

Lexus appears and interuppts their conversation. Before getting into the car she walks over to Orlando.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... ~glances at Baley then at Orlando~ You don't know what you are missing and that's me.

...:::Orlando Bloom:::... Yeah well, right now I'm missing rehearshals so I'd better run. I'll see you later okay?

Baley waves him bye and hops into the car. She glances at Lexus and squints her eyes. Looking back at the road she drives them both home. ON their way home they strike up a small conversation.

...:::Baley Moore:::... So, I take it you liked him. Liked him too much. I don't think you should have done that. That is my friend Lexus. He didn't apperciate it to begin with. I don't mind you talking to him, but not like that.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... I was just trying to be nice. I'm really sorry. Please don't kick me out. I need a place to stay. It won't happen again. Besides didn't you see him coming onto me? He was practically begging me for a date.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Liar, he was not. He was the one who was trying to be nice, but you took advantage of that. And what's this calling me a whore? I'm no whore. I think the only whore you see of a day is when you get up and look in the mirror. Maybe you want to be needed so you can fit in, but I know your method is a successful one. I don't care what you say about me, but don't talk or touch Orlando got it?

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Got it, I was just seeing if he really would stick up for you though. Baley I've always wanted to be like you. You had the brains, I have the looks, and the legs, but still you have everything. You have a nice guy that actually cares for you. That's all I've ever wanted. I've always felt like you were better than me.

...:::Baley Moore:::... Yes, Orlando will stick up for me just like I stick up for him. I'm not better than you Lex. You have smarts too if you would put them to use. Aren't you excitied to meet Colin at all? I'm sure you two will get along great. Listen were already here so don't mention anything or you will be kicked out.

...:::Lexus Fallins:::... Thanks Baley, you're such a good friend.

The two lean in for a hug before getting out of the car and and making their way to the door. They ebter the house and spot Julie and Zack sitting on the couch. They say hi and walk upstairs quickly and quitly.