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                    Tales of the Sword Coast WALKTHROUGH:




1. Ulgoth's Beard (AR 1000)



Note: When you first arrive at Ulgoth's Beard a little text blurb appears in

      your window.


Companions: none


Enemies: none... yet



  - Ulgoth's Beard is a good starting point for any adventure into the other

    areas in the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion.  Come here before tackling

    Durlag's Tower, for example.



  - Hurgan's Soultaker

    Inside the Ulgoth's Beard Inn is a Dwarf who has a bit of a mission for

    you.  He tells you the sad tale of the end of Durlag Trollkiller, and asks

    that you retrieve an item from the Tower of Durlag, a dagger called the

    Soultaker (which belonged to his grandda).  Agree to help him.  You'll find

    the Soultaker deep within Durlag's Tower.

    Hurgan: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2360 y 535)


  - Shandalar's Quest

    The Mage Shandalar asks that you perform a little retrieval operation for

    him.  Agree to it (if you don't want to be teleported there right now, ask

    for some time to prepare) and he will teleport you to a bizarre ice place.

    He wants you to pick up his cloak which is located somewhere in this

    dungeon.  But beware, there are a great many surly mages in here, who have

    apparantly been trapped here for years.  And they aren't too happy that you

    have a way out!  Check out the Ice Dungeon sub section below for more

    information on it.  Give him the cloak to get your reward: 500 exp.

    Shandalar: Ulgoth's Beard (x 1712 y 644)

    Cloak: Ice Dungeon (x 711 y 259)


  - Mendas' Quest

    Some time ago the Merchant's League in Baldur's Gate found a shipwreck

    believed to be that of Balduran himself.  Mendas would very much like to

    get his hands on Balduran's Logbook, but to do so he needs you to get the

    Charts from the Merchant's League's Counting House in Baldur's Gate.  Agree

    to help him.  You'll find the Counting House in the North East Section

    (AR 0300).  Unlock it and go inside.  If you want to get through this

    non-violently, tell the Guard that you are here to clear your debt, and

    that you have Tea and Spices from Kara-Tur.  Go upstairs and talk to the

    captain.  Ask him if there is anything that you can do for him, and he'll

    ask for the hardest liquor from Te'Tranion at the Blushing Mermaid.  Get it

    for him to get the Charts, or just steal them.  Return to Mendas and give

    him the charts.  He will give you 2000 gp, and tell you to meet him at his

    boat.  Go north and west up to the docks and talk to Mendas again, get on

    the ship and go.  You will shipwreck on Werewolves island.  (see that

    section below)

    Mendas: Ulgoth's Beard (x 850 y 1250)

    Charts: Baldur's Gate, North East Section (x 2350 y 3100)


  - Therella's Son Dalton

    Therella has a son who took to the life of adventuring and went to Durlag's

    Tower, and never returned.  His mother, Therella, asks that you find him

    and if possible return him.  After you've rescued Dalton, go back to

    Therella to get your reward: 300gp.  She'll also tell you that Dalton is

    out adventuring again.  Idiot.

    Therella: Ulgoth's Beard (x 1555 y 416)

    Dalton: Durlag's Tower, Underground, Level Six (x 1160 y 470)


  - Ike's Tours

    If you would like a tour of Durlag's Tower (which is completely

    unnecessary, you can go there on your own at any time) you can talk to Ike

    who will set up a tour for you.  It costs 60gp, and you have to get to the

    tower on your own.

    Ike: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2181 y 632)



  - Galken's Runestone

    Inside the Ulgoth's Beard Inn, near the Innkeeper you will find a commoner

    named Galken who will give you a Runestone if you pay his bar tab (900 gp).

    Agree to do so to get the Runestone.  He warns you that someone may be

    after that Rune (which he just may have stolen).   The Rune is important

    for Durlag's Tower.

    Galken: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2360 y 535)


  - Delsvirftanyon's Liquidation Sale

    Delsvirftanyon is selling off everything he has and for the low low price

    of only 500 measely gp you can have his entire inventory!  You mostly get

    some crap, but you do get one Dwarven Runestone (the other Rune he has is a


    Delsvirftanyon: Ulgoth's Beard (x 1573 y 1186)


  - Fenrus

    If you need more information on Durlag's Tower, you can come by the Docks

    and talk to Fenrus.

    Fenrus: Ulgoth's Beard (x 615 y 1322)


  - Dushai

    If you want more information on Balduran's Last Voyage, you can go talk to

    Dushai near the entrance to Ulgoth's Beard.  You will have to bribe her to

    get her to talk, though.  She will only talk to you AFTER you have already

    talked to Mendas.

    Dushai: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2443 y 811)




1a. The Ice Dungeon (AR 1008, 1009)



Note: Beware of traps here!  There are lots of Fireball traps, and Lightning



Companions: none


Enemies: Polar Bears, Winter Wolves, Mountain Bears


Treasures:  Knave's Robe     ŻŻ|

            Wand of Fear       |-- Group One

            Traveller's Robe __|

            Wand of Paralyzation (Group Three)



  - We're here to pick up Shandalar's Cloak since we can't leave until we

    accomplish that.  To get the cloak you have to go all the way through the

    passages, fight off Dezkiel, and take the Cloak. (x 711 y 259)


  - Go up the stairs to get outside then wait to be teleported back to Ulgoth's



Enemy Wizards:

  - Group One (x 1840 y 1250)

    Andris--6000 exp, Knaves Robe, 2 Spells, Journal, 109gp

    Beyn--1800 exp, Wand of Fear, 66gp

    Marcellus--2000 exp, Travellers Robe, 1 Spell, 81gp


  - Group Two (x 891 y 591)

    Tellan--3000 exp, Darts, 78gp


  - Group Three (x 1312 y 672)

    Cuchol--1800 exp, Wand of Paralyzation, 66gp


  - Group Four (x 1055 y 1114)

    Garan--2000 exp, 4 Spells, 66gp

    Lots of Ankhegs here as well.


  - Final Group (x 711 y 259)

    Dezkiel--1800 exp, Shandalar's Cloak, Scroll, 66gp



  - Winter Wolves

    Each Winter Wolf that you kill here is worth 500 gp back in Nashkel, if you

    need some quick money.




2. Durlag's Tower (exterior) (AR 0500)



Note: When you first approach Durlag's Tower you get to watch a little movie

      about it (on Disc 6).


Companions: none


Enemies:  Battle Horrors, Skeletons, Basilisks, Greater Basilisks,

          Doppelgangers, Greater Doppelgangers



  - We need to get inside the tower (x 2700 y 2200).



  - Ike Part 2

    If you hired Ike back in Ulgoth's Beard, you'll find him just past the

    first gate on the way into the tower.  Talk to him, and then follow him. 

    Talk to him again on the Drawbridge and then he'll go inside.  Again,

    follow him.

    Ike: Durlag's Tower, Exterior (x 1950 y 3090)



  - Get on the Wall

    You can get up onto the Wall and fight some more Battle Horrors, and some

    Skeletons, if you feel so inclined.

    Entrance: Durlag's Tower, Exterior (x 1500 y 1050)


  - Get on Another Wall

    You can get up the other wall by going up a large staircase to fight, yes

    more Battle Horrors and more Skeletons.

    Stairs: Durlag's Tower, Exterior (x 4100 y 1950)




2a. Durlag's Tower (interior, above ground)  (AR 0502)



Note:  Beware of traps while in the Tower!  It's safe to assume that every

       chest that you'll come across will be trapped, and that most passageways

       are as well.  Use your thief's Detect Trap skill wisely!  Also I suggest

       that you don't just use the Quick Save while in Durlag's Tower, have

       several backup saves ready just in case...


Companions:  none


Enemies:  Ghasts


Treasures:  Staff Spear +2   ŻŻ|

            Leather Armor +?   |-- Nymph's Hair

            Short Sword +?   __|

            Robe of Electrical Resistance ŻŻ|

            Cloak of Protection +1          |

            Darts of Wounding               |

            Darts of Stunning               |-- Treasures (in Other below)

            Halberd +1                      |

            20 Acid Arrows                  |

            Scimitar +2                   __|




  Entry Level (AR 0502):  Not much to do here.  Ike is at (x 565 y 649) if you

            hired him.  Be advised that there is a trap at (x 473 y 356). 

            There are two separate sets of stairs here.  The central stairs

            goes up and down, and the other set of stairs only goes up.  Go up

            either one.


              Note:  If you hired Ike, talk to him several times until you get

                     a conversation option.  Buy the token from him (doesn't

                     matter how much you pay, you'll get it back), and a Demon

                     will appear and start shooting Fireballs.


                     So it would be wise to talk to Ike with only ONE of your

                     party, have the others hide.  Then try to dodge the

                     fireballs.  Oh, and you can't kill the demon yet, so don't

                     bother trying.


  Second Level (AR 0503):  There are some minor treasures here, as well as some

            Ghasts and lots of traps.  Again there is more than one way to go

            up, pick one and go up the stairs.  The chest in the south room is

            trapped.  Also note that there is a way to the balcony outside at

            (x 1010 y 770).  If you want to go out there, be careful as there

            are a lot of Basilisks out there (1 Lesser Basilisk and 3 Greater

            Basilisks but they give good EXP, and there are some good items on

            the top balcony (see Other below) so...).


  Third Level (AR 0504):  Here you can talk to Riggilo (see the Nymph's Hair

            subquest below), a fellow adventurer, if a bit of a jerk.  You can

            also take the Southern Passage here to find a Ghost  (see Ghost

            down in the Other section).  Also don't forget to pick up the Tome

            of Understanding (x 1350 y 125) before going up to the next level. 

            Be advised that this Tome is trapped by a Dire Charm Spell so send

            only one character to get the book and after, dispel the Dire Charm

            Spell (unless not charmed).  There are also two trap on this level

            which are at (x 479 y 786) and (x 1314 y 698).


  Fourth Level (AR 0505):  There are some good treasures here, as well as

            Kirinhale the Nymph (see Nymph's Hair in subquests, as well as

            Treasures in Other).  There is a trap at (x 1218 y 487).



  - Nymph's Hair -- Levels 3 and 4

    In the tower on level 3 you will come across a jerk named Riggilo.  Don't

    kill him.  On level 4, you'll find a Nymph named Kirinhale at

    (x 239 y 357), agree to help her out, and she gives you a lock of Nymph

    Hair.  Go back to Riggilo and give him the hair.  If he doesn't trust you,

    tell him that you don't want a "Dagger in my back", and he'll trade you a

    Potion of Storm Giant Strength for it.  Finally go back to the Nymph and

    get your reward: 4000 exp.  Also Riggilo is now trapped in the tower for

    eternity.  It's win-win!  If you want, go back and talk to Riggilo again,

    and he will get upset and attack you.  Kill him for 1400 more exp, and some

    minor treasures.


    A bizarre bug hit me here, each time I went to Level 4, it was like I had

    never been there before.  In other words, I could complete this subquest as

    many times as I liked!!  See the Strange Things section for more info on

    this and other bugs.  If you instead killed Kirinhale you get 3000 exp, a

    Staff Spear +2, and a Lock of Hair.

    Riggilo:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 3 (AR 0504, x 1350 y 600)

    Kirinhale:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 4 (AR 0505, x 220 y 360)



  - Free money -- Entrance Level

    4 gp:  Entrance Level (AR 0502, x 285 y 557)

    2 gp:  Entrance Level (AR 0502, x 845 y 847)


  - Treasures on top balcony

    Here you can find 104 gp, 20 acid arrows and a Scimitar +2.  Be careful

    though, it is trapped (fireball).

    Treasures:  Top of Tower (AR 0500, x 2305 y 570)


  - Free Black Opal -- Level 2, Above Ground

    Black Opal:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 2 (AR 0503, x 624 y 99)


  - Free money -- Level 2, Above Ground

    7 gp:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 2 (AR 0503, x 163 y 170)

    6 gp:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 2 (AR 0503, x 775 y 135)


  - Ghost -- Level 3, Above Ground

    In the southern passage on level three you will find a ghost who mistakes

    you for Durlag.  Say what you will to him, for no matter what you say, he

    will attack you.  Also note that the Chest by the ghost is trapped.

    Ghost:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 3 (AR 0504, x 413 y 846)


  - A free Healing Potion -- Level 3, Above Ground

    Healing Potion:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 3

                     (AR 0504, x 947 y 125)


  - Free money -- Level 3, Above Ground

    17 gp:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 3 (AR 0504, x 222 y 283)

    63 gp:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 3 (AR 0504, x 592 y 796)


  - Treasures -- Level 4

    Robe of Electrical Resistance and Cloak of Protection +1 at

    (AR 0505, x 550 y 750), Darts of Wounding and Darts of Stunning at

    (AR 0505, x 1217 y 487) and Halberd +1 at (AR 0505, x 400 y 100)

    Treasures:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 4


  - Free Moonstone Gem

    Moonstone Gem:  Durlag's Tower, Above Ground, Level 4

                    (AR 0505, x 674 y 111)




2b. Durlag's Tower (interior, UnderGround) (AR 0511, 0512, 0513)



Note:  To get underground, go back to the level where we entered the tower, and

       take the stairs that go down in the center of the chamber.  Beware of

       traps while down here!  It's safe to assume that every chest that you

       open is trapped, and that most passageways are trapped as well.  Use

       your thief's Detect Trap skill wisely!  Also I suggest that you don't

       just use the Quick Save while in Durlag's Tower, have several backup

       saves ready just in case...


Companions:  none


Enemies:  Ghasts, Ghouls, Greater Dopplegangers, Skeletal Warriors, Mustard

          Jellies, Skeletons, Flesh Golems, Zombies, 4 Dwarven Doom Guard,

          Greater Ghouls, 3 Ashirukurus, Crypt Crawlers, Helmed Horrors,



Treasures:  Ring of Protection +1 (Entry Level Treasures)

            Leather Armor +1 (Entry Level Treasures)

            Two Handed Sword +1 (Second Level Treasures)

            Small Shield +1 (Second Level, Second Riddle)

            Plate Mail +3 (Second Level Treasures)

            Kiel's Helmet (Third Level, Throne Room)

            Kiel's Morningstar, CURSED (Third Level Treasures)

            Kiel's Buckler +1 Dex (Third Level Treasures)

            Kala's Axe (Fourth Level, Hedge Maze)

            Two Handed Sword +3 (Fourth Level, Chess Board)

            Long Sword +1 Flametongue (Fifth Level)

            Staff of Striking (Fifth Level)

            Cloak of the Shield (Fifth Level, by Clair De'Laine)

            Mace +2          ŻŻ|

            Leather Armor +3   |__ Fifth Level Treasures

            Large Shield +2    |

            Sling +3         __|

            Large Shield +1 (Sixth Level on the Demonknight himself)



  Level 1 Underground (AR 0501):  Talk to Bayard here (x 637 y 520) to find out

            about the rest of Durlag's Tower.  If you came in search of Dalton

            (see Ulgoth's Beard above), then you can also ask him about that.

            When done, he'll vanish forever.  You can pick up some treasures

            here.  There are some traps here: (x 297 y 427) and (x 599 y 591)

            and 3 near (x 1174 y 393).  There is a secret door at (x 473

            y 158).


            When done, go through the secret passage at (x 470 y 160).


  Level 2 Underground (AR 0511):  There is a fireball trap just past the door

            here.  Lots of treasures here (magic arrows, money and others) and

            too numerous to give coordinates of each of them so be thorough. 

            Go South and West until you reach the 4 Dwarf Warders near

            (x 2010 y 1150).  Talk to each of them.  They all have a little

            riddle for you to solve, and they aren't all that difficult, if you

            know what you are doing.  There are also quite a large number of

            trapped chests with various assortments of goodies here (like Magic

            Arrows, and Spells and such).  There is also a lot of hidden doors

            on this Level so keep your Thief's Detect Trap Skill on at all



             The Four Dwarven Warders Puzzle:

                 As you complete each puzzle (you'll know when you do),

                 you can go back to the Warder, and talk to the one that asked

                 the riddle you've just finished.  He'll then disappear and

                 you'll get 2000 exp (you'll get 2000 exp for each riddle you



                 Drop down to the library (x 250 y 1500), and read all of the

                 books.  After that is done, you will hear a click.  Go into

                 the room across the hall to see Durlag's Pride (Sword) at

                 (x 1004 y 1417) being raised in Glory (or something like



                 Wander over to the treasury, fight off its Skeletal Guardians

                 (x 1660 y 2100) and search the piles for a Big Blue Gem

                 (called a Glittering Beljuril Gemstone) and an Oddly Shaped

                 Key.  There are some other treasures here, like a Small

                 Shield +1.  Now go south west into the bed chamber, and open

                 up the chest at (x 1409 y 2260), which had been locked.  Open

                 the thing up and take the Switch for an Engine and whatever

                 treasures that you want.


                 Now go into the little closet (x 930 y 2200), and pick up the

                 Grapes, and any other treasures you want (Note:  don't forget

                 that other chest in the bedchamber! see Second Level Treasures

                 below for what's inside).


                 Go up a little ways into a room with a giant machine

                 (x 2095 y 1525), and go up the ramp on its side, and on the

                 wall use your new switch.  Now go up into the next room, and

                 use the Giant Wine Press (x 2869 y 1450) to make and fill a

                 bottle of Magic Wine (don't drink it).


                 Run up to well... another library (x 3400 y 850) and fight

                 your way through the Greater Dopplegangers.  On one of the

                 shelves you will find a Mallet Head.


                 Go back to the 4 Dwarf Warders, and in a barrel just

                 to the south west of them (x 1530 y 1235) you will find

                 the Mallet Handle.  Go up to the forge room (x 1628 y 222)

                 and use the Anvil there to repair the Mallet.  Now head

                 south and west to get to the Gong Room (x 403 y 1096).

                 Click on the Gong.


                 Go back and talk to the Dwarves, they will attack you,

                 and you must kill them.  Search their bodies to get a

                 Rune Stone to go to the next level.


                Use the Elevator thing to go to Level 3.


  Level 3 Underground (AR 0512):  This level is my least favorite of the whole

                Tower.  Ugh.  Lots of treasures here (magic arrows, money and

                others) and too numerous to give coordinates of each of them so

                be thorough.  There is also a lot of hidden doors on this Level

                so keep your Thief's Detect Trap Skill on at all times.  Go

                Southwest into the room with all the weird Gargoyle Statues,

                and two of them are Clickable.  By all means, click them (x 952

                y 1287) and (x 1075 y 1404).


                Now go back to the center, and from there go south and east

                into the bedroom, and take the Runes at (x 1675 y 1300),

                (x 1820 y 1080) and (x 1925 y 1170).  This causes Durlag to

                appear, he mutters some craziness, then turns into a Greater

                Doppleganger that you must destroy.


                Now go back out, and back to the Center.  Now the North West

                door is open.  Go up that way and whack the Sparring Dummies.

                When you do, Durlag appears again, and makes even less sense

                this time.  Again he turns into a Greater Doppleganger.


                Return to the Center again, and this time we can go North-East

                and into the Throne Room.  Go up and take the Helmet by the

                Throne (x 2100 y 540), and again Durlag will appear.  This

                time, however, he explodes into three seperate Greater

                Dopplegangers, and this battle is quite fun.  Ugh.


                Douglas D. sent me this:


                  "A little note on dealing with the throne-room dopplegangers

                  in Durlag's Tower that has worked for me.  My main character

                  had the boots of speed at this point in the game (or use a

                  haste spell from one of the scrolls in the SE room).  I had

                  him (a paladin) run up and grab the helm and race back to the

                  entrance, keeping the rest of the party in the entrance room

                  to that level.  Everytime I ran back with the helm, the door

                  to the throne room would close after Durlag gives his crazy

                  speech.  After that, the dopplegangers would cast their

                  cloudkill/stinking cloud spells and soften themselves up. 


                  "After the spells disapated, I attacked the appropriate dummy

                  in the NW room, opened the door back up, and took out the

                  dopplegangers without too much trouble."


                Go into the North West passage (you can go into the South East

                one as well, but I like the NW one).  Be very careful of traps

                as there are about 8 or so in here.  There is also a potion on

                the ground, don't drink it.  Once you go into the next room,

                you will have to start fighting various members of Durlag's

                family which are really Greater doppelgangers in disguise,

                Islanne, Kiel, Fuernabol, and Durlag.  They aren't as tough as

                you might think.


                In this room get the Teleportation Rune from a pot (x 865

                y 700) once you have it, weird runes will appear on the ground.

                Click on them to teleport to the other side of the room.


                Go into the next room (x 392 y 1047) and disarm all the traps.

                Every one of the treasures on the walls is trapped with

                lightning and each contains a Potion of Healing.  Go South-East

                through the door and into the little room here.  Search the

                giant Statue (x 725 y 1165) to get the Exit Rune for this level

                then quickly exit this room since the statue will soon after

                start launching a couple of Cloudkill Spells.


                Now go through the passage to the South West, of course you

                have learned to check for traps, as there are fireball traps

                down here as well as some Ghasts.  Go down to the room with the

                Stairs, but don't go down these stairs since they are trapped

                (x 1034 y 1868).  If you do take them, not only will you stay

                on this level but a Stinking Cloud Spell will be launched at

                the middle of the stairs (where your party is) and some

                Skeleton Warriors will appear (pretty tough fight).  If you

                want go into the next room and search for treasures, it is

                covered down in Other.  To kill the 4 Dwarven Doom Guards

                there, entangle them all with the spell of the same name

                (although it is almost certain that you'll need more than 2

                Entangle Spells to entangle them all).  After that, start

                launching Fireballs or Magic Missiles at them (preferably with

                a wand) since they can endure a couple of these to kill them. 

                Be advised that if you decide to search the chest at the feet

                of the bed, they'll attack you (that is why we kill them before

                doing this since they are guarding it).  You can also explore

                the rest of the level (the other path) if you wish.  There is a

                secret door to the South that opens with the Rune stone

                containing the real stairs that lead out of this level.  Go

                south and down these stairs (x 1044 y 2279).


  Level 4 Underground (AR 0513):  The first thing you'll notice when you open

                the door is that Fireballs are being constantly fired in this

                room.  There are some treasures in this room (Magic Darts,

                Potions, etc...) at (x 3094 y 1243) and (x 3176 y 1135) and

                (x 3227 y 2039) and (x 3272 y 1253).  To get them, you'll have

                to cast Haste or equip one of your characters with Boots of

                Speed (so that he can get away from the constantly shooting

                Fireballs and not get fried).  You'll need multiple passes to

                get all the treasures from all 4 locations.  Once you got what

                you wanted, head into the North-West room.


                In there, a skeleton will talk to you explaining what you'll

                need to do to be able to get out of this room (See Level 4

                Underground 5 Statues and 3 Greater Wyverns in the Other

                Section below).  In the bottom left of this room is the exit.


                Follow the tunnel but do not enter in any cavern.  Instead, get

                to a room with a couple of statues.  Click on each of them to

                know what is to do.  At this point, you can either go into the

                4 caverns and kill the "Special" Monster or explore the rest of

                the level.  If you do, do not explore the room full of

                Skeletons Archers since there is a lot of them, the room is

                full of Stinking Cloud Trap and there is no treasures in there

                (besides the magic arrows of the Skeletons that are killed). 

                The garden room at the East of the map contains Kala's Axe

                (careful, it's trapped) and also 3 Ashirukurus (Invisible

                Sirines).  Once you're done exploring, head back to the room

                with the Statues.


                There are now Four Tunnels each to the southwest, for

                simplicity let's number them, the bottom-most being 1 the

                topmost being 4.  Enter each tunnel and kill every Special

                Monsters that are inside.  Once you kill the fourth special

                Monster, you'll be automatically teleported out to a giant

                chess board.


                Tunnel 1:  There are 2 Phoenix Guards in here.  If you've never

                           fought these before, when you kill them, they

                           explode into a Fireball.  Kill them with ranged



                Tunnel 2:  In this room you will find an Air Aspect (it looks

                           an awful lot like a Baby Wyvern but much faster) and

                           3 Invisible Stalkers.


                Tunnel 3:  Here you will find a Fission Slime.  You must kill

                           it with Fire.  Any other method, and the Slime will

                           divide and you'll have 2 to kill.


                Tunnel 4:  In this room are 4 winter wolves, and a Polar Bear

                           named Kaldran The Bear (if you want to gather their

                           pelts, don't do this room last, do tunnel 3 last).


                You are now on a giant chess board.  There are some vague rules

                to follow here, but I wouldn't worry too much about them.

                Launch your most powerful magics (such as oh... Fireball) to

                take out the pawns, then lay into the more powerful enemies

                with your fighters and archers.  Be sure to check the treasures

                when you win to get the Two Handed Sword +3 on the King.


                Go through the north east door to get to the fifth level.


  Level 5 Underground (AR 0514):  Walk a little south and east to talk to

                Durlag, but this time he doesn't turn into anything and doesn't

                try to kill you.  He instead merely offers some advice.  How



                Continue past him down the passage.  You will notice a secret

                door on the right (x 3293 y 1393), go into it and into a very

                large green area.  There are lots of secret passages here, and

                be quick when walking on the green puddles, as they are acidic

                and hurt you.  There are lots of little treasures along the way

                in the small puddles that are connected to the walls and in the

                packs of mushrooms growing on the floor.  Make your way to

                (x 674 y 3152) and kill Grael there.  Search the mushrooms by

                the wall to get the Compass Rune.  Now go up to (x 4000 y 2680)

                and through this secret passage.  In the chest at

                (x 4281 y 2200) you will find the Long Sword +1 Flametongue

                and a Staff of Striking, two very good weapons.  Go around the

                passage to the North and West to (x 3785 y 1862).  There is a

                LOT of gems here.  Click on the throne (x 3805 y 1851) to be

                teleported to a strange room with statues.  Talk to the North

                East statue, the answer is the Third option.  You can also talk

                to the other statues in this room if you wish (they give you

                the clues to be able to answer the riddle of the North East



                You will be back at the beginning of the level near Durlag's

                Ghost.  Go back down the passage, but instead of going down the

                secret passage, continue forward.  You will find the Ghost of

                Islanne near (x 3866 y 749), and turn her offer down for now

                (unless you want to leave Durlag's Tower and have to come all

                the way back).  Open the door to the South West (the northwest

                door leads to some Helmed Horrors), and go through it.  You are

                now in a large chamber.  Avoid the Runes on the ground as they

                will shoot spells at you.  However, using the Bone Wardstone on

                the machine at (x 2109 y 749) will de-activate the runes (if

                you've found it).  Be sure to pick up the treasures (see Level

                5 Underground Treasures in the Other Section).  When you are

                ready, click on the stretched leather (looks like a bed) at

                (x 2500 y 700).  Again talk to the topmost statue, this time it

                is the first answer.  You can also talk to the other statues in

                this room if you wish (they give you the clues to be able to

                answer the riddle of the topmost statue).


                Again you are back at the start of the level.  Now go through

                the door which is just to the South West of Durlag's Ghost.  Go

                down the passage to a large room filled with Spiders and

                Ettercaps.  From there go to the statue at (x 1860 y 830), and

                click on it.  He asks you who the eldest son of Durlag is, the

                answer is Kiel.  If he asks you who was Durlag's younger son,

                then the answer is Fuernebol.  He then asks by what nickname

                was Durlag known, the answer is Trollkiller.  He then asks by

                what name was Bolher known (father of Durlag), the answer is

                Thunderaxe.  You will be teleported to another room with some

                statues, and again you talk to the top one.  Tell him the third

                answer.  You can also talk to the other statues in this room if

                you wish (they give you the clues to be able to answer the

                riddle of the topmost statue).


                And for the last time you are teleported back.  Talk to

                Durlag's Ghost, and tell him that you will fight the Evil.  He

                will then walk up the passageway, follow him.  He opens up the

                South-East passage by Islanne, go through that and open the

                door.  Here you meet up with Clair De'Laine who was with

                Dalton's party, who are all now dead except for her, the

                Demonknight having killed them all.  She will tell you a way to

                beat the Demon easily, having to do with a special mirror, if

                you listen.  There is a treasure chest here (trapped, as usual)

                with a Cloak of the Shield in it.  When you're ready, go down

                the stairs.


  Level 6 Underground (AR 0506):  In the center of the room is the Demonknight.

                Kill him to get 15000 exp, a Large Shield +1, and the

                Soultaker.  Here, you have two options:  killing the

                Demonknight the old fashioned way or attacking the mirror that

                he's standing by.  Attacking the mirror will cause the

                summoning of some creatures that will attack everyone in the

                room (including the Demon Knight).  If the summoned creatures

                kill him (which happens 100% of the time unless you kill them

                first)), you will not get the 15000 exp and you will have to

                dispose of them (although they are easier to kill individually

                than the Demonknight is for a low level party).  Once beaten,

                talk to Dalton (x 1160 y 470), and he'll run off.


  The easiest way out is to take Islanne up on her teleportation offer.  Then

  you want to return to Ulgoth's Beard to return the Soultaker to Hurgan and

  talk with Dalton's mother (Therella) to get your reward (see Ulgoth Beard

  Section above).


Subquests:  none



  - Entry Level Treasures

    Ring of Protection +1 and Star Saphire Gem and 560 gp at

    (AR 0501, x 1150 y 415) and Leather Armor +1 at (AR 0501, x 815 y 370)


  - Free Sunstone Gem and Turquiose Gem

    Sunstone and Turquiose Gem:  Durlag's Tower, Level 1, Underground

                                 (AR 0501, x 199 y 414)


  - Free money

    97 gp: Durlag's Tower, Level 1, Underground (AR 0501, x 736 y 337)


  - Level 2 Underground Treasures

    Two Handed Sword +1 and Helmet and Tchazar Gem (Skeletal Warrior) at

    (x 500 y 1775), Plate Mail +3 and Spells and Potions and Arrows at

    (x 1050 y 2290), Cloudkill Spell and Bolts and Books at (x 3480 y 1220)


  - Level 3 Underground Treasures

    Adventurer's Robe and 4 Spells and Darts and 331gp at (x 1710 y 1155),

    Kiel's Morningstar (CURSED) and Kiel's Buckler +1 Dex and 432gp at

    (x 1390 y 2112)


  - Level 4 Underground 5 Statues and 3 Greater Wyverns

    At (x 2365 y 632) you will encounter a Skeleton who tells you some odd

    things, and that you can get your own little Hero Army by touching the

    statues there.  Do so, and you will get 5 Dire Charmed "Heroes", although

    since some of them are monsters, it's not very heroic.  You can use them to

    fight off the Greater Wyverns in here (use them as cannon fodder while the

    real firepower comes from all of your characters equipped with ranged

    weapons.  And like all Dire Charmed creatures, they will eventually turn on

    you (so once all 3 Greater Wyverns are dead, kill the "Heroes".  One of

    these "Heroes" has a Full Plate.


  - Level 5 Underground Treasures

    Mace +2 and Leather Armor +3 and 200gp and 2 gems (TRAPPED) at

    (x 3000 y 700), Large Shield +2 and Sling +3 and 5000gp and 3 gems

    (TRAPPED) at (x 2650 y 550)




2c. Ulgoth's Beard Revisited (Or the Soultaker and The Aec'Letec)



Treasures:  War Hammer +1, +4 vs. Giants (Hurgan's Reward)



  - When you first re-arrive in Ulgoth's Beard you will be confronted by a Cult

    Leader, who steals your Soultaker.  Plus you will then be attacked by a

    bunch of raving lunatic cultists Archers and Warriors who look

    like Flaming Fist.


  - Go to the Inn and talk to Hurgan about the Soultaker.  He'll inform you

    that the Cult worships a demon, and some other stuff about his granda and

    Durgan.  The gist of it is that you have to find the cultists since the

    Soultaker contains the Demon.


  - Wander up to (x 1275 y 655) and talk to the Cult Guard there.  You cannot

    bribe him so don't bother trying.  Just hack your way through him.  He

    will, of course, summon more guards to help out.  Go inside the Building

    that he was guarding.


  - In here you will find a Cult Wizard, two Cult Assasins, and a Cult Archer.

    They'll talk to you, and I chose to fight the pants off of them.  He also

    tells you that you are too late, and that the Demon will already be free

    by the time you get there.  Go down the stairs (save first!).


  - Again a cultist will talk to you telling you that you are too late.  Kill

    the woman magic user first then the cultists (if you kill Aec'Letec while

    any of them are still alive, he will regenerate completely from their form

    which means that you would have to fight him again!).  When he dies you get

    16000 exp.


      Note:  I've heard that Aec'Letec is particularly weak against Cloudkills.


  - Finally go back and talk to Hurgan and ask for your reward to get his War

    Hammer +1, +4 vs. Giants.




3. Werewolves Island (AR 2000)



Note:  To get to the Werewolves' Island you talk to Mendas back in Ulgoth's



Companions:  none


Enemies:  Brown Bears



  - Talk to Solianna (x 4440 y 3375) and pump her for information about the

    island.  She'll tell you that they arrived here the same way you did, boat

    crashing, and that there are "beasties" about.  Based on the name of the

    Island, I'm sure you can guess what those might be.  She also mentions that

    they may still have a ship around somewhere.  Which you may want, unless

    you plan on staying here.


  - Wander up into the village.  Don't worry, you can't miss it.  If you try to

    talk to anyone, they'll tell you to talk to Kaishas, the Headwoman.


  - You will find the Headwoman (Kaishas) a little to the north (x 3268

    y 1250).  Go inside and talk to her.  Mention Mendas as hired you, and

    she'll perk up a bit.  Try to get information on the shipwreck.  She says

    that they are building a new ship, but they need you to get rid of the

    Werewolves so that they can finish the ship.  You can't get any money for

    this, but you can get off the island.


  - When you want to leave the village, go out the hole in the wall at

    (x 2500 y 670), and from there north to the next area.



  - Maralee's Son

    Maralee's Son was kidnapped by the Werewolves.  Agree to find him and bring

    him back if he is alive.  His name is Peladan.  You'll find Peladan on the

    Fourth Level of the Shipwreck.  Return him to Maralee to get your reward:

    4000 exp.

    Maralee:  Werewolves' Island Village (x 3623 y 1471)

    Peladan:  Shipwreck, Level Four (on Karoug)


  - Durlyle's (or Delainy's) Cloak

    Talk to Durlyle and he'll tell you that during a storm, an important symbol

    of the people's past was taken from them, a cloak.  He asks you to retrieve

    it.  You will find the Holy Cloak in Dradeel's hut, but you can't really

    take it until you return Dradeel's spell book to him.  You don't get

    anything when you return it to Durlyle, except some stories.  (On a side

    note "Durlyle's" identity depends on your main character's sex, if you

    are female then Durlyle is a male, if you are a male then Durlyle becomes

    Delainy a female)

    Durlyle:  Werewolves' Island Village (x 2525 y 1234)

    Cloak:  Werewolve's North (x 4200 y 1600)



  - Minor Treasures

    You can find some treasures in the large building at (x 2000 y 3300).

    There are some healing potions, pearls, etc.


  - Lahl

    Lahl's Wife was killed by Werewolves, and he asks you to avenge him.  By

    which he means for you to kill every Werewolf that you can.

    Lahl:  Werewolves' Island Village (x 2638 y 1016)


  - Belladonna Flowers

    You can pick yourself some of the Belladonna flowers at (x 1694 y 200) or

    (x 963 y 213).  Durlyle (or Delainy) will ask for them later (once you

    bring back the cloak).


  - Farthing's Dolly

    You'll meet a little girl who had her little dolly stolen by a werewolf.

    Being a protector of the innocents and hero, you agree to bring her back

    her dolly.  You'll find her dolly on Palin (a Werewolf in disguise who'll

    lead you into a trap) on the next map.

    Farthing:  Werewolves' Island Village (x 2127 y 2244)

    Palin:  Werewolves' Island North (AR 1500, x 1635 y 3240)


  - Evalt, the Witch and Evan

    Here you'll meet Evalt who'll explain to you that is brother, Evan, was

    captured by a Witch and asks you to bring him back to the village.  In

    fact, the Witch is a Sirine Queen who wanted to mate with him but

    discovered that he was not a man (you'll read why below) and killed him. 

    Now, we can't accept that can we?  Find her, kill her then bring the body

    of Evan back to Evalt.

    Evalt:  Werewolves' Island Village (x 2230 y 2683)

    Sirine Queen:  Werewolves' Island North (AR 1500, x 200 y 1216)


  - Jorin

    Need information on him.

    Jorin:  Werewolves' Island Village (x 2447 y 1941)




3a. Werewolves' Island North (AR 1500)



Companions:  none


Enemies:  Wolfweres (can only be damaged by magic weapons), Dread Wolves, Cave

          Bears, Dire Wolves, Black Bears, Brown Bears, Wolves



  - Go north and up to a building at (x 4185 y 1607), go inside and talk to the

    Mage Dradeel inside.  He was part of the original party with Balduran, and

    witnessed the birth of the monsters.  He has a lot to say.  Agree to help

    him.  For your help, he will give you the Wolfsbane Amulet, and tell you to

    fetch his Spellbook from the shipwreck.


  - The entrance to the Shipwreck is at (x 3652 y 1057)


Treasures:  Wolfsbane Amulet (Dradeel)

            Staff Mace (Dradeel's Treasures)



  - Palin

    You will encounter a man named Palin in the southern part of this area.  He

    tells you that a small group of people are being attacked by monsters to

    the east.  Go with him, and you will be attacked by Wolfweres.  Turns out

    Palin is one of them.  He is also carrying Farthing's dolly (see Other

    Section in Werewolves Island above).

    Palin:  Werewolves' Island North (x 1635 y 3240)


  - Kryla and Jondal

    A woman named Kryla will approach you near the center of the area, and ask

    for your help in getting vengeance for the death of her son Jondal.  And,

    you guessed it, she's a wolfwere too.

    Kryla:  Werewolves' Island North (x 3630 y 2050)



  - Meym

    Another Wolfwere (in human disguise) can be found here.

    Meym:  Werewolves' Island North (x 767 y 2361).


  - Dradeel's Treasures

    Once Dradeel has his spellbook and has teleported away, you can loot his

    little room.  You can get:  Holy Cloak, Staff Mace, 210gp, Plant, and

    Dradeel's Cook Book.


  - Sirine Queen and 4 Sirines

    The Sirine Queen can be found here (see Other Section in Werewolves Island

    above).  She'll also summon 4 Sirines near the water to help her out (if

    you decide to fight her).  I suggest you lure her inland so you can fight

    only  her then go pick her summoned friends afterward (near the water).

    Sirine Queen:  Werewolves' Island North (x 200 y 1216).




3b. Shipwreck (AR 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504)



Note:  Here, it's safe to assume that every chest, barrels and other

       searchables are trapped (also some floor traps) so use your Thief

       wisely.  Also, I suggest that you clean out the first level of the ship

       on enemies, search it, cast any appropriate magic to help your party in

       a dangerous battle then head directly to the fourth level.  You can

       easily get there without sustaining any damage since all the stairs are

       close together.  Once the Fourth level has been sanitized, go down and

       do the same for each level.


Companions:  none


Enemies:  Dire Wolves, Dread Wolves, Wargs, Vampiric Wolves, Wolfweres,


Treasures:  Werebane, Silver Dagger +1 (Level 2 Treasures)

            Cloak of Protection +1 (Head Werewolf)

            Shield Amulet (Head Werewolf)

            Sword of Balduran (Balduran's Office)



  - You will be in the bottom of the ship.  There will be a lot of monsters

    down here.  Go up the ladder.


  - More monsters here, as well as some treasures (see Level 2 Treasures

    below).  Go up the next ladder.


  - There's one trapped box here with some minor treasures in it.  Go up the



  - On this level is the Head Werewolf.  Talk to him and then later kill him.

    You also have to fight off a lot of monsters here.  You can pick up

    Dradeel's Spellbook at (x 450 y 270), but be careful of traps.  Check the

    body of the Head Werewolf for a Cloak of Protection +1, a Shield Amulet and

    the body of Karoug to find Peladan (see Other Section in Werewolves Island



  - Go into Balduran's Office, be careful of the traps, and take the three

    things in his desk:  Sword of Balduran, Log Book of Balduran, and the

    Butterknife of Balduran (AR 1504, x 581 y 201).  You can find Dradeel's

    Spellbook at (AR 1504, x 436 y 266).


  - Return to Dradeel and give him the spell book and he teleports away.  You

    get 5000 exp.



  - Maralee's Son

    You will find Peladan on the body of Karoug (see Other Section in

    Werewolves Island above).



  - Level 1 Treasures

    Wand of Magic Missiles, 320gp, 10 Magic Darts +1

    Treasures:  Level 1 Shipwreck (AR 1501, x 689 y 289)


    Also (from Aaron McConnell)

    Wand of Ice, Potion of Storm Giant Strength (STR of 24), 10 Darts of

    wounding, 5 Potions of Healing, Potion of Master Thievery at (x 210 y 506)


  - Level 2 Treasures

    Werebane, 423gp (TRAPPED!) at (AR 1502, x 685 y 182)

    Wand of Lightning, Oil of Speed (TRAPPED!) at (AR 1502, x 288 y 372)

    Cursed Bracers of Binding at (AR 1502, x 271 y 521)


  - Level 3 Treasures

    2 Antidotes, 1 Potion of Absorption, 1 Medium Shield (TRAPPED) at

    (AR 1503, x 657 y 165) and 5 Acid Arrows, 1 Potion of Cloud Giant Strength,

    3 Healing Potions (TRAPPED) at (AR 1503, x 233 y 467) and 10 Arrows +2,

    10 Bolts +2 at (AR 1503, x 349 y 494)


  - Level 4 Treasures

    Dradeel's Speelbook (TRAPPED) at (AR 1504, x 436 y 266) and Sword of

    Balduran, Log Book of Balduran, and the Butterknife of Balduran (TRAPPED)

    at (AR 1504, x 581 y 201).




3c. Return to the Village



Note:  Be advise that once everyone in the town have transformed back to

       werewolves, they will respawn quite quickly so finish your exploration

       of the village and subquests before speaking to Kaishas Gan (unless you

       like to kill monsters that can only be damaged by magic weapons).


Enemies:  Werewolves



  - Be sure to talk with Durlyle, and Maralee and all others to resolve the

    appropriate subquests (do not talk to Kaishas Gan until all the wanted

    subquests are concluded).  Once you give the Cloak to Durlyle, speak to him

    again and he will ask you to fetch him some Flowers (see the Other in

    section 3 above on where to find some), and then he likes you.


  - Go talk to Kaishas again, and she'll tell you all about the village and its

    people, the truth this time.  Turns out that they are Lycanthropes as well,

    but the reverse of the Wolfweres, they are Werewolves (the difference is

    that Wolfweres start out as wolves and turn human, while Werewolves start

    as human and turn into wolves).  I suggest you don't take her up on her

    offer to "belong", she will then steal your Sea Charts, and her companion

    will turn into a Werewolf and attack you as she sneaks out.


  - Go back outside and EVERYONE in the town is now a Werewolf!


  - Go to (x 2700 y 1350) to find Durlyle who offers to get you out of the

    village through some secret underground passages.  Follow him to the hut at

    (x 1650 y 1520) where Dradeel will give you more information.  Turns out

    that these people are the ones that killed the crew in the first place.  He

    also mentions that there are "Dark Ones" on the ship that you must find.

    Talk to Durlyle again.


  - Now go into the Hut, and down into the secret passage.




3d. Underground Passage (AR 2012)



Enemies: Werewolves, Loup Garou (these can only be hit by VERY magical weapons,

         such as the Long Sword +1, Flametongue, and Balduran's Sword)



  - The only thing to do here is to head East to the exit (x 3025 y 360).  And

    you can pick up some potions if you want.  And fight Werewolves.


  - You exit onto a hidden beach on the North End of the Island, walk over to

    the ship and talk to Kaishas.  In any event she'll turn into a Loup Garou,

    a slightly tougher Werewolf.  Kill her and take your charts back.  Click on

    the sail to return to the Mainland.



  - Potions

    Potion of Storm Giant Strength, 2 Healing Potions -- (x 1336 y 808)

    Potion of Cold Resistance -- (x 1817 y 594)

    Potion of Defense -- (x 2555 y 555)

    Oil of Speed -- (x 2362 y 243)




3e. Ulgoth's Beard Finale



Treasures:  Chainmail +3 (Baresh)



  - Well we made it back in one piece.  You will be met on the docks by Baresh,

    who demands to know what has happened.  Tell him what you will.  Go to

    Mendas (who we now know is Chief Selaad Gan).  He demands answers, you may

    as well tell him the truth, and be prepared for a fight.  Baresh and him

    both become Loup Garou and attack you.  Search Baresh's old body for a

    Chainmail +3.  Also search his house to find 980gp.


Note: Once all the Tales of the Sword Coast quests are done, you get a little

      message (similar to the End of Chapter messages) telling you that you are

      done with it.


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